That's the first honest statement I've seen about tire over-inflation. Is there a separate thread about this, with some long-term data? If it doesn't improve MPG, why do people do it. Do they like hearing their teeth rattle? (not to mention all the rattles that will occur in the cabin). Maybe it's just another Prius Chat myth....
i don't recall any data. maybe the physics don't require it, but without testing, there's no way of knowing how much of an improvement there is. some folks claim quite a bit. i used to experiment in my 2008 on my commute, and just couldn't see enough difference to quantify. pump 'em up!!! don't worry about teeth rattling, after a few years, you won't have any left.
My "data sample" (as the techno-nerds like to call it) is very short. I drove three months at the factory recommended PSI; Then I've been driving another three months over-inflated to 40 PSI.... Not a darn bit of difference in MPG. And at 41/40 PSI, I immediately felt (and HEARD) many more harsh little jolts. The car steers a bit better, but I I don't like my teeth clicking & clacking in my head! Dentist: "your teeth have more wear than usual." Me: "you can thank ETP for that! He told me 41 PSI is the answer to all things in the universe!" Just another Prius Chat myth..... (even the Mobil Synergy gas has lost it's magic. I'm back down to "only" 62.7 mpg)
I usually run a few pounds over OEM specs because the G3 has X-box 360 steering and more body roll than a Kardashian reality TV series. Harder tires are "statistically" more fuel efficient, but I've never been able to pick any MPG gains out of the noise. There must be something to it though, because tire makers are making all manner of Gucci "Energy Efficient" flavors. It's certainly true that under inflated tires can decrease fuel efficiency, but over inflation doesn't necessarily lead to added efficiency beyond a point or two. 40psi more or less seems to be the PC norm. See also: Nitrogenated tires. Ethanol. Fuel line magnets.
I'll sail closer to the wind with our 15" Michelin X-Ice snow tires, keep them around 40. With the 17" Michelin Pilots I stay around 35 (spec for them is 33/32). With the 17's I was running them around 40, but got tired of the hard ride, and when I lowered pressures could see no appreciable mpg drop.
Another good honest man! I don't think that extra point or two is worth it... not when my teeth are cracking, and the dashboard is rattling, and I'm sitting on hemorrhoids. (And my fancy Starbucks Green Tea Latte' is spilling all over my fine white china!) Gentlemen, we have debunked another Prius Chat myth....
"Cabin integrity" is the words I was trying to think of. There are 2 great things about my 2016 Prius: Superb MPG; And not one rattle--vibration--rub--shimmy--or squeak in the cabin. But when I ran the tires up to 41/40, I started hearing things that were never there before. So that right there, convinced me to let a few pounds out.
the 2 eco has higher tyres pressure spec. i wonder if toy did any testing, or just spent too much time on priuschat?
I think the Eco tire pressure spec is 39/38? I don't recall exactly, but that's not extreme. Probably wouldn't cause rattles or too much harshness in the ride. (It's odd that the same tire was found on non-eco Three models I was looking at.) I'm similar to Mendel. With my other cars, I always kept the tires 2 psi over spec, as they naturally lose a couple pounds over time. That always felt the best to me. Good ride and teeth don't chatter.
my ride is a bit harsh, but i'm used to it. i've had the same pressure for 12 years, so when i drive my wife's hycam, it's like a rolls. i weave the potholes and sewer covers and no rattles after 4 1/2 years.
Not really, the OP has been quiet since he posted twice on the same subject two days ago. I too am curious about the "face lift". Probably just another red herring.
I think this is a fake thread the OP posted. Hit & run. But we still had a good conversation. I reduced my tire pressure to just 2 above factory spec (which is 36/35). The car rides better now. I seriously doubt the mpg will decrease any. I also changed the drive mode back to "ECO" for this new tank of Synergy. ME? In ECO? And I also doubt the gas mileage will go up any. It's strange, but now the brakes feel different in ECO. It has to be my imagination, but they feel better; stronger. They were getting mushy while I was in PWR mode. Another Prius oddity.