I bumped a very old thread in the Prius v forum but since I'm primarily on this forum I wanted to start one here. Has anyone else come up with a reasonable solution to the horrible glare on the touch screen? I can barely see it in sunlight, and if I put on my (polarized) sunglasses, it completely vanishes. There has to be a better screen that Toyota can use, I've seen screens in other cars that are crystal clear and have no glare problems.
Our's doesn't have the touch screen, but I can recall soon after purchase, driving in bright sunlight with wet roads (melting snow): I couldn't even see the speedometer. Yeah it's bad, just commiserating.
Really? I haven't. And that includes a Tesla Model S. If there is a fix, it's probably very expensive, requires a sunshade, or a more covered vehicle. Smartphone screens get better and better every new generation in sunlight but they are still pretty bad. Put on those polarized sunglasses and it all vanishes.
It help tremendously if you increase the contrast on the screen to max. That's accomplished by using your "settings" menu. Setup> Display (top right of screen)>General>Contrast