We have a 2012 with 95,000 miles. The OEM needed replacing at 40k miles and 2 years. We went with Les Schwab Toyo Eclipse 70k warranty for about $550 installed, those lasted 2.5 years and 55k miles. We saw a 10% drop in mpg the first few months but it seemed to recover over time. Now looking for a new set. We'd like to preserve the mpg but most critical is wet performance as we live in the Pacific Northwest. Les Schwab will sell us the same tires again with a credit for the short mileage so just over $400 installed, which is pretty good. Or their "top end" Toyo Z900 for $500, but I don't think those are LRR and mpg is unknown. They're new. Then the usual suspects: Ecopia20, Ecopia EP422 Plus, Energy Saver A/S. I haven't looked at any standard passenger tires, just hte LRR and the Les Schwab options. Any thoughts?
Take general tire altimaxx gt43 they cheap and 65000 m warranty.I have 48m per gallon.Before was true contact don't liked to soft worse mpg. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
if your happy, why change? personally, at 47k, i'll be going for the energy savers pretty soon, but i want the most mpg i can get.
Schwab only stocks one LRR tire, the Toyo Versado Eco. The Eclipse and the various incarnations of the Z-xxx are not LRR. Both are Toyo. They are both decent tires, but Schwab's prices are pretty high. They do give great service and usually are very good about fixing flats, balancing, etc for free after the sale. While Schwab concentrates on Toyo they CAN order any tire -- Michelin, Goodyear, etc. Price-wise they will probably be way up there. If you want peace of mind, lots of stores where you can get a flat fixed or have other troubles investigated, and don't mind paying the premium for that, Schwab is your store. My father-in-law buys all his tires there and loves it, despite the fact that he is paying a significant chunk for that. It is worth it to him. I just put a set of General RT43 on my Gen II Prius. Love them. Total cost was $340. Miles per gallon before Generals with the LRR Goodyear FuelMax was 42. With the NON-LRR Generals it is now 47. TireRack tests confirm that while not an LRR, the General rivals some LRR-rated tires for mpg. So, don't get all twisted and only consider an LRR. The Generals have fantastic ratings for wet traction. But, so do the Eclipse and the Z-xxx. If you really want a tire with great wet traction. I had to really work to break contact with the Goodyear TripleTred. You would take a mileage hit with TripleTred, but they do fantastic in snow, ice and extremely wet roads (never had them on a Prius, only a Camry). Sounds to me like you are a bit of a worrying type. Go with Schwab and ask them what they think about the traction with the Versado (and it is in the middle of the Schwab Fall Tire Sale). Here's a Versado review from the TOYO website. Versado Eco on Prius - somewhat better than OEM tires These tires are a mixed bag for fuel efficiency. Only the second set of tires on a 2007 Prius Touring. Overall the ride, control and braking feel better than the OEM tires. These Versado tires slip when accelerating more than moderately on hills in wet weather-- but no more so than the OEM tires. Otherwise handling in rain or light snow is quite acceptable. I've only had the tires for two years, and there doesn't appear to be much treadwear at all. Mostly happy with tire, except for one thing. These tires behave very differently depending on the season. Fuel economy is noticeably better than the OEMs during the summer and significantly worse than the OEMs during the rainy/snowy seasons. OEMs delivered 45-47 mpg during summer seasons and dropped to 42 mpg during the winter, consistently over the life of the tire. The Versado Eco tires deliver 47-51 mpg during summer and 38-40 mpg in winter. Same city, same driving patterns, same residence and business, same gas... everything same except for tires. [Yes, the Prius battery pack efficiency will degrade over time. However, an slow decay in battery pack efficiency wouldn't cause the immediate, significant mpg change coinciding with tire replacement.] Averaged out over an entire year, the mpg delivered is ever so slightly higher than the OEMs. If I were to move to a warmer climate and live there year-round, I would buy these tires again. Given the mediocre fuel economy for six months out of the year (due to the mild-to-cool climate where I drive) on top of a premium price for these low-rolling-resistance tires, I might purchase of these Versado Eco again if only for the somewhat improved ride and handling. Yes, I recommend this product. January 2, 2015 By: Jafro1988 Vehicle Model:2007 Prius Touring Vehicle Make:Toyota From: Pacific Northwest Treadwear Fuel efficiency Braking Ride and comfort
If you have Costco membership, BF Goodrich Advantage TA Sport. 2012 Toyota Prius Three Tires | BFGoodrich Tires Current promo of $50 off set of 4 BF Goodrich tires. $336 - $50 + (4x$15/tire: mount, balance, disposal, road hazard warranty) + (4x$3/tire: TPMS rebuild fee; required) = $358 + Tax BF Goodrich Advantage TA Sport is a 6year/70K mile tire. Costco Road Hazard Warranty is 5year or 2/32inch tread depth, which ever is sooner.
I just got 422+, love it! The ride is smooth and more quite. Paid something like $390 with installation. Bought online, too bad when I need Costco had no discount.
Hard to believe the RT43 can be so cheap, have good mpg and good wet handling. What's the catch? I do have Costco membership. What is the mpg like on the Advantage TA Sport? Too many tires to choose from!
I have no idea what the "catch" is on the General Tires. Maybe it has something to do with tires mostly being way overpriced like mattresses and it is difficult to make solid comparisons. And, with lots of money spent on advertising for some of the big brands, maybe the minimal amount that is spent pushing General allows them to lower the price. I had an earlier incarnation of the RT43 -- the General RT. That tire gave me great traction on the West side of the Cascades in the rain and occasional ice, and darn good traction in the Cascades and on the east side of the state. The complaint about the RT is that treadwear was horrible. Those tires were toast at 24K. Of course, I do like to take the roads less traveled and I tend to hit a lot of very small, dirt/rock tracks to get to favorite fishing and hiking spots, so that may have had something to do with it, but I must not of been the only one. I did a lot of research before buying this tire and found this quote from a General spokesman compelling: The competitively-priced RT43 corrects the shortcomings of the Altimax RT, which were mileage and snow performance. “The new tire’s technology change has led to a paradigm shift in mileage – the RT43 will see a dramatic increase in wear." Consumer Reports and TireRack also give glowing reviews. This RT43 is not new. It has been on the road for a few years, so you can see some real world time and distance reports on it. Having said, I really don't care what tire you buy. And, seriously, don't rule out Schwab, while expensive, if you are not the type who likes pulling off tires in the middle of a Northwest winter and would rather leave that all to Les' boys, around Seattle, you are never far from a Les Schwab, who will get you back on the road in no time. If you care, here's a link to the article that the quote above came from: Continental, General Altimax - Tires Review
Just editorial, and I appreciate this is a quote: maybe he should have said "a dramatic decrease in wear". I like "sleeper" tires too, ie: decent tires that don't break the bank.
And, of course, having been a newsman in my 20s (oh, so long ago), there is always a chance he was misquoted (nah, never happens)! And, yes, you FemNazi Bisco, I said NEWSMAN. It was me, I was a man. And, yes, for a few years I also worked as a FireMAN, even a FisherMAN. LOL! My daughter always tries to correct me when I say those words. Well, O.K., even my daughter does not go as far as fisherPERSON
Yeah I used to be a draftsman, then a checker. We got an edict at my last company, we had to put our official job title in our email signature. My son, who was working at the same place helped me find it. It took some doing, and I consider myself fairly tech savvy. I think about half the employees there threw in the towel on that one; the company was really dysfunctional in that regard. Anyway, I have no recall now what that title was; it was totally meaningless for sure, would be a complete stumper to any potential employer if you were to say put it on a resume. But hey: it was gender neutral.
Do I want the H/V rated or T rated RT43? The price is right and we're willing to give em a shot. We drive 25k miles per year so we'll get to try another set in 2 year anyway.
According to some you have to replace with the maker's OEM speed rating....though it has been said you can go UP in rating, just not below. Schwab can be particulary stubborn about that issue. For a 2012: Original Equipment Tire Guide - Toyota Prius If you decide to ditch the Toyos and go with the Generals, there is a $50 rebate through Saturday.
hah, it says "S". which is neither H/V nor T I will chat online with TireRack and get the right ones. thanks for your help.
You don't seem to understand tire speed ratings. Post #15 said it straight forward: you can go up in speed rating (FASTER), but should never go down (SLOWER). Your 2012 was fitted with "S" rated tires. You should get "S" or better tires (meaning you can get faster speed rated tires). Tire Speed Ratings Chart | BFGoodrich Tires