Just wondering if any one else has had to replace front windshield after getting hit by rock while driving? In all my years driving have never had windshield crack due to being chipped by a rock thrown while on the freeway. It appears to me that the Prius over all does not hold up to minor abuse i.e. dings from another door leaving marks. Am considering having door guards installed on my 2004 Prius. Anyone else having these issues.
I've had a windshield crack on another car about 10 years ago due to a flying rock. I guess it depends on the size of the rock and the angle at which it hits. My Prius windshield did survive hitting a pidgeon at 70 mph right in front of my face. So far I am pleased with the durability of the windshield. Pidgeon proof glass
one of our new 2006 Ford Econoline E350 service vans with 634 Km's (less than 400 miles) has a crack all the way across the bottom. Of the 35 that are in the fleet I'd guess at least 7 have cracked windshields. I've had the w/s in my 2003 Prius replaced already. I don't think the Pruis is any more or less vunerable to this sort of damage. S**t happens and it was your turn.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bolt88 @ Jun 4 2006, 02:41 PM) [snapback]265657[/snapback]</div> I am having the same issues on my 2004. I have 2 cracks and a chip that I will replace the windshield for.. I have not replaced it yet.. I am waiting for it to get closer to my NJ inspection expiration date of 3/08 before I replace it.. Scott
Anyone know... whats the average cost of replacing a w/s on prius? Just interested because, I replaced my old Saturn w/s twice..and something funny is going on with these..whereas it should be a $200-300 job, itwas over $500 everywhere I called (here in NJ). My insurance hooked me up with a place that will do it for $500 + tax (oh gee thats a break :angry: I had $500 deductible!!)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bolt88 @ Jun 4 2006, 02:41 PM) [snapback]265657[/snapback]</div> I've had no windshield problems with the Prius, but having owned it for only 6 months, my experience with it is probably not the best to judge by. OTOH, I've had several cars over the years get windshields chipped by rocks. In fact, the Honda CRV that the Prius replaced had a windshield replaced due to a rock chip several months before I sold it, only to have the new windshield suffer the same fate within a month. For side protection, I ordered side mouldings from this site: http://www.metrotpn.com/ They're rather narrow (which I knew before buying), so I'm not sure how much protection they give. But I'm sure they're some help, and I like the way they dress the car up a bit. So far, no dings. I attribute that in part to trying to select parking spaces where I'm less likely to get them. Jim
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(alsgameroom @ Jun 6 2006, 06:55 AM) [snapback]266599[/snapback]</div> When I had my windshield replaced last year, it cost around $300 or so via Safelite Autoglass (www.safelite.com). Compare that to the $1000 or so that the dealership wanted. They claimed that the parts alone would run me $600 or more. Just like you, my insurance deductible was $500, so filing a claim was definitely not warranted, even if I had gone to the dealership to have it done.
I've had mine replaced. Chip after 1000 miles. But I sure don't blame the car. Glass is glass! The same people make the glass for many different cars! The good news (at least for me) is that they finally make a shaded (tint at the top) windshield for the 2006! Yay. I have it in my car and will get pictures eventually. Cost me nothing since I have $50 deductible, and the glass company waved it to get my business.
My 06 (2mos old at the time) windshield was hit by small rock while on the HOV lane that left a star cracked the size of a quarter. Had it repaired for $50 by a pro using some kind of chemical injection and I don't even notice it anymore.
My 2000 Tacoma's windshield is a rock magnet. In 5 years of regular use, I had to have it replaced no less than 4 times. Thankfully, I carry full glass coverage because it's really cheap, somthing like $4 a year. I'll never pay enough in a lifetime of premiums to make up for the claims I've had to make against it. I was getting very worried though that the insurance company would think I was up to no good. In all my 31 years of driving and all the miles (I average about 28K a year), I've only ever had to have 2 other windshields replaced.
I've had a few chips on mine for some time, but a couple of weeks ago, a fairly large rock (3/4") was thrown up from a Ryder truck I was following on my way to work. I saw it coming, but was nothing I could do. Put a half-dollar sized star crack just next to my previous chip (blocked from my view by rear-view mirror). I probably should have acted quicker to get it repaired. Our first really hot day on Tuesday was all it took for the star to crack all the way across and up to the driver's side, and down the middle of the passenger side. Fortunately, State Farm offers full glass coverage in AZ. I'm more concerned about using OE glass so I get the ceramic dots on the replacement. I'm also curious if I can get an '06 windshield which supposedly is more sound deadening. It depends on the size of the rock in the end, and where it hits. The previous two or three whacks didn't do much of anything to the wihdshield except small chips. In a previous car, I'd been whacked more than once by rocks, but because one rock hit at the edge of the glass (weaker?), it cracked immediately (8", then spread all the way across the next day).
You know, I average a windshield every year on one of my cars. I always request OEM glass because in my own seat of the pants opinion, it appears the OEM glass resists chips and cracks better than after market glass. Just my own epxerience and no hard data to back that up. In the SF Bay Area in CA there is always freeway and surface street construction with heavy equipment trucks hauling debris. Amazingly, even though they are required to cover their loads, and most trucks have the roll back cover nets, they typically do not deploy them. That is just s recipe for damage for the cars on the road. Add to that bad situation the large number of SUV's that apparently have to have extremely large and wide tires which protrude well beyond their fender wells and you have more rocks flying at you than you can imagine. Who pays the price? We all do. I wish the police would hang up their cell phones when working and start writing tickets for all of those violations. Just my thoughts.
Don't know if it's true in all states or with all insurance companies (I have State Farm) but I get small chips that haven't started to crack yet fixed free. The auto glass place drills them out a bit and fills the hole with some kind of clear acrylic stuff. When they get done you usually can't even find the place where the chip was and the insurance company pays for it. I have had several on both work vehicles and my own vehicles done that way and it seems to work fine. If it cracks later or it you don't like the repair you can still pay the deductible and get a new windshield.
$280 for our 2005 (actually it is 'hers') in S. Dakota. crack started by a rock chip, kept going and going...right to the edge of the lower part of the windshield. Replacement glass looks very similar to original...the company claimed it a Toyota part. Can't tell if it isn't and she's happy, so win-win. cheers, Curt.
My answer is no, but living in Tucson, if I keep the car long enough, I will. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(alsgameroom @ Jun 6 2006, 06:55 AM) [snapback]266599[/snapback]</div> It is a big windshield, however it matters whether you're being quoted aftermarket or original parts as well. Aftermarket windshield for a 1996 Ford ranger was $280 about six weeks ago. Original equipment for a 2002 Lexus IS300 was $570 two weeks later. (Same guys did both jobs.) I insisted on a Lexus windshield for the IS300 knowing that I was going to be trading it soon. My State Farm policy covered 100%. No deductible on this coverage.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tumbleweed @ Jul 17 2006, 09:34 AM) [snapback]287524[/snapback]</div> State Farm here, too. If I recall correctly, about a year ago I got a letter from State Farm saying they would no longer cover "small breaks" in the windshield without first paying the newly-imposed $50 deductible.
I got mine today on my three-and-a-half month old baby. A good sized rock, highway speeds, and the worst windshield ding I've ever gotten. I'll have to call my insurance company tomorrow (Travelers) and see if I have any coverage for this, but in the meantime, I'd appreciate some feedback on a couple of questions. 1. The repair method. I've looked at repairs on neighbors' windshields, and its seems that they can make cracks disappear, unless the crack is too severe, which may or may not be the case with mine. Mine is in the driver's line of sight, so it needs to disappear. Assuming that they can repair my crack, is there any reason not to do this? Will the repairs deteriorate or discolor over time in the intense UV here in New Mexico, for instance? 2. I saw some comments in this thread on aftermarket v. OEM glass. Does anyone else have an knowledge about whether aftermarket is as good as or inferior to OEM?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(abqrichard @ Jul 17 2006, 08:36 PM) [snapback]287960[/snapback]</div> If the glass is chipped, they can fill it. If you've got an actual crack (i.e. a line running completely through the glass) there is no repair. It's possible to drill a stop hole so that it won't propagate any further, but there's no way to fill the crack. I'm the guilty poster. AFAIK after market glass should be as good as OE. Probably comes from the same plant. My only point was that the manufacturer's glass will cost more, and in my case (with State Farm paying the bill) it was important to me that the windshield say "Lexus". If you're covered you should insist on original equipment for repair of a three month old car. If you're not covered, then obviously you need to consider the cost.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(pogo @ Jul 17 2006, 10:51 PM) [snapback]288009[/snapback]</div> Thanks, Pogo. I'm not sure if the cracks runs all the way through or not. You can't feel them when you slide your finger over them, so I'm hopeful. I didn't notice your handle the first time through. Pogo was the best ever. May Walt Kelly rest in peace.