I am looking for a new car (Prius and similar). One of my requirements is acceleration speed (0-60) b'se of the types of roads I travel daily. I used to have 2009 Toyota Corolla in past that had very low acceleration (higher 0-60 mph time). I am trying to know if Prius will be any better? Does acceleration change in different modes Power vs EV vs Echo vs normal (sorry, I don't know exact modes but read somewhere)?
Most Prius 'modes' are just ways to map the accelerator pedal, pushed all the way to the floor they are all basically the same. Car and Driver did 0 to 60 in 10.5 seconds in the 2016 (gen 4) http://media.caranddriver.com/files/2016-toyota-prius-four-touring-test-review-car-and-drivertoyotapriusfourtouring2016.pdf The Gen 3 (2010 to 2015) did 10.0 in C/D testing. http://media.caranddriver.com/files/2010-honda-insight-vs-2010-toyota-prius-1998-chevy-metromileage-maestro-powertrain-chart.pdf The Gen 2 (2004 to 2009) did 11.3 0 to 60 Driving Impression A current Corolla with a manual does 0 - 60 in 8.5 seconds, with a CVT 9.5, so no Prius will touch it. (all Prius are eCVT)
welcome! don't buy a prius. that's last on the list of features. what are you driving now? lamborghini?
I have found my 2012 Prius to "feel" about like the 2005 Corolla we had in acceleration, maybe a bit faster with a full-ish battery. But it is still not quick and you are looking at roughly 10 sec. Try the hybrid Camry or accord - they have more powerful engines and still pretty good MPG The modes don't affect the 0-60 time of the pedal is to the floor, they only change the pedal linearity.
We are very happy with the 0 to 60, 10.2 seconds that the Prius offers. If you need acceleration faster than 10.2 seconds, buy a race car.
How our perspective has changed over the years. It used to be that 0-60 in 10 was a hot car. The Prius will leave the bug-eye Austin-Healy Sprite I learned to drive in, in the dust!
Here are the 100 slowest cars: Slowest Cars 0-60 Times | 0 to 60 & Quarter Mile Specs for the Slowest Cars in the World None are within 5 seconds of a Prius. 0 to 60 in 30.0 to 15.7 seconds I only owned 1 of these, a Mazda Mizer.
The Prius offers same-day service from zero to sixty. Somewhere in the high 9s to low 10s. - depending on model, weather, driver, tires....etc. If those figures require some perspective then you either have brand new license, a new girlfriend, a very long commute, or some newfound desire to appear to be eco-chic, because you're concentrating on the wrong performance statistic. Priuses are probably one of the cheapest cars to put 150,000 miles on. Period. That figure varies wildly with gas prices and political sensitivities, but there you go. If you're trying to parse the the difference between SLLLLOOOOW (anything above 11 seconds) slow (8-10 seconds) medium (7-8) all the way down to cars that little boys have pictures of in their bedrooms (anything below about 4 seconds) then go and get a Honda with a manual transmission. Cheap to buy, Quickish. Mostly reliable, and you can make "VROOM!" noises while you work your way up through the gears. It's also important to regard things like HANDLING, visibility, interior ergonomics, etc. A Dodge Challenger is DAMN quick from 0-60, but a slower pony car with a decent driver can make it look pretty sorry on the right track. A Camaro has pretty decent performance-for-price but the bat-cave visibility can make it less fun to drive in places like an LA Freeway, and you can't pass many gas stations with one. A Prius "feels" quick from zero to about 20 because you're yanking it out of the hole with 2 motors, and one of them is electric. After that? It's all Prius. It also handles probably less well than a Corolla and MUCH less well than other cars because of the tires, which have the same basic grip on the road as a billiard ball. The new Prius (G4) is a little bit better, according to its drivers (TIFWIW.) There is no difference in BHP output between the various modes. "Power" mode, isn't. Bottom Line: If you're dissatisfied with the performance of the Corolla, then getting a Prius will probably be going to other way.....BUT(!!) You're here for a reason. Something is compelling you to look at Priuses and whether it's new love, sudden burst of maturity, changing economic status, socioeconomics, or the desire to be intensely cool....I'd explore those motivations further because they.....like the Prius....may be taking you places that you can't go with a Dodge Charger. I say that as a person who would have a bright red Z-06 in my driveway if I ever won the lottery before the ink was dry from me signing the ticket and getting a lawyer. Oh wait.... You have to buy tickets for that, right? OK...never mind. Lotteries are a tax on people who aren't good at math! Good Luck!
I've had Porsches and Priuses. Believe me, driving a fast stick around town where you can't go much above 3000rpm gets pretty boring. I prefer the smooth quiet Prius ride. Plus having to use premium gas seems like such waste. Porsches are for tracks. They are built to go 160 mph. That's what you are paying for. FWIW, my '13 Prius 3 is faster than my old '08 Prius 2. Mainly due to the bigger engine. Even in the eco mode. Though climbing hills in eco is a bit tedious. Who's complaining at 58 mpg? Regular gas.
Thanks all of you. My current vehicle (2015 Nissan Leaf) has 0-60 in 7 seconds. So, it looks like Prius is nowhere near.
You will most def notice a difference. I borrowed an 07 Lexus ES 350 for a few days and was smoking people right and left at the traffic lights. I accelerated to 45 MPH to the speed limit in just 4 seconds leaving all the cars behind me in the dust with 272 HP vs my Prius with only 110. The throttle was so sensitive on this Lex that, you can barley press down on the pedal you will jerk forward while the Prius it's the complete opposite. I was so used to my Prius that I looked stupid when I first took off in the Lexus jerking forward like I was in drivers Ed all over again haha. Gotta be gentle on the pedal. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
0-60 in 9.7 seconds and 1/4 mile in 17.3 seconds at 80.2 mph is what motor trend got. I wonder if towing the Prius with a tow strap while using using regenerative braking to get it to max charge, then turning the traction control off can make the Gen 3 Prius a 16 second car with a skinny driver in ideal weather conditions at sea level. The Ten Slowest Cars We Tested In 2010 - Motor Trend