Purchased my first Prius on Thursday. It's a 2014 Prius C Two with 30k Miles on it and first Hybrid I've ever owned. I'm slowly reading the owners manual but other then that just been reading people's posts on this forum and articles on the Internet about the prius and prius c. So just looking for any information or help or anything you can throw my way on anything about my Prius. Thanks in advanced! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
congrats and welcome! follow the proscribed maintenance in your manual, stay tuned here, keep track of your mpg's by manually calculating at each fill up, watch your tyres pressure and engine oil level and just enjoy. all the best!
May be a silly question but how do I track the miles done per trip so I can calculate it manually? My old honda I can reset it with a button but all this technology is strange to me haha! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
i'm not familiar with the c, but on mine, there are 2 trip meters, and you scroll to them with the display button on my steering wheel to get to the correct screen, then scroll to each with trip button on steering wheel, reset one for my trip and one for tank refill by holding the trip button until reset. if yours is different, see the manual for instructions.
Or you could just load feully on your phone. Then you just need to enter mileage and gallons and the app will calculate and record. SM-N910V ?
Congrats!!! I have a 2014 c also....love her.....I have had her since March...no problems what so ever....I have close to 30,000 miles on her also.
I love mine too so far but having some creaking when I'm stopping which is really frustrating me. Have you experienced that on yours at all? It's really concerning me considering I just got it and it's only 2 years old Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
No I haven't noticed any creaking when I am stopping but you may still have some warranty left on your Prius that would cover dealer cost to check it out. My low beam lights are terrible....there is a black streak that looks like a shade has been pulled down....I understand the low beams need to be raised so that will be have to be done.
I have had them check, but they have said nothing is wrong. I made another thread on it with a video so hopefully some knowledgeable people can post and give some feedback. What average mpg do you get? Have you been able to get a pulse and glide? I can get it to glide but can't get it to stay lol Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Braking in a Prius C is much different than a non hybrid car resulting in uneven braking response because of that regenerative braking thing. I know if I brake hard it makes a loud grinding noise in my Prius C and my baby only had 8000 miles too. I say try to switch up how you brake until you get used to your C and you automatically know how to brake evenly and reduce the creaking sound. If it persists after a month of driving, or it gets worse, ya just might have to have someone check it out
It's just one creak in that video so not sure if you can hear it. I just don't want to ruin the car by driving it if it's something. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I am getting 44.4 miles per gallon...I put 20.00 in and it fills her up....I drive around town a lot and three miles to work. I try to pulse and glide but only coming off freeway ramp.
One important thing to follow is that when you start the car after it has been sitting and has cooled down is to allow the engine to cycle through until it turns off, before you turn it off. So like if you were to move it from the driveway to the street, allow the engine to run until it shuts off before turning it off. The reason is that you may experience some loud engine clanking on the next start up if you don't follow this procedure. Another important issue is to always drive a cold engine gently until the engine warms up, this will help the longevity of your motor.
I understand you already had it checked and they can't duplicate the noise. I suggest you use your warranty, call the dealer, and ride with them to demonstrate how you can duplicate the noise because if the dealer themselves can't recreate it then they won't even try to fix it and dealer tends to be a decent option for hybrid car repairs.
I have a moonroof in my Prius and I noticed the seal has a part that is lifted up and loose....I think it may have leaked in the past as I see a tiny rust spot where it closes and the loose part of the seal is....I wonder if Toyota will cover it under rust warranty....it has 30,400 miles now
Definitely call Toyota support and give them your VIN number, they will tell you if it's covered under warranty or not. Then take it to the dealer and let the dealer know if you're covered or not so they don't pull a fast one and charge a buttload to fix something. I went in for a firmware update to my Entune and it was covered under warranty and I saw the bill that the dealer gave me freaking $160 in labor just to update the firmware by hooking it up to some wires ay carumba
Another thing you should know is the rear passenger seat, behind the driver side, houses the fan that keeps the battery cooled. Don't block the vent there! Recommend you pop out the tabs by pressing in, remove the panel, and clean it sometimes since there will be dust bunnies.