I've got a 2015 Prius IV that did not come with Lane Keep Assist and Adapative Cruise Control. Can I get those added or did they have to be installed at the factory? Thanks in advance.
That's one of those deals where you'd have to replace nearly every wiring harness in the car. Definitely factory.
Even if it could be done, come trade-in time it would be tough to explain, and/or recoup any value. Best to stick to just the usual accessories.
Check out Mobileye. The Toyota importer In Israel fits Mobileye 560 as standard equipment on all Gen 4 Prii. This provides Forward Collision Warning, Distance Meter (distance, in seconds, to the car in front of you), Pedestrian Collision Warning, and Lane Departure Warning. Maybe the cars are imported with the correct harness (to save taxes), I don't know. But the device, which works very nicely, is added by local accessories shop. From what I have read about this device, it can be installed on most cars. Check out Mobileye 560 - Mobileye
Found this video explaining installation of Mobileye 560 - looks like it comes with its own harness - at
I'd think MOST all the hardware would be "plug and play" as far as the wiring harness goes. The new bits would plug into unused ports on the main harness (one design for all is cheaper on the main wiring). However, installing all the other bits would involve changing out trim, drilling holes not OEM from the assembly line, etc. A lot more trouble than it's worth.
I have a 2012 Prius Four but wish it was a Five with all the cool ****! I like the lane assist, parking assist or whatever assist and adaptive controlling....
That's a very tempting line of reasoning but it seems Toyota's bean counters don't agree, as they really do produce multiple variants of many harnesses, some with just a few wires and pins missing. Take the Gen 3 auto headlight mod, for example: if you don't have the auto lights, pretty much all you're missing is a couple terminal pins and the wire between them, even though the same light sensor is used and the same connector housings (with empty positions for those pins) are present! It's baffling how a bunch of minor wire harness variants can work out to be economical for Toyota, but one assumes the bean counters know what they're doing; differences of a few pennies here and there become relevant when producing by the millions. -Chap
Aftermarket safety addons are passive. All it can do is warn you. The factory safety features are active system. Not only will it warn you, it also acts for you in case you didn't react to the warning.