I've been thinking about how we Prius owners can exchange salutations from our cars and I think I've come up with a good idea. It's called the Prius Wave! When you see another Prius approaching and you want to wave in an appreciative Prius-like fashion, hold up just your index and middle finger (at the same time of course) and wave your hand accordingly at your greetee. What's the significance of using just your index and middle finger? Well, it can serve you both as a happy greeting to other Prius owners as well as for substituting for the middle finger only salute that you save special moments like when that Hummer driver who's trying to hump your hybrid. Here, the Prius Wave will probably confound the driver of the Hummer humper but you'll know that the special meaning of the time-honored middle finger salute is still being sent his way complemented with that special Prius Wave greeting! (Here, the Prius Wave could possibly help avert a potentially unseemly situation.) :guns: But why the index and middle finger only for the Prius Wave? Think about all of the previous positive interpretations of the two-fingered V type wave. > Churchill probably best demonstrated the Prius Wave when he waved his hand in a V for Victory fashion during WWII! > V uses two fingers, the Prius uses two power sources! > V is the first letter in Volt! Power to Prius! Try it out when you're out driving about and you spot another Prius driver. He or she might just be a Priuschat.com participant and might just respond in kind! V :mrgreen: --Randy
I don't have my Prius yet, but my sister and I both beep and wave at Prius drivers we pass. We'll start with the V as soon as we spot another. Sounds like a great idea, I remember how nice it felt to have other Saab drivers wave at me. It really helps you to know who is driving the car because they are passionate about it, and who is driving the car because it was just what came along at the time.
Be careful - here in the UK, giving someone V signs is an obscene gesture, similar in intent to the US middle-finger sign. Unless you do it palm-side out, as in Churchill's "Victory" sign. For me, any wave from inside a Prius is a good start.
Back in the 60's (from what I can remember) SAAB owners flashed their lights at each other. We were the few with Front Wheel Drive, fold down rear seats and many other innovations that ended up in other cars! I even sort of miss the sound of that old 3 cylinder 2cycle engine. Had the 850 GT with oil injection. No putting oil in the gas for us. Yep those were the days, I think. If I could remember.
It was explained to me once that people stopped flashing and started waving with the advent of gangs. I prefer the wave anyhow, otherwise I'd end up with my high beams on. Don't forget we were the first with side impact door beams, heated seats, daytime running lamps... the list goes on. Good to see another former Saabist around these parts.
Anytime I see another Prius if it is possible I and safe I give a friendly wave. I have not yet recieved a wave back but I will keep trying. Peace, Fr. Bill
I used to have several motorcycles in the seventies and it was a fairly common thing to do the clenched fist/right on wave to other cyclists.
I seem to remember getting rides in a friend's Saab, Monte Carlo edition that was a pretty hot little car. I think it had a 1L engine, four on the column, and a freewheeling lever on the floor.
so the Prius wave would be the first two fingers split with palm out. so it be just like a rabbit if doing shadow puppets except not doing the profile view?
I'm surprised that nobody's yet mentioned that Churchill's V-for-victory sign later became the hippies' peace sign. Peaceniks (such as myself) still use it today. But as for waving at other drivers, or returning their waves, sorry, but I keep my eyes on the road. I watch for cars, kids, bikes, etc., and I don't distract myself by waving.
When I got mine in January the dealer told me he had sold 3 others, one of them out of town. Since then, I think they've been getting one a month. My guesstimate would be 6 or 7 in town now. I have seen one of those. But as I said, I don't waste my concentration car-spotting. The one I saw was parked next to mine when I came out of the grocery store. The owner asked me how I liked mine and we chatted for a while. I didn't even notice hers at first, because I approached from the other side. She had spotted mine and parked next to it on purpose. As I've said before, I spend very little time on the road. And it's possible that it appeals more to people who live ouside of town and have farther to drive.
although there is over 800 people where i work, i have not noticed any other Prius' but the health club i belong to has over a dozen other Prius' besides mine including at least 5 classics. we all try to flock i believe (i know i do) and once there was 4 Prius all parked in a row. (all diff colors too)