Just FYI for anyone that is curious. This is different from the Event Data Recorder (EDR) that we've had in the Prius since at least Gen 2. I'm curious about the part that says "record images outside of the vehicle". There's an onboard camera somewhere? Or am I misinterpreting that statement.
If there aren't cams for a 360 degree view (Front, rear and bottom of both side view mirrors), maybe it is the camera used for lane keep assist mounted behind the windshield. I guess it records x second(s) of what it 'sees' or something? Then there is the rear camera...
There are two. One on the rear of the car, and another wide angle pointed forward that is next to the rear view mirror. The front facing camera is used for the lane keeping assistance/warning.
Thanks. Completely forgot about the LDA camera. I guess rear camera too. Front makes more sense. It says certain grades. Perhaps it's part of PED? Predictive Efficient Driving.
PED is more GPS based, is it not? The way I read the press release sounded like PED learned the car's most taken routes and it gets better at predicting when one should lay off the pedal the more often those routes were driven. If that was camera based, I can't think that Toyota would have technology that mature yet - TESLA maybe. I would guess that data from braking and acceleration is matched to GPS data acquisition. Would be easier to store in memory.
Yes I do recall it appearing to be GPS-related based on the media release. I thought it might be smart enough to use the camera to read stop signs (The European models have road sign assist to display speed limits)
PED appears to be an enroute thing rather than a home/destination. So I guess it doesn't matter as long as you regularly use a route enough that the system can mark it as a stop sign. Further reading reveals that the images recorded occur when PCS Brake Assist or PCS Braking occurs. The data is then transmitted to Toyota. It doesn't say how long the images are kept for. Could be useful, especially if someone reverses into you. Even without a dashcam, you can claim that PCS didn't activate and therefore you didn't hit them (assuming it's a collision greater than 10km/h)
Just do this: But then, if you tape over the front facing camera, and you aren't paying attention to the road like you should, and you slide off the road and into something, and someone else's car camera captures you and your car in an accident or awkward situation, then it wouldn't have been such a good idea to have taped over your front facing camera in the first place.
Is there enough clearance between head space and the ceiling to wear a tin foil hat without crushing it and looking silly?