The Can't Get Above 40's Club

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Fuel Economy' started by adamtraidman, Jun 30, 2004.

  1. adamtraidman

    adamtraidman New Member

    Jun 30, 2004
    I've seen a variety of posts in various threads where drivers are saying they can't achieve MPG's abouve the mid 40's over the course of any given tank. Personally, I'm on my second tank with my 04 Prius, the first was 41.3 MPG, the second, so far, is 48.2 MPG. The latter of the two I was only able to achieve through _extremely_ modified driving habits including never going about 65, rarely exceeding 60 on the highway at all, coasting constantly, and probably pissing off quite a few drivers with my "at limit or below" driving on most city streets.

    Like some other folks posting, I'm amazed (and impressed) at other's abilities to hit 55+ or even 60+ MPG over the life of a tank. I can only guess it has to do with a variety of factors we don't always consider such as temperature, length of trips, terrain, etc...

    I'm convinced that if I drove my Prius like my Camry, I'd get about 35 MPG, possibly less. Compared to the 25 MPG I'd get in my V4 Camry, that's pretty unimpressive, especially since the Prius has a much smaller engine.

    Anyhow, I just wanted to create a thread for folks to vent frustration, and to know that there are others who are in the "same boat". I often wonder if any given lot of Prius's has some sort of "problem" contributing to low MPG, but I'd guess it's really just a matter of driving habits and the type of trip you take.... c'est la vie!

  2. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Patience grasshoppa'.

    The technique will come, the feel will come, break in will come. Have you done all the 'things'--check oil level--should not be AT ALL above the full line. What tire pressures are you running? Consider bumping to 42f/40r. Have you had the alignment checked?

    I may piss off a few people once in a while with my speed limit driving. I try to never drop below the posted limit when someone is behind me, but admit to going pretty slow as I approach turns/stops if there is not anyone there.

    Learning to feather the pedal so you can 'glide' (see the glossary) is way better than coasting. When coasting (foot off pedal, green arrows charging battery) there is extra drag slowing you down and that's pretty inefficient since you'll have to speed back up. I feather the pedal to a 'no arrows' glide when on flat terrain or down hills. Even with uphills I find that feathering briefly then slowly adding pedal pressure seems to cause increased gas mileage and a preference for electric motor power over ICE.

    Is there any excess weight in your car? Get rid of it. Are you anticipating stops far off, and turns? You should rarely use your brakes and when you do just gradually slow to a stop--avoid hard braking, passing, etc.

    As you mentioned, your driving conditions will dictate a lot of this. I have a 12+ mile each way commute to work that allows for good warm up, battery charging and I start and end at about the same elevation despite a rather hilly drive. And you see my mileage below. I also commute my children to daycare, about 4-5 miles each way...I can, even in that 10-15 minute drive maintain or improve my mileage on many days....but it's almost all 35-45mph driving.

    It'll get better, in all likelyhood. If it doesn't, then I'm gonna say it's likely b/c you're just someone who's driving style and conditions aren't ideally suited for the 'super numbers' some of us get. Who cares. BTW, I think it would be a challenge for you to get the mileage below 35mpg for a would take a dedicated effort.
  3. delrey

    delrey Member

    Apr 28, 2004
    SF Bay Area (East Bay)
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    I'm stuck in the 40s as well, and have 5k+ miles now. I'm working on it, for fun trying to exit the freeway after crossing the bridge and driving the 2nd half of the commute on surface streets. Not too many stop signs/lights so this seems to be helping. We'll see ...
  4. Ken Cooper

    Ken Cooper New Member

    Mar 4, 2004
    My average over this past 5,000 miles has been 49.1 mpg. It's been improving with time. This is just fine from my perspective. I make it a point to drive in a manner that's consistant with traffic and to NOT drive in a manner that riles up the 'A' type personalities on the road (a serious potential safety issue).

    I highly recommend learning to feather the pedal as efusco said, but also to monitor the energy screen for a while, trying to maximize the amount of regeneration that occurs (arrow pointing from the motor / generator to the battery). Easy stops vs. hard stops is key. Just don't do it in a manner that will launch the 'A' type personality behind you into some kind of an angry Donald Duck like tirade.

    Also, remember that low mileage cars rarely get optimum gas mileage, they need to first get through the break-in period.
  5. amped

    amped Senior Member

    Apr 15, 2004
    Columbia River Gorge, Oregon
    Other Hybrid
    It took me almost eight months to get into the 40's, but I have the worst combination of conditions: Low total mileage, cold ambients, short duration trips (3-4 miles stop and go), hills, slightly wider tires, oxygenated fuel all year, and until last month no regard for proper technique.

    My dealer says that Prius owners relocating here from Sunbelt or Midwest areas become upset with their lower numbers. I'm pleased with 41.5 mpg for now, and with better technique expect to hit high 40's next month.
  6. glscheil1

    glscheil1 New Member

    Nov 30, 2003
    Raytown, MO.
    40's mpg

    I am in the upper 40's but I live in the suburbs of Kansas City. Anyone who has ever been here knows we have hills and more hills. I don't have much opportunity to get out on the freeway and don't regret it. Am using synthetic, 42/40. I'm satisfied but go in next week for my 6,000 mile oil change and the recall or whatever they call it. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  7. madams

    madams New Member

    Jun 24, 2004
    Cary, IL
    Mileage on Prius

    I average about 43 miles per gallon on my '03 Prius. My secret is to press on the gas pedal as if there is a raw egg between my foot and the pedal. The old jack rabbit starts will kill mileage in a heart beat. I'm currently waiting for my new '04 it is due in July 12. A friend picked her's up this past Monday and went on vacation Tuesday morning to Door County Wisconsin and she called me on her cell phone to report 51 mpg on the highway. Like I said EASY on the pedal and mileage will go up! :p
  8. adamtraidman

    adamtraidman New Member

    Jun 30, 2004
    Thanks for the feedback, folks. Through much forum reading, I've tried to incorporate several strategies such as using cruise control on the highway, turning it off when going up hills, learning to get the most out of no-arrow coast mode, slow gradual stops, EV mode only when appropriate, etc... All of these contribute to the vast difference in driving style I have these days versus just a few weeks ago before I got the Prius.

    The good news is I surprised myself today with a post commute MPG average of 48.5, that's up .3 from the past few days. Minor, but every bit counts! Thanks again for the suggestions. I'm convinced that if my commute was longer, I'd have a better chance of sitting at 50+.

  9. john1701a

    john1701a Prius Guru

    Jan 6, 2004
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    My June average (1,792 miles) was 54.4 MPG.

    I have over 75,000 miles experience driving & maintaining THS/HSD systems.

    You will eventually "feel the force" later on too. Just hang in there, keep reading the posts here, and be really observant.
  10. jchu

    jchu New Member

    Mar 2, 2004
    Nampa, ID
    Be aware also that if there are any "downer" trips MPG-wise on a particular tank early, it is hard to recover until the next tank.
  11. rflagg

    rflagg Member

    Jan 5, 2004
    Springfield, VA
    Also, in my opinion, it helps to watch the 'less fun' consumption screen.

    The energy monitor only shows off what your immediate MPG is - and when I stayed on that screen, I'd get right around 50. However, if you keep it on the consumption screen, you have your immediate MPG, along with your overall tank MPG, along with your past 30 minutes screen. I know where my 'bad mpg' spots come in my drive to and from work now, and I work to improve those areas. Also, you become less worried about the ICE kicking in and more interested in keeping your 'current' MPG around or above 50MPG. Now I'm able to achieve around 53-55MPG instead of 50, which is quite an improvement. But, I think the Consumption screen helps much more than the Energy Monitor, FWIW.

  12. jimfcarroll

    jimfcarroll New Member

    Jul 6, 2004
    Hum. I rented a 2004 Prius in February for two days. I put 200 miles on it and put 4 gallons of gas in before returning it (50 MPG - I didn't trust the computer running average but it was really close (49.8 MPG)).

    As a result, I bought one and have put about 600 miles on it. After the first tank I filled it by putting in 9.33 gallons after driving 475 miles (over 50MPG) and I'm on the second tank now. I drove for a while with the Energy/Consumption display to train myself to keep the mileage up.

    My commute is about 35 miles one way (which probably helps) but many of those miles were with the AC on (it's been miserably hot and humid here in PA for the last week - though today is nice).

    Does anyone think I can expect a decrease in the mileage as the car gets older? What do I need to do to prevent this?

  13. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Look at my 10000 mile experience post. The Prius gets much BETTER mileage with time. The battery gets conditions, tires get better after 1000 miles, bearings/engine/other mechanical wear in. You'll get better at driving efficiently. I've heard of no one who reports worse mileage with age.
  14. madams

    madams New Member

    Jun 24, 2004
    Cary, IL
    I had to yell at my wife

    The other day I asked my wife what the heck was going on with the gas consumption . . . I said, " Listen, I filled up the Prius ('03) 2 weeks ago and --Yea I know I drove to my mom's house twice (60 miles round trip) and you have driven it to work every day (30 miles round trip) for the past 2 weeks but I had to put in 8.2 gallons of gas! (51.2mpg) :lol: Naturally she smiled and then hit me! :lol:
  15. xevious

    xevious New Member

    Jan 19, 2004
    I can't get over 45 MPG on a regular basis, but my daily commute takes me over a rather large hill. Considering that a co-worker who makes the same commute is averaging about 17 MPG in his Camry, I'm not complaining.

    I've seen tank averages as high as 58 MPG while traveling on vacation, so I know my Prius can do it...
  16. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    I agree with the "learn from PriusChat Posters methods" :)
    My neighbor is commuting to an out of town worksite for the month and his company will either reimburse him for mileage on his vehicle (the family only has 1 and it is leased) or renting. Of course he chose to rent and got a brand new (paper plates!) Kia from Enterprise which he said was pretty nice for an inexpensive car.
    I came home Tuesday and saw a base level (no rear wiper) black '04 with NY plates in front of the house and figured they had visitors with good taste! Turns out the local Enterprise lot has some '04s. Guess I was chasing the wrong tail trying to rent one from the Toyota dealer! He traded up as soon as one came available. Anyway he let me drive it and based on learning from this site, I was able to drop into stealth the first try. Averaged in the high 40s (12K on the car) and generated 8 leaves on approx 15 miles highway and city. He had been watching the mileage and power screens so he knew how to use them. I gave him a lot of information I have gathered here, and he was excited to try it all out the next day. I was afraid he'd have an accident watching the screens and working the mileage. Happily, the car was still undented in front of his house this morning. :)
  17. Eug

    Eug Swollen Member

    Jan 13, 2004
    Earth (for now)
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    2004 Prius:

    I hit about 44 mpg driving across New York State, but I had the air conditioning on and was averaging about 73-75 mph. Plus there was some city driving thrown in, and I tend NOT to gently drive the car.

    I have NEVER hit 500 miles, but part of that is due to inconvenient gas station locations, and a gas gauge that seems to start flashing too early. I did manage to get 11.7 gallons in a fillup once though (but "only" 488 miles on that tank).

    BTW, on my 2001 Prius I've gotten well over 500 miles, but I was driving around 55 mph most of the time, not because I wanted to, but because there was too much traffic. It seems to me that the 2004 Prius similarly benefits from slower speeds and a lighter touch on the pedal, as well as air conditioning turned off (and my hitch removed). Indeed, I think I could get over 50 mpg that way.

    However, I NEVER drive that way intentionally, so I don't really care. All I can say is I get way better gas mileage than what people describe for a 4 cylinder Camry. Who cares if the engine is smaller? The power is close, and that's what matters, and both are mid-size cars. Thus, I don't understand the complaint that a Prius would "only" get 35 mpg with mixed jackrabbit driving, if a similarly driven Camry got 25. 25->35 is a 40% increase in gas mileage, which is obviously pretty damn impressive.
  18. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    I talked to my neighbor (the one with the Enterprise rental Prius) again yesterday. He had just done a 200 mile round trip (48 mpg) to pick up the family who had gone home with Grandma for a couple of days. He COULD have driven his leased 2004 Odyssey and I suppose his oldest son (a smallish 10) would have been more comfortable as he was in the back seat between his brothers who were both in car seats. Instead he chose to drive the Prius. Maybe because it cost less in gas, maybe because it didn't put miles on his leased vehicle, or maybe because (and I quote) "I LOVE THIS CAR!" And this is the base model, no 'extra' fancy gee whiz or safety features. He plans to volunteer for 'commuting distance' jobs (he does computer hardware/software installs) rather than taking local ones as long as he can keep the rental. :)
  19. Raloff

    Raloff New Member

    Jul 12, 2004
    Can't get above 40s with A/C

    I've been using my car to commute in rush hour urban traffic and routinely get 45 to 48 miles per gallon--sometimes up to 50. But the average falls to low 40s when the thermometer climbs into the 90s and I'm compelled to use the AC on those glacially paced commutes.

    On the highway at 65 mph, however, we can get 55 mpg even with the A/C. We did last weekend, in fact.

    Frankly, I'm thrilled with our mileage and have been since we got our car.
  20. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    up until recently my mileage on the freeways was much greater than city driving.

    i guess im still learning the tricks of city driving but on the freeway i set the cruise control to bet 65-75 depending on the speed limit and traffic and i get 53-54.5 mpg. on the streets i average 4 mpg less.

    i will say hills do affect the mileage big time. i went cruising to the Cascades just to test my new camcorder. and that time was the only full tank that i got that averaged under 48 mpg overall at 46 mpg. (the worst i ever had was one tank at 44.5 mpg, but half of that tank was when helping a friend deliver the morning paper. that consisted of 264 stops!)