Is that the Traction Control kicking in? Normal sound? Had a light rain last night. Going (slowly) around a corner, I think I drove over one of those large metal plates they use when working on the roads. One of the front wheels spun, then that BAM noise. Or CLUNK. Whatever it is, it's loud. Second time I've heard it. Definitely will wake you up.
Both ESC and ABS give me that jarring sensation when they activate. They're overly sensitive as well. I say this because at a construction zone in my non ESC car, there was no issue going over the metal plates. On my Prius, I get the loud think but I guess it's better to program it to err on the safe side.
Thanks, and yes it's very loud. I was afraid to look in the rear-view mirror and see the CVT laying in the roadway.
I'm still curious about that. Why does the Traction Control activate with a loud BANG! Or THUD, or THUNK, or however you want to describe it. That will scare the heck out of some people. It sounds like something just broke. I would maybe expect to hear a loud sound like that on a big 4X4 pickup... but not a Prius. Has anyone else with a Gen4 heard it yet?
No, the traction control and VSC are quiet (except for the beeping). Probably what you heard was the tyre suddenly being slowed down as it regained traction. One of the reasons for traction control (that "BANG" puts extra stress on the "half shafts" and "transmission". There is a torque limiter device in the "transmission" (a clutch, actually, that is set up to slip if the torque gets too high). It is also quiet. Traction control is NOT there for wonder kids to try to defeat!
Thanks David. But wouldn't a tire re gaining traction have a different sound? The bang definitely sounds mechanical, rather than tire rubber related. Whatever it is, it can't be good! I was only going about 25 mph at the time, after making a right turn at an intersection. I don't think my old Camry had traction control or vehicle stability, so I'm not familiar with how they will operate. But that loud sound I've heard (twice now) is very unsettling. It must be placing a lot of stress on something under there.
Well, metal has almost no friction, dry or wet. Especially wet. Wet pavement has A LOT more friction. So the wheel would be stopped suddenly from a high speed to whatever speed you were traveling. It would spin up on the metal because the traction control doesn't work instantly. It could make a "BANG" sound. Another one to watch for is, when braking, the wheel hits a bump. This will trigger traction control and may release the brakes for 1/2 second or so. And cause great controversy on this forum. I haven't seen it do this under acceleration though.
Just another Prius oddity. Thanks guys, I will make a mental note, the next time I will know what to expect. And yes, I've felt the brakes go out briefly when hitting a bump. That's kind of unnerving.
I've only been on these forums for eight months, but I'm kind of surprised nobody else has mentioned the "big bang." Or maybe I missed it? When it happened, I had to rush home and change my shorts!
I think on 4th gen there's an official switch to turn it off. But yeah, on third gen, people were putting the car into "inspection mode" to defeat TC, foolhardy. Just add that to my list of why I always buy new. As far as TC sound, it sounds to me kind of "machine gun", a series of little jolts. It's been a while since I've heard it though.
Maybe it's not the traction control I'm hearing? (And yes, there is a button on the dashboard to deactivated.) If it is not the TC, what else could it be? What would cause one loud bang?
My guess is the same as what someone else stated earlier, the wheel suddenly regaining traction and slowing abruptly. When the tire spins it gains a lot of speed, when it suddenly regains traction (say like when it transitions from a metal surface to pavement) it slows so quickly it sends a shock through the drive train. Something within the drive train has to take that shock load and hopefully not break. In a Jeep this is usually the axle shaft and it will literally twist slightly and can cause a "bang" type noise as the shock gets absorbed. . Slow the tire too quickly and it'll break an axle. Not sure what would break first in a Prius, but it's not a good thing to be doing on a regular basis. Hopefully Toyota engineered it strong enough to be OK.
Thanks Mr Mischief. It was definitely not intentional. The first time I heard it, I was just pulling out from a coffee shop onto the street, very slowly and normally, and my front tires went through some water along the gutter.... And then I saw a car coming that I hadn't noticed at first, and he was coming fast, so I stepped on the gas pedal a little bit harder and I must've spun one of the front wheels.... BANG! This new Prius has a lot of torque! The PWR mode is not for wimps, sissies, wussy's, or little girls!