I miss being able to check street address by just pressing the map button on the steering wheel. On the gen 2 it would momentarily flash the closest street address on the screen even when not navigating. Very handy. Allot of times I know approximately where I'm going and just want to see what street number I'm at. To check street address while driving on the gen 4 you need to touch the map, but this freezes it. There is an info button, but this only tells you what street you're on, not too useful. Does anyone know a solution? Is there a button I haven't pressed yet or some voice command?
I wish we had that button on the steering wheel, Oddjob. That would be great. There are many times when I don't know where the hell I'm at!
Exactly. The gen 2 has this button. The gen 4 has enough buttons, couldn't one of these become the "where the hell am I button" when the map is up? Toyota, are you listening?
With the gen 2 you just click the map button on the wheel and glance at the screen. You can do this as often as you want. The gen 4 takes your eyes off the road longer. You have to touch the screen exactly where you are. If you catch a side street you'll get that instead. This pins the map so now you have to hit home and then map again. It's easier just to pull over and punch in the whole address.
As it relates to the gen 4 I think krmcg means the map. It's like one big button. When I pine about the gen 2 there's an actual button on the wheel. Did anyone else use their gen 2 nav this way?