I've been driving a Gen2 for almost two years now, after driving a 1996-mitsubishi-colt for 10 years. I thought that my old Colt was a pretty decent car... But after two years, I'm still daily conscious of the comfort, quiet, and understated power of the Prius. My choice for the Prius was mostly based on its reliability, but also on that Hybrid Synergy Drive. I wanted to know what the fuss was all about, and found out that it's really a stunning piece of ingenuity. I just wanted one of those, like I wanted my first digital watch, my first computer and my first GPS. Have been reading a lot here, and learned a lot. I actually signed up just to get rid of the ads - but hey, why not say 'hi'?
Not many people talk about the Hybrid Synergy Drive. You are correct, it is amazing. When I talk about how this transmission will drive for a long time to other people, they don't get it. When other people ask me, "Why didn't you get the Volt, or some other Hybrid,? Why a Prius?" I try to explain the Synergy Drive. Their eyes glaze over and they think I'm blowing smoke. 200,000 miles from now, they will have gone through 2 tranny repairs in their cars. Not mine.
Yes, I've seen those glazed over eyes... But I've set out on a Mission to solve that, once and for all! I'm working on an animated video that should become the Ultimate Explanation of the Hybrid Drive. I've spent an insane amount of time modelling various drivelines - but that's time well spent. Playing with cars and computers is what life is all about, after all. With the models finished, it's time to start writing the script and make the actual movie. I don't like that part, since it mostly consists of listening to recordings of my own voice. It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it: The Hybrid Drive is in desperate need of a good explanation.
Your imagery is fascinating!! I would suggest if you don't want to use your voice, to get someone who is good at voice over's. Or possibly someone who is a theater major and is good at reading commercials. It looks like you are on to something big!!
A voice over is a good idea. I asked Jeremy Clarkson, who said he'd be happy too, if he hadn't been so busy punching my face. Donald Trump on the other hand gladly volunteered, but when I declined the offer (first politely, then bluntly) he accused me of causing the latest hurricane and threatened to do things to my sister. Sabine Schmitz refused to drop her German accent, and James May's and Professor Brian Cox's voices aren't that much better than my own. So who's left? But seriously: After some practice (reading some Harry Potter out loud to myself) and some desensitizing to my own voice, I think it will do fine. When I'm done, with the actual material to show and a final script, it should be much easier to find a good voice. There should be several on this forum alone. Thanks for the encouragement!
Can't wait to see the final cut! Looks like you're coming up something awesome Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The movie is finished! I posted it on PriusChat under "videos". I actually think it would be appropriate in allmost all subforums, from gen1 to gen5 in both the general and technical sections - but I don't want to be a spammer. I can only hope it's good enough for other people to reference it in other discussions - or for a moderator to make it sticky. We'll see if this will finally make me famous. ;-) Here it is: Prius Hybrid Drive Explained | PriusChat
1. I think you do an excellent voice over. you're a natural. You could get paid for it. 2. Superb aviation and video. Amazing! 3. Is it being absurdly picky to say that although you are right of course that the petrol engine is ordinary, you could add that it is also not ordinary in the sense that it is Atkinson Cycle, which has greater efficiency and lower low speed torque than a standard Otto Cycle engine that other cars use, which makes it a great partner for high torque electric motors. I think I got that right but others may correct me. The main point is it's also a bit special. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Paid for voice overs? Oh come on, I'm blushing. ;-) On the atkinson-cycle: As far as I know, you're right - but that part I didn't research. I mention it in passing: "the prius has pretty good acceleration for a car with a small engine, built for efficiency". I set myself an absolute limit of 15 minutes. A TED-talk is 20 minutes, and since I'm not Al Gore or Steve Jobs, I humbly stick to 15. Had I set myself more time, I might have said more (and researched more) about the petrol engine. I would have loved to dwell on the differential, just because it was so hard to model. I would have mentioned that the first clutch-and-gearbox drove around in 1901. The first electric transmission was used on ships, in 1903. I had no idea that technologie was that old. The first differential was Before Christ. The first planetgearset just after - although it wasn't invented as a transmission. It was supposed to model the movements of the planets in the sky, in a time people thought everything rotated around the earth. Oh man, so much more to tell..
I had no idea that the patent on the engine was so old. Very informative and I get how my car works now!! Thanks!! Great voice as well!!
As I still have a Gen2, I was not aware that the Gen3 has a more complex transmission. But I had heard that it is more noisy than the Gen2. I wonder whether that is the reason, if true. I know that the Gen4 simplified the transmission again. See the following quote from Wikipedia. Does this make it a bit more like the Gen2 in operation? "The Motor Speed Reduction Device (a second planetary gear set found only in the Third Generation P410 and P510 transaxles), and which connects the traction motor directly to the Power Split Device, and thereafter to the wheels, has been replaced with parallel gears on the Fourth Generation P610 transaxle." Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
As far as I know, the main difference between gen3 and gen4 is that the drivechain has been replaced by gears. I think I got that from this video: It's very informative, but the speaker keeps repeating himself, so it's quite boring to watch.
Gen 4 no longer stacks both MGs and the PSD in one line with the engine crankshaft. There are four shafts now, the two MGs are side by side instead of inline, and MG1 is outboard of the PSD, so now, both MGs are accessible via the outboard cover, and the whole thing is flatter and needs a lot less width in the engine compartment. From the New Car Features Manual, where *a, *b, *c, and *d are the four shaft axes: -Chap
Chapman: Could you provide a link to that diagram? I'd like to know what the numbers are referring to.
The Great Font of All Toyota Technical Knowledge would be toyota-tech.eu in your part of the world (it's techinfo.toyota.com in mine). After signing in, choose TIS in the top row of tabs. Choose Library in the next row of tabs. Choose Service Information in the next row of tabs. Enter the model and year you want, click Search, then choose NCF (the New Car Features Manual) from the, umm, NEXT set of tabs. You should see something like this: Here it is throwing you back 415 documents, which happen to be all the sections of the New Car Features Manual, blorted out to you as a flat list in some algorithmic search result order. That's well and good, but not a very comfortable way to read a manual, so the key thing to know is, it doesn't really matter which one of those you click next. Pick any one and it will open a new window that has the sections in a proper table of contents (in order!) on the left, and the content of whatever section you select shown on the right: Caution: depending on how much you feel like learning about this interesting machine, the New Car Features Manual can keep you happily occupied for a considerable time. Here in the US, the shortest available subscription period on techinfo is two days for $15, but on toyota-tech.eu I think you even have hourly options. (If it's your first time looking at the NCF, I'm betting an hourly signup won't satisfy you.) It may go without saying, but your signup also entitles you (if you have time left!) to browse all the stuff under those other tabs you didn't click, too. -Chap
Wow! That's quite a roadmap, to get to some information that Toyota should be advertising with, instead of selling it. Not that the 3 euro's for 1 hour is that much - but for now, I'll leave it.
I too would be happy if it were available under some other model, but I suspect getting there would require adjustments all around their business model. What's the best way for them to pay their technical writers, editors, and translators? Even skilled, precise, Japanese-to-English/French/Spanish technical translators I'm sure don't come cheap. Should something just be rolled into the price everyone pays for the car, even people who care nothing to look at a manual? I, too, think the New Car Features Manual could be re-envisioned as advertising ... but I'm a geek. And since 2011 when they stopped making dead-tree versions, unconstrained by the size of a paper volume, it has become pretty big. It is really best regarded as the overall theory-of-operation, how-is-everything-supposed-to-work-when-it's-not-broken, Volume Zero of the repair manual. -Chap