The other day I was talking to a man in his 70's, we was going on about racisim he & his black neighbor had gotten into an argument and the black male called the 70 year old white male a racist. He was flabber gasted, he went on about racial TV shows like Sanford and Son depicting white people as stupid, or the more modern shows of today that are primarily all black and no whities. He went on to say god help us if someone put out an all white magazine like the black magazine BET they too would get labled then he went on about race labels african americans, aussie american, canadian american, ect what happend to just plain American? I couldnt believe the guy and could hardly reply to him, As I could just let him vent. The two are still friends after thier argument kinda like little kids... But it got me thinking about the TV shows & the rest, what really defines racisim from black to white or other race to race.? :huh:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusguy04 @ Jun 6 2006, 04:49 PM) [snapback]266985[/snapback]</div> why are you surprised? every time a person of 'color' is critized or unfaily judged (be it legit or not) someone plays the race card. From the knucleheads on the LaCross team to the rep in Washington, they will use any excuse to ask to be judged's our PC society and we are worse off to it...
anyone can be classified as a racist no matter what their background. IMO if you dislike or treat someone differently exclusively because of their race/skin color, you're a racist.
I find it most revealing that the OP posted this message in another forum: <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusguy04 @ Jun 6 2006, 05:25 PM) [snapback]266975[/snapback]</div> A bigot by any other name is still a bigot.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(IsrAmeriPrius @ Jun 6 2006, 10:31 PM) [snapback]267016[/snapback]</div> Yeah, ok, and Prius owners are generally viewed as likely to be homosexual earthy-crunchy liberals who use MAC's... ...sort of balances all out doesn't it? :lol: <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Schmika @ Jun 6 2006, 10:05 PM) [snapback]267007[/snapback]</div> Yup, total agreement! Woe to the white guy who talks about "preserving his race"... Not that I'm personally into that sort of thing, but I see absolutely no racism in having a PREFERENCE. We, of course, (well at least some of us) are "forced" to hide beneath this politically correct veneer...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Schmika @ Jun 6 2006, 10:05 PM) [snapback]267007[/snapback]</div> I can actully say I see this alot in my proffession, Schmika's statment. :mellow: Everyone else can get away with saying stuff about other races, colors or creeds but watch out if your white and you give the slightest hint and they jump all over you... There still seems to be alot of hate comming from lower income blacks oh sorry AA's directed towards whites of all income levels.. That what we see on the streets, although others may see a different light coming from people they just see in passing (rose colored glasses). I have heard from some AA's that the white people owe the AA's something ,this hasn't changed since the 1800's.. Being on the streets OPENS your EYES to alot of things that most people just don't see.... :blink: :huh: :mellow:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(IsrAmeriPrius @ Jun 6 2006, 10:31 PM) [snapback]267016[/snapback]</div> Ahh and an idiot by any other name is still an idiot. I do not have to explain my other reply other than it was a list I had found on the net. Thus the disclaimer: Im not sure of the truth in this list, but you decide... Jump on the band wagon buddy, ever notice how fast the finger pointing starts because one person reads more into whats been typed? B)
10:1 says anyone who claims anyone here is a bigot (and you know who you are), walks to the other side of the street when they see a group of (insert race here) coming their way... :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Jun 6 2006, 10:26 PM) [snapback]267012[/snapback]</div> That's the only part of this I don't really agree with. I don't think you should be *forced* to like anything. To me, it's when you take some sort of REAL action against someone based on race, color, creed, yada, yada, yada....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Jun 6 2006, 07:11 PM) [snapback]267044[/snapback]</div> MLK said it best..."judge a man by the content of his character not the color of his skin..."I wish that was true for all of us.
Speaking of Macs I hear that Rush is an avid Mac fan. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Jun 6 2006, 10:37 PM) [snapback]267018[/snapback]</div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Jun 6 2006, 11:11 PM) [snapback]267044[/snapback]</div> yeah that part is borderline. but i guess my reasoning on that is that often, dislike for someone inside turns to dislike on the outside as well. racism is characterized mainly by actions, but actions are driven by thoughts. if you dislike someone for their skin color and can keep it all inside, then hey. fine.
I don't think it's a case of being forced to like all people of a race, creed, or culture different than our own. I'm sure we all have people we like and don't like from our own as well as different genetic background. I believe it's racism however when we decide we do not like anyone from a background different than our own.
I believe 'racist' has been overused, and has lost almost any true meaning. 'Bigot' doesn't mean 'racist', but since nobody looks it up, they seem to hang around with each other a lot. I just hope the people who laugh at blonde jokes realize they are just as much a genetic prejudice as negro jokes would be, just without anyone calling the jokester 'racist'...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Jun 6 2006, 11:29 PM) [snapback]267061[/snapback]</div> ...and how are thoughts driven? Genetically based instantaneous "reactions"? hmmm... I'm almost in total agreement, but I think there might need to be some sort of differentiation based on two main categories: 1. personal preference/attraction (with respect to finding a mate), and 2. all OTHER.... I think most of us could be considered "racist" under the former, yet not under the latter, since that "personal" component is excluded... So, with respect to number 2, I'm in full agreement with you.... h34r:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Jun 6 2006, 10:26 PM) [snapback]267012[/snapback]</div> Sorry, Galaxee...that is the CORRECT definition...OP asked for the modern definition. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Jun 6 2006, 10:37 PM) [snapback]267018[/snapback]</div> If I am single, and an attractive AA woman asks me to go out with her (c'mon let's suspend reality a moment) and I decline, she asks why and I say I only date (because I only date for the purpose of seeking a mate) whites...AM I RACIST??????? If I ask a AA woan to date me and she says she only dates AA men...IS SHE RACIST????????? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I have to go on...Is it racist if I choose not to live in a predominantly AA neighborhood? How about I have no AA friends or don't go to a gangsta rap concernt or one of a milion other PERSONAL choices. The ONLY time you can be labeled a racist is if you do something negative to a minority BECAUSE they are that particular minority. A negative ACT.......not a thought, or omission, or anything else.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Jun 6 2006, 10:26 PM) [snapback]267012[/snapback]</div> That's the simple answer, and perfectly valid. The discussion on this thread seems to be in defense of one's right to not like someone because of their color. I would say that anyone who does not like white people or black people because of their color is a racist. Yes, it is your "right" (at least legally) to have that prejudice. When you exert it in a way that deprives that person of their civil rights (housing or employment discrimination, etc.), you no longer have that "right". Other preferences are more cultural- you don't like hip-hop music; so what, a lot of black people don't either. But if you choose not to associate with someone only because of their skin color- yes, that is your "right"- but that is still racism.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Schmika @ Jun 7 2006, 12:21 PM) [snapback]267279[/snapback]</div> Ummm, actually, doesn't really give one an 'out' for personal-preference stuff. It seems to imply that when your personal preferences are based on race, you're guilty of racism. If you pick a whites-only neighborhood because you don't want non-whites around, you're doing racism. Stuff like that. To 'pick' a neighborhood is an 'act', and it's a negative act to decide that you don't want non-white neighbors. Will we be discussing what is and isn't 'negative' next?...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Schmika @ Jun 7 2006, 11:21 AM) [snapback]267279[/snapback]</div> that depends on why you decided an AA woman can't be your mate.