Exhibit 1: [attachmentid=3703] Exhibit 2: [attachmentid=3704] ...and don't whine to the mods the pictures are offensive/inappropriate, they're/have been on, just about every major public news source...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Jun 5 2006, 05:36 PM) [snapback]266284[/snapback]</div> Dick Cheney.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Jun 5 2006, 05:36 PM) [snapback]266284[/snapback]</div> Is the first picture the one which we're welcomed with roses? And the second picture the reason we should be welcomed with roses?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(burritos @ Jun 5 2006, 06:46 PM) [snapback]266317[/snapback]</div> Good one burritos!! :lol: Squid, we need a choice, "both equall"
True colors shine right through your rhetoric. I see exactly what you stand for. You do not know what it means to serve. Those members of Blackwater, who were burned alive, dismembered, and had their corpses hung have yet to see their murderers face any prosecution. <div align="center">Does the site of Americans dieing make you happy? </div> Yet, the small handful of men and women in our armed forces who have acted against the Geneva Convention have all faced prosecution for their wrong doings. How many insurgents have faced justice for the thousands of war crimes they commit? After all, you would not have the ability to even have the dissent/disgust you share were it not for the men and women serving in Iraq (including the civilian contractors). I dare you to speak your mind in Saudi Arabia or Syria. You are so ignorant. As my Chief used to say, “You need to pull your head out!†I am sure you enjoyed the extended weekend you received with the Memorial Day holiday. Did you go shopping, stay in some air-conditioned hotel, sleep in on Monday, etc. All the while, our men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan continue to honor the orders given to them by their Commander in Chief. <div align="center">Maybe you should reflect on what the day of memorial was created for and then decide if it is really in good taste to defame the men and women who died honorably for our country. Stop politicizing our veterans... </div> You sick, spineless coward! You should be thankful you can hide behind your screen name. Geoff USAF 95-05
Ok dude... let's get one thing straight... THE IRAQ WAR HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH OUR FREEDOMS!!!!!!!!!! SADDAMN HUSSEIN WAS NEVER A REAL THREAT TO THE US! As far as Fallujah goes, there was justice done to insurgents: http://photos.signonsandiego.com/gallery1.5/marines-fallujah I am so sick of situations in which people turn moral/emotional statements into facts of reality!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mirza @ Jun 5 2006, 06:06 PM) [snapback]266350[/snapback]</div> Maybe you should clean out your ears. I said politicizing the deaths of our men and women serving our country is a disgrace. They follow the orders given to them by the officers appointed over them. You obviously do not know how our military works. I served my Commander in Chief honorably, regardless of his political affiliation. Have you no value of what it means to serve. This is not even debatable. Anyone who finds this humorous is sick. You all should spend a weekend sans protection of the US Military and see what freedom really means. Again, I dare any of you to go to China, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Syria, etc. and see what freedom of speech will do for you there. Cowards, all of you...
You make the argument that people are politicizing the situation... (I am sorry Squid)... and I would point out this very thread politicizes the Iraq war. And you tell me what this has to do with Saudi Arabia and the other countries you bring up! THIS THREAD WAS ABOUT IRAQ! I don't know how aware you are that lies and exaggerations lead people like you to risk your lives for a war based on false premises!!!!!!! I thank you for having served the country, but I don't agree with your position. EDIT: YES I removed two obscenities... before anyone might attempt to point that out.
Yea, cry to the mods when the debate doesn't go your way. I'd like you to know though... that even though the war was based on lies... I am in support of building the democracy and fighting the insurgents there... rather than pulling out and wasting EVEN MORE money, effort, and lives. Might I also add the whole reason for going to the Iraq war was POLITICAL... the Bush administration wanted to go to Iraq before '03.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mirza @ Jun 5 2006, 06:21 PM) [snapback]266361[/snapback]</div> Thank you, you are proving my point. As a member in the US Military, I do not have the ability to question the orders given to me by my commanding officer (that includes the President). Lies or your belief in lies has nothing to do with the men and women who are following orders by their military chain of command. When you take the oath to defend your nation and obey the orders of the officers appointed over you, you are taking away your own ability to choose. Just as the men and women who fought in Vietnam did so honorably, so do the men and women of the US Armed Forces today in Iraq and Afghanistan (regardless of who or why we went there). By posting pictures of charred American bodies vs. the acts of now convicts in the military correctional system and asking who are the evil doers you are equating the actions of men and women who carried out lawful orders vs. cowards who hide behind rags and slay innocent victims all the while televising it for "your" enjoyment. There is no choice, our lawbreakers face justice, and theirs get royalty checks from Iran, Syria, or Saudi Arabia? But I am sure you have not seen the telethons in Saudi Arabia on your cable news station raising money for "martyrs?" Just because you do not "agree," does not make it any less true. Go ahead close your eyes and live in your little dream world while the rest of us struggle to make sense of it. Fundamentalist wacko's have hijacked the Islamic faith and want to take us back to 400 AD. They want the power and they want you dead. The despots that rule the non-Islamic countries would just as likely ride the coat tails of the terrorists until it was no longer convenient. In Islam, everything is permissible as long as it furthers Islam. That is why murdering other Muslims is acceptable. They would like nothing more than, for you and I to argue amongst our selves and have you believe that they only want their "little piece" of the Middle East. I guess those 12 Muslims taken in to custody over the weekend in Canada only needed 3 tons of ammonium nitrate to plant more poppies. After all liberal Canada has actually allowed Canadians to go and fight for Al Qaeda only to return to Canada for medical treatment from wounds suffered in battle against Canadian forces? Educate yourself. Quit drinking the Kool Aid. Regardless, do not demean the deaths of our men and women due to the orders given to them. If you have a problem with the war, take it out on the administration not the military. You should be ashamed of your actions.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mirza @ Jun 5 2006, 09:06 PM) [snapback]266350[/snapback]</div> No? Neither was Bin Laden and the Taliban on 9/10..., of course, there was no REAL *evidence* of 9/11, at least, nothing most of the posters on this board would likely agree as "conclusive" proof of an imminent attack... In hindsight, would anyone here that opposes the Iraq war, approve a pre-emptive strike on Afghanistan on let's say, 8/01? I doubt it, I really, REALLY, doubt it... On top of that, name ONE OTHER leader who acquired and actually USED WMD's, on their own people nonetheless... How much do you sit around and WAIT before you do something? Wait for *evidence*? Heh, this argument has been hashed out a million times, you either believe Iraq was a threat, or it wasn't. I believe exactly what Dick Cheney said during the debates, that Iraq was the next likely nexus of terrorism, and thankfully, something was DONE about it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(chinook-hybrid @ Jun 5 2006, 09:15 PM) [snapback]266355[/snapback]</div> Chinook~ Regretfully your speaking to deaf ears here, an example is go back and read all the other Iraq threads or anything regarding the war or wars in general.. You will see where 65% stand. :huh:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(chinook-hybrid @ Jun 5 2006, 09:15 PM) [snapback]266355[/snapback]</div> The whole point of this thread is to illustrate just how far people have sunk when many actually have the GALL to accuse the United States of being, essentially, the "evil terrorist" in Iraq. There's no humor in it at all. I find it very interesting that Abu Gharib is vibrantly remembered as a symbol of, effectively, "terrorism" at the hands of the United States, yet those people strung up on the bridge are so easily forgotten... THAT is what makes me sick.