I have a 2010 Prius with 84K miles. I have always had the 10K mile synthetic oil change done at the dealership. We are retired now and put very few miles on the car. It might take 2 or 3 years to put 10K on the car. What do you think a reasonable time frame should be for an oil change with it getting so few miles driven?
How often does the car get driven? If not much and only for short distances, you should probably change at least yearly. Contaminants (e.g., water from condensation) can build up in the oil over time while sitting and just short drives they don't get burned out of the oil. Go for a longer drive at least monthly to let the ICE get a workout and you should be OK for longer intervals. Still check your oil routinely; if it becomes discolored, get it changed. Maximum I would go between changes would be about yearly.
I like Don's advice. I'm retired too, and may only drive 5 or 6 thousand miles a year. Sometimes less. I will have the oil changed every 12 months, regardless of mileage. (The owner's manual says: 10,000 miles or 12 months, whichever comes sooner.)
i change mine every spring, about 9k per year, but only 3k with the engine potentially on. i agree that condensation is a concern.
Not driving at all will limit contaminants. But dust, pollen and other airborne junk will get into any space. I've seen a hermetically sealed case that was exposed to the Saudi desert that was so full of sand it was a wonder the electronic device inside worked at all at the end of our project. Short drives however, do generate a lot of by-products of combustion some of which will get into the oil. Some of these will burn off while the car is being driven for extended periods of time.
Toyota has your answer, for US owners: 10,000 miles OR yearly. (See now, Coast Cruiser already posted this, oh well, I'll pile on.)
When I worked for my "Uncle" in an exotic far off-land, not of my choosing, we had ammo cans that were pretty well strapped and sealed. Water would still get in. Yep...
Having religiously taken in every Honda I owned at 3,000 miles, I freaked out the first time the dealer turned me away when I brought in my Prius! Since I drive an average of 10,000 miles each year (unfortunately not retired, I drive every day just not very far) this means that I only need to change the oil once a year... Well that can't be right.
Come to Canada, lol. Toyota Canada spec is 6 months or 8000 kms (about 5000 miles) for 2010 through 2015's. Starting with the 2016's they're saying 12 months or 16000 km's though. I'm retired, DIY, changing it every 6 months, with Toyota 0W20 (bulk oil, bring my container to dealership). I'm a little embarrassed to disclose the low mileage, might get me committed...
Your joking, right? Combustionengine engineering and motoroils have come a long way the last 40 years. There are engines that have 21.750 miles (35.000 km) oil change intervals, als long as you use the proper prescribed synthetic oils. A 3000 miles interval is really something from the 70's.
Not joking, but not taking it too seriously, either. It was 3,000 miles when I started driving and with no one ever telling me anything different, that's what I've always done. But honestly, my husband took over the oil changes over a decade ago, so I'm just going to plead ignorance on this one...
+1 But I would like to add oxidation to that list, which contributed to oil breakdown in the old days and I suspect still does with modern ICEs. Would also like to add that to the extent that sludge does accumulate in the oil, it could well deposit in the ring grooves and result in increased wear, increased oil consumption , etc.