Before I start I just have to say that I basically copied and pasted this from my review, so bear with me... I finally got tired of my cigarette lighter USB adapter popping out and not charging my phone. I was thinking about just replacing the cigarette lighter outlet and I found a few of these USB ports. I had 2 criteria. The first, I needed to have 2.1A per port and the second was 2 or more ports. Ok, three and up was not happening in this configuration, so I figured dual 2.1A ports. There are a few on Amazon. I picked the BlueFire because it had the voltmeter on it. Installation was easy. I have a 2010 and it has a removable panel where the cigarette lighter outlet is located (under the shifter). I removed the panel and I did some measurements. The BlueFire was 1.125" O.D. and after removing the cigarette lighter outlet I found that the hole was 1.000" I.D. No big deal I pulled out the Xacto knife and I trimmed off 0.125" from the panel. Oh there are two flat spots on the BlueFire to hold it in position. I just used a permanent marker and I trimmed around it. After I got the BlueFire to fit right, I was ready for the electrical part of the install. I had no intention of re-installing the original outlet, so after I measured which wire was the polarity, I cut off the connector and I crimped on female insulated blade terminals (22-16 red). The BlueFire came supplied with 2, but they were the 16-14 blue terminals, but the wire on the Prius was barely 22 gauge, so I used red ones that I had from before. I will post some pictures. Sorry for the blurry final install pictures.
Excellent job! Makes better sense than the ciggy lighter being there. The lighter uses 22 ga.? That seems scary inadequate.
I call it cigarette lighter outlet, but now I think they call it 12V Power Outlet. Meaning it will not carry that much load. It says that max is 120W (OHM's law is P/E=I or 120W/12V=10 Amps) Thanks for the compliment.
Nice mod, but I find not all 12v adapters are created equal. I've returned some for similar reasons (fall out or don't maintain good contact). I've not had cause to replace my 12v outlet.
"cigar" lighter and ashtrays for the win!! haha. Versus left side dash card holder and 7 (maybe more) drink holders .
Great mod! One thing is unclear to me: do you now have the USB charger permanently wired to the car? Or do you use a plug? Could you have used the cigarette lighter receptable behind the panel?
I cut the connector off the cigarette lighter outlet and connected it directly to the USB outlet. I could have used the cigarette lighter outlet behind the panel, but I wanted a more solid connection. By the way, I just found out that someone else did the same mod...
How hard is it to get the panel holding the port off? I have been looking for a video and cannot find one so far. I had the same idea, but with a larger panel. Yours looks great!
OK. I was going to tell you that I pushed it from the back or just pry it off from the front, but then I went to the Prius and I tried to pry it up with my finger nails, but I could not get it off. I also tried to squeeze my hand in the back to push it, Nope. I think what I did was use the cover for the 12v port and just pulled until it came off. SCRATCH ALL THAT. Just get a Trim Removal Tool kit from Napa or O'Reilly and do it the proper way.
cool mod !!!! Does anyone have a "splitter" for the connector that plugs into the back of the cig socket ??? I'm a little weary about cutting the wires and splicing in spade lugs.. I've goofed up before and my wire gets shorter, and shorter, and shorter !!!! aaaahhhh... LOL
Have you thought about the 3M Scotchlok T-Tap? Use the red, it is the smallest. For another project, I only needed 2. I went to the local stereo shop and they gave me a handful for free. I didn't use t-tap for my install because I had no intention to put it back. You have to trim the hole and there is no way to put the original outlet back in.