Hi everyone, This is my second Prius (I upgraded from a 2008 to a 2013). I absolutely LOVE my car, but I was rear-ended by a 1994 Chevy (basically a tank). Crushed in the back pretty bad but it still drives. The whole inside of the truck of my car looks like an accordion. I will say that I barely felt the impact. I know I hit my head on the back seat but it didnt hurt, just shocked me. I was merging onto the freeway from a cloverleaf (accelerating) & the guy behind me was merging too but gunned it. His engine accelerated faster than mine... I guess he was looking over his shoulder & not in front. My insurance is not finding me at fault but there's a waiting list for auto repairs in my city due to major hail damage back in April, so I l'm on a wait list JUST to get an estimate. (And, yes, I just got my car back from $7k in hail damage repair ). Any insight would be helpful. I guess I feel a little impatient waiting for the verdict. Thank You For Your Help!
Your "baby" has been spanked pretty hard ,, I'm glad you were not injured ,, with That said , if insurance fixes , have your suspension checked as well
Thats a good idea. I'll make sure they check it. This little baby sure can take a beating. Super impressed with its performance in such a high impact accident. I'd like to keep her but if they total this one, I'm getting another one. Thank you all for your comments & input. It's all greatly appreciated. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Don't hesitate to see a Doctor. You need to be sure you have no long term physical affects from that hard of a jolt. As for the car... Well, it definitely has been compromised. Any time there is damage to the bumper crash bar and floor pan members, it could be a total. From what I see, this is going to be a major repair if they don't total it. And, that being said, there will be serious deminished value to the car if that is the case.
Your photos aren't helpful. Let me explain: 1) The bumper's trashed. Obviously. Very fixable. 2) The impact popped out all of the plastic panels in the hatch area. Very fixable. 3) Problem is, what's underneath those 100% fixable items? When you remove the bumper and the plastic parts, you'll expose the bumper mounts and some sheet metal. That stuff gets very expensive to fix, and if the frame or suspension was bent, it may total the car. Can you still drive it? Any dash warning lights? Is the 12V battery ok? Does the hatch close, or does it seem horribly misaligned?
The car is drivable & I have had a weird warning light come up once saying (with the cautionary triangle) "battery not charging" then it switch to say "key battery low". I turned the car on & off & it went away. The hatched I havent tried opening because Im worried it wont close again. The right side overlaps the roof now... Its visibly out of alignment. I went to a ma & pop shop & they gave me a $5k visual estimate but said they would have to have the dealership look at the battery... Im wondering if they would actually do that.... Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Dr. says im fine . I am very concerned about my car not being the same. I had a hail damage repair & that alone messed a few tiny things up... Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
With hail damage and now this, your car is going to light up like neon sign on a CARFAX report. If I were you, I would pray that the insurance company would mercifully totaled the car.
Wow. You are alive that what matter. Hope you get another one. I got rear end twice with my Gen 3 . They fixed twice . In a traffic light bumper twice new one. Trade off Gen 4 this yr ..good luck to you. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Thanks! That would be ideal I guess! How much was your damage each time? Could you still open your trunk? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I'm glad you're okay. Hey if you can insist on taking your vehicle to a Toyota Dealer Body shop, this will be beneficial to you. I'm concerned about the condition of your Hybrid battery, it may have been damaged. My car has been to a Toyota Body Shop twice for minor scrapes/minor impact (other drivers fault) and I've noticed they always the condition of the Hybrid battery, systems. It'll need a very thorough check.