I'm shopping around for a 2016 package 2 eco and man, all I see is three colors: Silver, Seaglass, and Black. I don't wanna drive 200 miles to get my preferred color. Anyone know if dealers are still restocking on 2016's or is the remaining inventory all that's left?
It's weird, because I haven't seen many 2017's on dealer inventories on their websites here in MA. Hoping this means they'll have even more incentives for Oct.
I really doubt they're coming. My search radius is up to 400 miles and still nothing. It's not worth it to drive for a good 5-16 hours (round trip) just to get a color I really like vs a color I'm ok with.
Here in California 2017s are already coming in. Usually when Toyota has a new model year start coming in, within a week or two the prior year completely stops coming in.
There are four 2017 Prii for sale at my local dealer in Nashua. New Toyota Sales | Toyota Dealer Serving Manchester, NH
What is your preferred color? There's a red and blizzard pearl at http://www.toyotaofnashua.com/new-inventory/index.htm?make=Toyota&model=Prius&sortBy=internetPrice+asc& For anyone else interested, there appears to be a 2015 leftover still available as well.
Just the inventory that's left. If they are building 2017's, there ain't gonna be any more 2016's being built.
2017's are already being delivered to dealerships, so the production of 2016's probably stopped a few months ago. It's unlikely that any new 2016 are still arriving. But the dealerships might move the old 2016 inventory to locations where they sell better.
I've had some dealers offer to locate and trade for my choice of color (if available) on a 2016... and others try to upsell me on their 2017s...
I'm not certain I am reading this question right. My first thought was "no he can't be asking THAT" because how can one replenish something that's not being built anymore. The 2017's is how we replenish sold 2016's since we stopped building 2016's a couple months ago. Currently, the stop-sale for all 2016 models across the USA should be lifted in a couple weeks. The fix for the parking brake is a simple clip issue but we need a f-ton of these clips! In Southern CA, most all of the 2017's can be sold but we have to sit on the 16's for a few weeks. Our rebates on 16's are relatively large (2000 for cash deal or 500 + 0 apr for 72 months, or 1800 towards drive offs on lease) as opposed to a 500 rebate on a 2017. No special rates or leases. I guess they wanted to just toss some cash out there on 2017's since pretty much all of the 2's and 3's in 2016's sold out anyway.
If your local Toyota dealer is any good and wants to make a sale they'll find you the color you want. It's called a DEALER SWAP! LOL when I sold Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodges I was the King of the dealer swaps. You wouldn't believe where I found cars for my customers.
Ahhh.. but there are very extenuating circumstances here. Allow me to explain. I am sitting on 80+ 2016 Prius that I cannot sell right now anyway... as all Prius 16's are on stop--sale due to the parking brake clip issue. It's going to be handled fast, as it's just clips needing to be installed.. but here's how 2016 leftovers work: You want one of my 2016 Prius? No problem. But, I'm not taking one of your 2016 Prius back. Period. The object is to get rid of 16's. Sell, dealer trade, whatever. And, this is pretty much every dealer's stance. So, with the ridiculously low deals we're accepting to unload the last of this inventory for 2016, if I cannot get rid of one of MINE for these prices, it's not worth doing the deal. If there's decent profit, then OK - I might trade off some other model. Or, a 2017 BUT the 2017's the only year model we CAN sell right now... so I won't trade a car that I could sell for one I cannot.