hi . just bought 2012 prius face lift.. experincing quite hard ride over man holes and drains bumps? is this normal???
If you keep your tire pressures in the recommended range, the ride should be normal for a car that size.
no it's not normal. how many miles on her? oem or what tyres? any possibility of suspension work by prior owner? and yes, tyres pressure is very important as pref93 states above.
What tires and tire pressures are you using? Does your car have any suspension mods? It wouldn't surprise me if the previous owner had the tires inflated to maximum sidewall pressure for better fuel economy (at the expense of a harsher ride).
What is "face lift"? In particular, what tires (tyres) are on the car, and what pressure have you set them?
Check your tire pressures (you probably call them tyres) and tell us what kind of car that you drove before getting the 2012. If you WERE driving something like a Rolls-Royce Phantom before getting the Toyota, then yes......the ride might seem a bit more harsh.
What the hell: auto correct is changing our "tyres" to "tires". Did it again, lol. This is what my post #6 looks like when I reopen in the editor:
&^^$#@ Website. I just checked......I typed "t-y-r-e-s" and it still appears as "t-y-r-e-s" without the quotes and dashes in the edit screen, but PC transmorgified it into "tires" on the interweb. (*sigh!*)..... It's time for a cup of COFFEE!!!! (now.....let's see if they change it from tea to coffee!)
You mean "I typed tYres". Les' see how that comes out. What I typed, and what still shows in the edit window: Try tyyyyyyres. Yeah, now we're talking.
tyres edit: i typed the above with a y, but it changed to i. funny thing, when i edit, it still shows y.
Yeah. I know. Another "feature" of the site upgrades, along with the free extra posts.....extra posts.....
Here in Double Oak Texas (warm climate) I run 38 psi in front and rear "Tars". Get softer ride and don't make any difference in fuel milage.
it's personal. i have never found higher pressure to make much of an mpg difference. i do it to get whatever 'edge' i can. but there is a tradeoff with harshness. so you have to experiment. i don't think climate makes a difference, we range from zero to 105 degrees, high and low humidity, and i keep my 'tars' the same year round.