<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(powrfuel @ Jun 6 2006, 09:14 AM) [snapback]266583[/snapback]</div> :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Jun 6 2006, 10:30 AM) [snapback]266617[/snapback]</div> I'm not quite sure what your point is; nor can I answer for Canada since I am not Canadian. Certainly Canada is not exempt from terrorism; no country is. And to say that Canada is not a participant in the war on terror because it chose not to support the war in Iraq (a position taken by most other nations) is wrong; as you pointed out yourself, Canada has troops in Afghanistan. I would say that this incident is an example of a nation mounting a very effective counterterrorism operation; the RCMP did their job. I would hope that Canadians don't give in to anti-Muslim attacks; there was something in the news today about a mosque in Toronto being vandalized. Vitriol aimed at any ethnic groups, religions or nationalities (something that you have been promulgating a lot of) is what we don't need.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jayman @ Jun 5 2006, 07:07 PM) [snapback]266400[/snapback]</div> Good job RCMP! But, I must muse – undoubtedly at the risk of causing liberal conspiracy theorist tards and ACLU devotees amongst us to cringe . . . Being that the majority of captured suspected terrorists were Canadian citizens, I wonder how many civil rights the RCMP trounced in order to capture that many all at once. I wonder how many Canadians wish the RCMP had a computer system in which they could plug in the captured terrorists' phone numbers and see what patterns develop of whom the terrorists had been calling. I also wonder if the RCMP is asking the NSA for help with said phone number traces . . . after all, they did wiretaps. Just gotta wonder . . . how many more terrorist cells are there in Canada that the RCMP may be missing if they didn't ask for NSA help? Correspondence obtained by The Canadian Press shows the public controversy about U.S. National Security Agency spying on American citizens led to a series of highly classified exchanges in Ottawa. LINK Conspiracy Theorists : begin cringe. ACLU devotees : begin civil rights lawsuits. :lol: :lol: :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ Jun 6 2006, 04:12 PM) [snapback]266837[/snapback]</div> "Tards"- what's that, short for retards? Why is it the the right-wingers here can't post one comment without using racial or ethnic slurs, invoking Nazis, or using pejorative terms such as "retard". Is it that hard for you to stick to the issues? You could probably use some sensitivity training: www.aamr.org
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(larkinmj @ Jun 6 2006, 01:22 PM) [snapback]266842[/snapback]</div> Yes, tard. 1.tards short for retards, especially used online. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=tards re·tard2 (P) (retärd) n. Offensive Slang 1.Used as a disparaging term for a mentally retarded person. 2.A person considered to be foolish or socially inept. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=retard If you take personal offense to my use of the slang “tard,” I will assume you are intelligent enough that #1 does not apply. If that is the case, that leaves #2. I consider conspiracy theorists foolish AND socially inept. Of course you would rather quiver over the use of “tard,” than reply to the details of my post . . . . . . maybe #1 really does apply after all. I have never posted a racial or ethnic slur or invoked Nazis. You could probably use some desensitivity training about now: http://www.lambiek.net/artists/c/cabrera_alberto.htm http://www.kstatecollegian.com/article.php?a=6398 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8410111/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memin "Tard" reaches across racial, ethnic, cultural, economic, gender, and religious lines. Conspiracy Theorists come in all those flavors too.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ Jun 6 2006, 06:46 PM) [snapback]266917[/snapback]</div> Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiicely put, I think #2 covers quite a few here .. :lol: :lol: :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ Jun 6 2006, 06:46 PM) [snapback]266917[/snapback]</div> LMAO!!! (it's only too bad a handful of select individuals will whine to the mods about that pic...) <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(IsrAmeriPrius @ Jun 6 2006, 10:17 PM) [snapback]267009[/snapback]</div> Of course, this IS arguable... :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Jun 5 2006, 07:03 AM) [snapback]265933[/snapback]</div> Cheap shot. Members of the Canadian armed forces have served bravely in the war on terror, and comments like this dishoner them. That's unintentional, I'm sure, but we have to remember that the vocal Looney Left in their country does not speak for all of our brothers to the north. Any more than it does in ours. Canada has a lot to be proud of. And what Al Queda wants most is for Canada to stop hunting them down and killing them in Afghanistan: <div align="center"></div> Thank you, Canada. Your RCMP and CSIS did a wonderful job, and we salute you.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(fshagan @ Jun 6 2006, 06:50 PM) [snapback]267029[/snapback]</div> Thank you, Canada. Your RCMP and CSIS did a wonderful job, and we salute you. [/b][/quote] how come NO ONE from the 'allah is great' community ever stands up and denounces these acts, be they on American or Canadian soil? And for the record, I must be honest , when I see these people walking down Rodeo Drive with their heads covered and reading the Koran, I wonder....and for the record, i consider msyelf a Dem/Lib..but times they are a changin...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Jun 6 2006, 08:03 AM) [snapback]266579[/snapback]</div> Again I would like to thank the PriusChat member for emailing my work account to inform me of more dbermanmd Anti-Canadian bullshit. Listen up, as I have to make this fast. Some of us work for a living, try it sometime. Canadians feel pissed off that by getting sucked into the quagmire of the fake "Global War On Terror" that now we have to face increased threats at home. Yes, we tend to have an extremely competent intelligence service, and yes the RCMP set up a classic sting operation in selling the NH4NO3, but again we can't YOUR intelligence service be as efficient? So stick your Anti-Canadian bullshit firmly up your nice person where it belongs. Don't like Canada, tell your congressperson to stop buying our oil. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(powrfuel @ Jun 6 2006, 10:01 PM) [snapback]267035[/snapback]</div> They did http://www.muslimcanadiancongress.org/20060603.html <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(powrfuel @ Jun 6 2006, 08:14 AM) [snapback]266583[/snapback]</div> CAH-rist you are even MORE full of shit than dbermanmd. Yes, the world hates Americans as they have CONTEMPT for Americans. Jealous? Of what? Street crime? Bling-bling?? Please! "Crappy Socialist health care?" So why are American senior citizens trying to get meds and health care up here? Look after your own people for f***s sake! Natural resources: the U.S. imports around 64% of it's oil. At 19%, Canada is the single largest supplier of that oil. Natural gas. Electricity. Need I go on? Look it up, you ignorant American prick "Half" the country out of work? Get that from Faux News? The "official" U.S. unemployment is around 4.6% http://www.bls.gov/eag/eag.us.htm The "official" Canadian unemployment is around 6.4%. http://www.statcan.ca/start.html Get your facts straight