Cool features that aren't generally on most other cars. No repeats allowed. Let's not talk about them. That can clutter up. Or get off track. Just make a killer list. If possible, include a link, or a bit of supporting data. If not handy, don't let that hold you back! If generation-specific, note that. Go! 1. It gets amazing gas mileage and can save you a ton of money! * Save up to $1,250 a year in gas!* SUV = (15,000 mi. per yr. / 18 mpg) x $2.50 per gallon = $2,100 Prius = (15k/44 mpg) x $2.50 = $850 2100-850 = $1,250 in savings per year. Save $12,000 every 10 years. on to # 2 !
4. Heat (every Prius generation ever) and A/C (every generation except Gen 1) that keeps right on working seamlessly in between when the engine runs. Throw a mattress and pillow in back and you've got your own personal motel whenever you need it, with steadier, better temperature control than the typical real motel (and waay quieter than the typical motel window unit roaring at you all night). Throw in a cheap 12 volt heated blanket and extend your winter hunkering capacity to somewhere around nine days on one tank. -Chap
#7. Lounge mode (ok it's available on a few other cars but less than the fingers on one hand). Take the front headrest off, slide the seat forward then fully recline it. Sit in the back seat with your legs over the front and you have a lounger. (Doesn't work for Gen 4)
So true! Per Consumer Reports, Prius is one of the cheapest car to own. Counting depreciation, insurance, maintenance, repairs, etc. Link: Cost of Vehicle Ownership - Consumer Reports Here's another: #12. The open space beneath the [arch between the front seats] is really handy for storing personal items. Especially: Purse, hat, multi-port adapter!
#13. PWR mode is AMAZING! You can suddenly zip forward, 10-15 miles per hour faster than you had been going. Even from a stand still! GREAT for accelerating onto a main road from a parking lot or side street.
14. The doors work just like the owner wants. Touch a door handle*, and all the doors unlock, or just yours, or all for the driver's door and just the passenger door for the passenger. Want the doors to lock above 5 MPH and unlock when you enter Park, you can have that. You can train the windows to auto up or not. If you lock on the inside, you may never touch your fob again. *I strong recommend 3 door SKS over 1 door SKS.
#15 Being able to customize some functions through the display Ex. arm and disarm unlocks either all doors or drivers only. I thought that was pretty cool option .