When I press the Auto button, the fan speed starts blasting! I don't like it that high, so I turn the speed down a couple notches, but that kicks off the Auto. Anyway, I'm like bisco. I like doing it myself. I also like doing the headlights myself, and the windshield wipers myself, and working the gas pedal and brakes by myself,… Nothing wrong with technology, I guess I'm just set in my ways. Cranky & crotchety.
I think I know when I want that stuff changed. If I wanted the fan faster, or slower, I'd do it. I think 'Auto' is choosing changes that surprise me and weren't what I was looking for at the moment....I think ! I still don't understand when it does what, so I don't know if I'd want those choices.. weird
Again, pardon me for saying this, but it seems some Prius owners have too much of an obsession (almost borderline paranoia?) about squeezing out every last ounce of MPG's. The heck with that. I want my comfort. I want my AC running. I want my PWR mode. I want to NOT worry about gas mileage! I refuel at the 1/2 tank level. I never want to be concerned about low fuel. I just want to get in it, and drive it like it's a regular car. So, why did I buy a "hybrid", you ask? Beats the hell outa me! I even turned off the "Eco" indicator display screens, and I no longer calculate the MPG! (Are you "hyper-mile" guys having chest pains hearing that? ) Now there are no distractions whatsoever, and driving is completely relaxing. The only thing I glance at is the speedometer. Peace! (And I have a lifetime average of 64 MPG. Ok, I peeked. )
Oh, I agree. I want all those things. I've got an entire thread devoted to that. It's really not worth it for me to hypermile. the heck with that! I've weened myself from the annoying HSI meter. Mostly. Still, I'm cool with doing simple things to save some $. I'm going to pump up the tires a bit. How are you getting 64 MPG ????? Seriously, that's pretty mind-blowing. Esp. since no hypermiling. *fwiw, Prius inflates the mpg. You're probably getting 58. That would save me... $200 a year. $2,000 over 10 years. Not chump change, imo. ...oh wait. I just noticed that you have a 2016 prius. neeeever mind.. In fact, if you hypermiled ALL year long (an annoying feat), and bumped up to 68 mpg, you would save......wait for it... $95 ! At your already-elevated mpg, yep, there really isn't much incentive to hypermile. whereas, at my lowly 43 mpg (lol, that's great of course), a 15 mpg bump has a little value. (if you were actually getting 64 mpg, then bumping to 74 mpg would save you a whopping $75 per year.) Best, PNB
My 6-cylinder Toyota Camry was getting 19 mpg, in city driving. So it's crazy to be getting 62-64 in my Prius. Heck, I'd be very happy with only 40 mpg!
I'm just playing with you guys. I have nothing against the people who hyper-mile, and keep logs of their gas mileage. I'm just so happy to be getting this great mpg, I figured I don't even need to check it anymore. And so I just drive normally. Pretend I'm in a Corvette.... and getting 60 mpg! (Seriously, I am always getting passed by guys in Gen2 and Gen3's! They blow by me like I'm going backward! Get out of the way, old man!!!!!)
Why? it rarely gets above 85 and cools way down at nite enough to where you need a sweatshirt. Not to mention zero humidity. You must be far away from the coast, I lived a few miles from the coast in Torrance and Redondo Beach. Never once thought I needed AC. I also lived out by Ridgecrest and had the AC (actually swamp cooler) on from March to November nonstop and wouldn't think about owning a car with no AC there.' Here's a quote from a weather site about LA weather. No, with this weather I would never need AC: Average Weather For Los Angeles, California, USA Location This report describes the typical weather at the Los Angeles International Airport (Los Angeles, California, United States) weather station over the course of an average year. It is based on the historical records from 1974 to 2012. Earlier records are either unavailable or unreliable. Los Angeles, California has a mediterranean climate with dry warm summers and mild winters. The area within 25 miles of this station is covered by oceans and seas (43%), built-up areas (40%),shrublands (11%), and forests (5%). Temperature Over the course of a year, the temperature typically varies from 49°F to 76°F and is rarely below 43°For above 83°F.
Did you know that official meteorological temperatures are measured in a Stevenson Screen, ie shade temperature?
That's correct. For example the temperature/humidity sensor on my backyard weather station is located in the white assembly below the rain collector.
I am sorry but they need to update these historical records. I live two miles from the Pacific Ocean, and yes the evenings cool down and are very pleasant. But for the past 3 or 4 years, our summers have been humid and we have seen temps in the 90's to the 100's, so I guess you can blame this on Global Warming! There is no way anyone can deal in the SoCal summer heat without A/C.
bikes4u lived in a cooler area. Those "west facing" beach cities are usually much cooler. I lived in Torrance for awhile too, and it was normally about 15 degrees cooler than my parents area in Cerritos. As I write this, the forecast says a few more days of 90 degrees, starting next Tues. or Wed. I doubt if we will see any Winter again this year. We are in a "Mega Drought", at least in So Cal. But, even in Winter I still run my AC in the car. It can be 85° on Christmas Day. I paid $27,000 for that little Prius, and I am going to blast the AC as much as I want. (And STILL get 64 mpg!)
Come inland to Rancho Cucamonga and you'll find yourself with the a/c on a lot. We usually get a nice breeze in the late afternoon/early evening like Orenji but the sunny midday temperatures are usually the same as what you'll see in the forecast for Riverside.