I just installed a front and rear dashcam in my 2016 Prius 4 and wanted to share the results. The camera I used is a BlackVue DR650S-2CH with both front and rear cameras. Pretty easy install. The design of the front camera allowed it to tuck in nicely behind the rear view mirror without being too intrusive or blocking any of the other sensors. Rear camera affixed well to the top of the hatch. Running the cabling took he longest, but it's now perfectly hidden, neat and tidy. Installed BlackVue's Power Magic controller under the dash and hardwired the whole thing into electrical. Very happy with the finished product and the quality of the BlackVue gear!
Looks good, how easy was it to hard wire into the electrics? Interested in doing similar when We get our Prius 4.
Not difficult at all. The BlackVue Power Magic controller comes with all the power cabling and fuse jacks you'll need, along with decent instructions. If you're handy with cars, the whole thing should take about 2 hours. If not, set aside a day. Took me most of the day, but I tend to obsess and had to get the wiring run 'perfectly'. But low degree of difficulty for sure.
There is one cable connecting the rear camera to the front. Apparently used for both power as well as video data that streams back to the SD card in the front camera. Then another cable from the front camera down to the fuse box.
I got the camera from thedashcamstore.com, one of the few authorized dealers of BlackVue in the US. The whole setup cost about $380 minus the labor to install it. Not the cheapest cameras, but high quality and features. I really like the Wifi/Cloud capability as well as internal GPS.
Do you have any more details or pics to your hardwire set up? I already have a 2 channel dashcam (thinkware F750) from my previous car, which was easy to install on because it was a beater 2002 Audi Allroad. I'm only putting the install off because im not sure how to remove the trim properly or do the wiring, because I'm new to this car.
Like your dash-cam set-up a lot. Way better than what I did with my 2016 One, but I got mine for $9 each cam at wish.com. Had to do it like this since I'm not too fond of tampering with the trim without a "trims for dummies" tutorial Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Any tips on how to run the cables from the front to the back? Also how did you hide the wires in the front? Thanks in advanced, would like to know prior to buying the cameras.. (want to add a rear camera)