My 2016 Prius Four has the 2 1/2 inch step down in the rear storage area when the rear seats are folded. The majority of the time, this is the configuration I drive in. I want to fill the gap and take advantage of the space to store some additional items out of the way. Needs to be compatible with having the seats up and needs to be lightweight and smooth. My thought for the solution is to purchase a sheet of 2" Styrofoam from the home depot. I will cut it to fit the perimeter of the area. (if need be, cut it down the middle to have right and left sides for easy removal). Then I will cut out shapes in the interior of the Styrofoam for storing item (must not exceed the 2” height) Then I will top that completely with a 1/2” sheet of Styrofoam cut to match the perimeter. (Will be slightly larger because of the “sloped surfaces”. Painted black to match the interior and then covered by the black carpet that came with the car and I’m done. Thoughts? Suggestions? Improvements?
Cover the foam with carpet. Easy to lift up or put down, good to load things onto. If you really want it to be functional, use the mesh foam they use in toolboxes and RVs to stop things from rattling and sliding around. It stops your cargo from sliding around (those shiny boxes things come in slide across the car and bang into the sides when driving). Available in many home improvement stores.
I intend to "shadow box" what I want to store to reduce or eliminate "rolling around" The only thing I am not sure about is will I have to cover the bottom with something to make sure nothing small migrates out of it's rightful space.
well done! if the next pip has lowered floor (which i doubt because of batteries) i would make a framework of 1 x 3 pine on edge, actual dimensions 3/4" x 2", and lay 3/8" plywood doors over it, hinged so i can lift up for storage. then carpet on top of that.
It was messy, but not hard. 2" piece of Styrofoam with the cutouts. Toppped by a 1/2 piece to cover and provide flat surface. Painted all of the Styrofoam black to mask the appearance around the edges and to help prevent "shedding" I got a big piece of black indoor-outdoor carpet from the Home Depot and cut it into appropriate shapes to eliminate that sound of Styrofoam rubbing on Styrofoam. Finally I used a large piece of the carpet for a overall cover of the storage area and the folded back seats.
Nice! exactly what I was thinking too. I am suggesting a slightly different material called XPS (extruded polystyrene) also known as Owens Corning Formular (pink stuff) at Home Depot. Also available at Lowes as XPS...Lowes XPS is light blue. Recently bought some, easy to cut. The only issue I saw is that some Home Depots do not carry all available sizes of Formular, so I had to get the Lowes stuff as they had a better selection. Some are concerned about minute traces of vapors, which as far as I can see the XPS is almost totally inert. The Formular has some safety certification (not sure if that is hype or true), Anything you do to paint or coat, will on the one hand, seal vapors if any into the plastic, but now you will be exposed to whatever vapor from your paint. ...keep in mind it's only the Gen4 Prii without spares (2eco, 4, 4 Touring) that have the non-level floor. Thus if you demand a level floor you can get a 2, 3, or 3T. We have not seen PiP2 so who knows there.
I would like to see the 3 and how the levelled cargo floor looks, ive only seen the non levelled one.
Yes I think the answer is Yes. Did some calcs yesterday...the donut spare takes up about 1.50-ft3. If I understand the cargo space measurements correctly (not the least bit sure on that yet) the flat floor versions have 1.6-ft3 less cargo space behind the rear seat. This implies you are not losing too much space with the spare, except the space needed for the spare itself.
I've been thinking along similar lines, but I'm of the opinion that there is a lot of space under the load floor filled with foam. Previous Prius versions had real storage space down there. I'll have to think on this some. I should also take a look at what the car's limitations are before I waste too much time. I know there are a couple of plastic screw type things that hold the current foam in there that can be damaged by removing the hold on washer thingy.
Here you go. A reversed view from the front seats towards the rear of my 2016 Three w/ ATP and with the Toyota cargo tray and seat back protectors No ridge, stuff just slides on in... It's almost like a Pick up truck without the whole 12 mpg [email protected].
I have an Auris Ts (wagon) Hybrid in UK and it has a two layer boot floor. Between the wheel arches there is a very nice hidden tray that has different size compartments. It is a great feature and I presumed the Gen4 would have the same until I read this. Although a shorter wheelbase the Auris Ts is longer than the Gen 4. It has Gen3 drive train but I like it much better than the Gen 3 I owned before. Here the Gen 4 comes in very different specs than the US and is clearly aimed at the Taxi and business user. The supply chain looks to be frozen and this maybe due to the feedback from the early adopters. I was early with the Gen 2 and very early with the Gen3 and the early cars were very different from the latter ones. Even the colours here a limited. I cannot get a test drive in a Gen 4 on 15" wheels and have not seen the blue or red on a car yet. I hate dark colour cars but after three silver Toyota wanted a change, so the Auris is Island Blue. It looks great, but they no longer offer this colour. The only reason I want to go for the Gen4 is changes in our taxation after April 17 make it worthwhile changing sooner than later. My Auris is on 17" wheels top spec Excel as the insurance companies did saw going to 16 or 15 " wheels as modification. 10 mpg difference in fuel consumption just because big wheels look better still makes me angry. Other features of questionable benifit include IPA, rain and dusk sensors. In three years I have never used the IPA the front parking sensors a damned nuisance and the rear ones inaudable and superfluous with a camera. I freezing conditions the rain sensor can cause damage to both screen and wipers. Running lights in Europe make dusk sensors superfluous. The Gen4 is a big leap forward from the Gen 3 but I cannot help thinking Toyota missed an opportunity to incorporate features the benifit users in adverse conditions. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.