Had to make a decision on to trade in my 08 with 137,000 and purchase a 2016 year end model, or get new tires.....Decided on new tires and will make it to 200,000 and be part of that club. I purchased the car 'new' and have driven it since mile 1. My mileage has always been what was stated...around 48 mpg average...sometimes I would make it to 50 during the summer. Most of my driving was done in Washington State and a few cross country adventures. But moved to south jersey a few years ago to be next to grandkids. I purchased some Goodyear Assurance Fuel Max and pumped them to 40 and 39..... I recently went thru one tank of gas as I went back and forth from south Jersey into Philadelphia area etc, and averaged 56.4 MPG....Far out!..... I immediately saw results. I always knew I had the Prius driving skills down but now have the tires to push forward into super gas mileage. Previous tires were the OEM's which lasted around 28,000 miles (I believe they were Toyo's)....then purchased some Bridgestone which lasted to 82,000 miles...Then purchased General Altima which lasted to 137,000. All were fine but all gave me about the same MPG... These Goodyear Assurance Fuel Max are nothing less than fantastic. Just had to brag......
Good for you and your decision to go for 200K. I unfortunately had a really bad experience with another Goodyear tire, and swore that manufacturer would never get another penny of my money. I hope they continue to make you happy going forward.
My Prius came with Goodyear Assurance tires as the OEM. And I would say, they have been the best set of OEM tires I've ever owned, just from the fact that they have been decent. Most other OEM tires I have owned have been so crappy, I barely got 20,000 miles out of them. 30,000 miles on these, and MPG has been good, probably need to replace soon. I don't know if I will repeat with Goodyear BUT I can't say I've been unhappy. Would warn that I thought snow and ice traction was horrible. Not a good tire for winter conditions.
Perhaps...perhaps...pick a tire, any tire and someone has had a problem with it as lemons exist. Sorry for your issue as I am sure it wasn't fun.... So far, so good --and I have had issues with Bridgestone in the past and that was the other tire I was looking at. I liked the Michelin energy saver but didn't want to put out that much money for a set of 4 tires, so will count on these lasting another 50,000 which will take me right into my new Prius, a few years down the road. Luckily...not much ice back here in south jersey in Cape May area or in Arizona (Where I have a small house too)...snow isn't a problem in Arizona and while south Jersey gets snow, not nearly as much as Philly to the north or DC to the south, so a bit dryer in this southern part.
I agree that any brand can have issues. Although my go to tire does tend to be Michelin. Keep us posted on the GY tires and how they're doing as time goes on.
What year was your Prius that the Goodyear Assurance Fuel Max came on OEM and was it P185/65 R15 88H Item 544927 Material Number MSPN 738-523-571 avail @ at Sams Club currently? Or P195/60 R15 or the 16" on the '07 and newer?
Was it Goodyear Assurance, or Goodyear Assurance FuelMax, or the OTHER Goodyear Assurance, or the Goodyear Assurance ComfortTred....you see where I am going with this. Goodyear makes plain Assurance all seasons, plus several other in the Assurance line. My Goodyear FuelMaxs were actually Goodyear Weatherhandler Fuelmax, which had a slightly different tread than the Assurance FuelMax, whew...
While we are beating this one to pulp. Has anyone been able to find actual rolling resistance numbers lately anywhere? Could not find it on Goodyears site. They seem to publish only what they want. I got these below numbers off a Prius forum but these are no longer available at least in my area and Sams claims they list can not get the better but priceier Michelin Energy Saver A/S R/65 R15 86T @ $114 but might be able to order and could take up to 2 weeks??) The R.R. number is one before the last in each before price but its almost inverse on the lower the rolling resistance thelower the three digit tread life number which is the 3 digit one in the seres of (XYX)= Tread Life, A=(Traction), B= (Temperature) which is listed before the R.R. long number: BF INSIGNIA SE 200 89S P195/65R15 S,T P 195 65 15 20 10 380 B B 0.00760 OE GY INTEGRITY (OE) P195/65R15 S,T P 195 65 15 NA NA 460 A B 0.00955 GY COMFORTRED P195/65R15 S,T P 195 65 15 19 11 700 A B 0.01139 $78 GY REGATTA 2 P195/65R15 S,T P 195 65 15 20 11 560 A B 0.01253 $79 BF AFFINITY LH30 89H P195/65R15 H, V P 195 65 15 21 11 560 A A 0.01260 $65
Depending on the Tire, Consumer Reports did a LRR thing with an independent lab in January of this year, I seem to recall. Probably have to be a subscriber to access it. I have a "free subscription" through the local library online e-resources, but it's a pain to login and even then, some of the articles are more special than others and they don't give access anyway. Tire Rack may have test mpgs for some of those tires on their Web site, but I have never seen the actual number you are talking about.
Edited above reply to correct & clarify as I mixed up part of the 2 tires description I was comparing @ Sams Club: Goodyear Assurance Fuel Max P185/65 R15 88H Item 544927 Material Number MSPN 738-523-571 avail @ at Sams Club currently is the one I wanted verified accurate opinions on. Sent by a right hand on a mobile with Tapatalk
Bridgestone's doing the same thing with the Ecopia line. If someone says "I've got the Ecopias" it really doesn't mean much. Then, if you look on TireRack, there's the Bridgeston Ecopia EP422 plus, but hang on, that's not the end of it, there's a three groove and four groove version, with different countries of origin. 'Nuf to make you light your hair and run screaming.
The structure of the Tire Rack Video comparisons is useless to a data miner gen x'er like me. Think they are pandering to millenials with loose hands on cash or credit who's statistical learning strength is video medium equating to they are percieved to be manipulated that way. So far no Apples to Apples as in Brayburn to Red Delicious comparison yet. Sent by a right hand on a mobile with Tapatalk
According to several parroting sites the Consumer Reports 2016 May top 4 in All Season catagory listed below. There was All Season Performance catagory but their bent seemed misguided for my purposes being best lowest R.R., with longest tread life, and highest incliment weather handling & Temp Letters at a reasonable cost: Continental ProContact EcoPlus+. Michelin Energy Saver A/S. Hankook Optimo H727. Goodyear Assurance TripleTred. The Continental, Michelin and Hankook tiresall scored a rating of 82 in Consumer Reports test, while the Goodyear tires netted a score of 80. Again, frustrating, as they stay too vauge with the entire tire description omitted. Sent by a right hand on a mobile with Tapatalk
Ah, another "assurance" tire. Actually have owned three sets of the TripleTred on my Camry. It has awesome wet performance -- tough to get it to hydroplane. It is very good in snow and ice (for an all-season) and wears quite, quite well. However, it is very noisy. It's a directional tire if that freaks you. As for mpg, I never thought of it as being anywhere close to an LRR tire, but then again I did not put it on the Prius. It was on my rig that I used on hazardous weather days -- the days the Prius with it's wonderful "auto-traction control" stayed parked at home. And, again, if you can dig up Consumer's winter report that specially lab tests LRR claims, you may find what you are looking for. Also, I forgot, there used to be (may still be) a Goodyear Assurance CS FuelMax and exclusive to Walmart, the Viva Goodyear Assurance FuelMax.
If we could persuade you to verify by posting a pic of the entire raised lettering for the Tire Brand, Model on sidewall or type the same exactly in it would dispel all the confusion here of what you got such good results with as I am very limited so far to two choices in hugh MPG branded stuff with eevere lack of hard data here in the gullet of Tornado Alley.
Best data comparison, (I could find using compare feature on the consumer reports rated best tires with Low Rolling Resistance excluding winter studless only tires without UTQG ratings) on Tire Rack. Using Cookies
You know, don't take this as directed at any one person on PC, except maybe myself, but just having bought eight new tires in the past six weeks, I am getting pretty sick of tires, tire threads, tire discussions and so on. I bought the General Altimax RT43 for my Camry on Aug. 8. Happy so far, especially on price. Had tire woes on the Prius a week or three ago and replaced the FuelMax with the Generals. No mileage hit, General were WAY cheaper and have much better traction, etc. rating. When I did my research the Generals were the clear choice (well, since they have been giving out rebates like candy since August). LRR, bah. I don't believe them.