Sometimes I wonder if anyone is at home at Toyota... The article below mentions the need to price the Prime between a regular Prius and a Chevy Volt and then goes on: "But according to Toyota representatives, they are confident that the Prius Prime will sell a lot even if they priced it at $45,000, considering that it has the most efficient battery consumption ever at 8.8kwh compare to the others in tha market which is usually at 18.5 kwh." Source: Toyota Prius Prime Review: Price, Release Date, Specs And More : Auto News : Auto World News
Well, we'll know about USA pricing tomorrow, and rumors seem to be persistent it will be quite competitive. The figures they cite, if relating to capacity and not consumption, would compare the Prime/PHV and the Volt 2. Other comparable PHEVs, however, have similar (Ioniq Plug-in, A3 e-tron, Golf GTE) or smaller (BMW 225xe has 6.8 kWh) battery capacity and are way more expensive, when similarly equipped: > 45,000 Euro all taxes included, here in Europe against ca. 35,000 for the PHV. The exception probably being the Ioniq Plug-in, that will be similarly priced then the Prime/PHV. The Volt 2 is a special case, not available in Europe. So yes, for those who are OK with the booth space and the 4 seats, and wish a Plug-in hybrid, the Prime/PHV will be an offer to consider. Will it cannibalise the sales of the Gen 4 Prius? Not sure. Toyota will try and conquer customers new to hybrid vehicles, at least the way I see it.... Jan
we already know the pricing, but can't talk about it. but i'll say this, your worries are unnecessary.