19C (66F) outside temp, drivers window open, ECO mode, AC off, no passengers apart from driver, brand new car (10 miles on odo yesterday), 15 inch tyres, for this particular trip, I started with 3 bars on the battery, and the car had been left parked for 1 hour, after an earlier 1 hour trip. 15 miles on this trip, quite heavy traffic, had 5 miles or so in 40mph zone, but rest was 20/30mph zones. It was challenging to try and stick within the EV zone, but I think I managed well for my first proper drive. Works out at 76mpg if I convert my UK 91mpg to US gallons.
Still remember that ticket for driving in an area without a permit. Rental car from SIXT and had to drive through an area to get to the Hilton. Much smarter now. Use public transportation or a taxi when in a strange place or you are strange.
Thanks for the information - the average you are showing is for the ODO distance (58mi) though, not for the trip you made (15mi). So the consumption you see there is not for the last trip - you need to cycle through the various sub-trips (A/B/since hybrid start/ODO "lifetime" and nothing) to get to the one pertaining to the trip you were making. I usually use Trip B for my commute, Trip A for the whole tank, "since hybrid system start" for multi leg trips to see what happens inbetween (I see interesting things there when the warmup is not taken into consideration ), and ODO for lifetime and I hope I will never ever reset by mistake...! So it might well be that your 15mi trip was even higher MPG.....! PS: we both chose a great color, didn't we?
You are operating the car in conditions where it really shines, that would be low speeds where the motor can briefly run to charge up the battery, and then shut off while the battery propels the car. I first realized this when I got stuck behind a 20MPH tractor on a rural road for about three miles. My very good cumulative moderate speed highway MPGs for the trip immediately began to rise sharply. I think if one could drive about a steady 20mph on perfectly flat terrain in an impossible world where other drivers would not be annoyed, I think the 2016 could be milked for 100 MPG.
Yes, virtually all of my driving will be in fairly heavy traffic, as I spent all of my time in London. In the interests of reducing pedestrian fatalities, more parts of London are dropping from 30mph zones to 20mph zones (with speed cameras too, so that 20mph wouldn't be annoying to the car behind me) so 100mpg runs may be on the cards this summer.
Living in an area with lots of slow, heavy traffic I can attest to the advantage of hybrid technology. Used to be in my stick shift car I hated stop and go, but with the Prius and mileage it offers I don't mind near so much. It's incredibly easy to get my numbers in 70-80 range on m morning commute, part of which is highway driving at some pretty good speeds.
Darn it! The average speed is just outside fo the frame as is the EV driving ratio. Those are relevant numbers.
Push the Power button and after turning the car off snap a post trip picture and post that pic. It is a better overall since it shows miles driven, time taken to drive that distance and mpg for last trip.. This info should stay on the dash for at least 30 seconds post trip.. Should look something like this: