Those who are Star Trek TOS or fans of one the above guys might like the NBC "reality" show Better Late Than Never - YouTube. It's a sort of a travel show but reminds me a bit of An Idiot Abroad along w/bits of Bizarre Foods in there. These will give you a better idea of what the show's about: Since I missed ep 1, I tried the copies on YouTube like the official one at and some others I found. They're all terrible, possibly intentionally. They end up only showing the video in a small portion of the entire screen/video window w/a vignetting effect (dark around the edges) and the audio is of poor quality. It was that way via the YouTube app on my Roku 3 and just as bad casting to Chromecast. Ended up watching some of it via NBC's iPad app. At least it's full screen but you're forced to watch ads. I've set a season pass for this show on my TiVo for this show now.
I'll give Shatner credit. He's brilliantly turned aging, and the quirks of aging, into a springboard to further his career. He's rather brilliantly marketed that he's NOT the person he was yesterday, and that we want to know who he is today. He's NOT afraid to involve himself in some pretty "out there" projects. At some point however, I do have to ask myself, do I really want to watch a gray haired Fonzi, impersonate a Geisha? And the answer might be....Better Never than Late. I'll probably take a look at this show out of nostalgia and a morbid sense of curiosity.
The first episode just happened to be starting when we turned the TV on that night so we decided to watched a little bit. Ended up captivated by the whole "stupid" episode. It's a good mix of characters and personalities thrown together into forced experiences purely for entertainment purposes. No more, no less. We generally LOL at several bits. Major gripe: advertisers must love it too enabling NBC to over sell the show slowing it with numerous and long commercial breaks. I have set my DVR for episode 2 to zip right through them.
I came back from a party last night (totally sober ) and flopped down in front of the TV, turned it on at 10:15 p.m. and saw some Asian guy wapping Henry Winkler on the back with some staves. Hmm, this must be that show I saw the thread about on PriusChat. I ended up watching the whole thing. It had moments. The part of cobras, I have a bit of trouble believing, they had to have been de-fanged.
Yep. You watched it. I just realized that of ep 1 wasn't the official channel and as someone else pointed out to me at silly show involving William Shatner, George Foreman, Henry Winkler (The Fonz) and Terry Bradshaw | Tesla Motors Club, the crap quality, vignetting, taking up only a portion of the screen, etc. is to get around YouTube's content detection systems. Anyhow, skip to ~14:30 of the above video to watch those guys eat in Japan and find out what they were eating.
Indeed. I never quite thought of it that way, but those are good points. He doesn't seem to mind making fun of himself or looking silly. I guess that's why he's an entertainer. I've seen eps 1 and 2 and will continue watching.
Seems the links here are all screwy. But, I managed to watch the rest of episode II and half of episode I on YouTube in the picture within the picture box. You get used to the strange format soon enough. Must be some strange "gene" in my make-up, but the show holds some special fascination for me -- having said that -- look at my headwear in my avatar, that may explain things.
You may be better off watching on NBC's web site (Better Late Than Never - or using their iOS app, which has good picture quality and none of the screwiness. I haven't tried their Android app, if any. The screwiness of those full episodes is probably due to the reasons I mentioned in my earlier post. I didn't know why until someone educated me on that. Makes sense. I don't need to bother that w/anymore unless somehow my TiVo fails to record it. Unfortunately, due to the Rovi buyout of TiVo and thus the migration to inferior Rovi guide data (instead of Tribune Media Services/Gracenote), that might happen.
I watched ep2 on my DVR and that's the way to view this show with numerous commercial breaks. We save viewing for friday nights. Anyway, I really like the fun facts about any area they're in. The Hong Kong yacht waiting list was just astonishing. And the mouse wine? OMG......
Thought Episode 3 started at 9 p.m. PDT, but guess I was wrong. Watched at 10 p.m. PDT, fell asleep around 10:25 p.m. or so, so missed about eight minutes of show before my rottweiler nudged awake again. Show was O.K., but did not seem as engaging as the first two shows -- maybe because it seems they treading a lot of the same ground, only in a different country. Not so much Winkler whining at least in Episode 3 as compared to Episode 2. Jeff Dye did have some cute Korean women to talk to, wonder why the one woman kept slapping him?
It got renewed for a 2nd season: William Shatner's Series Better Late Than Never Renewed For Season 2 - CINEMABLEND.
Really? I liked the first and second episodes O.K. After that it seemed to have gotten pretty repetitive and predictable. I will probably watch at least the first show of the new season, but unless it seems fresh, that's all. And, I like Winkler well enough, but his voice is grating. He should use the Fonz voice. Amazingly, I thought Forman was the best of the bunch, although Schattner was not too bad.