Hey Eva! Congratulations on your new Prius. I agree with most of the answers here from people. I drive a Prius Four and yes the Bezalel Latitude Universal Wireless Charging Case works for your Prius! It's a great product! check them in their website.
Yes. It's actually bezalel.co that's where I got mine from. Great accessory and its really efficient!
Fiddling around with my oscilloscope I checked the signals coming from the QI charger. It's a train of pulses which appears to be coming from several coils that are built into the Prius QI charger. eBay sells QI chargers that are bare boards with a coil attached. My plan was to fiddle with the coil and adding my own circuit, use it to power other devices.
Hi The Apple Store sell a "Mophie Juice Pack" variant with a 50% battery and Qi compliant charging. I have used this for the last 3 weeks on my iPhone 6 and it does exactly what it says on the tin. The iPhone charges / the juice pack charges.
Hello Eva, I just purchased a Qi charger and adapter on line through Wallmart for $12.34. It is called the Qiwireless charger and charging pad. I use the pad in the house and the adapter goes on phone. Just set phone down on your Prius phone pad area and it charges just fine.
I just bought a 2016 Prius and found out i had to get the Qi to charge my phone in it. I bought it on Amazon but it looks like i have to put a part into the charging area of the phone....so my question is, what about when i'm home and want to charge with a normal cable? It seems i can't do that unless i take off the case/disassemble each time and i don't want to do that. I haven't tried it yet so can still return it. Let me know what the fix for this is.... would be so nice to be able to charge my phone without cable in the car.
Welcome to PriusChat. There are 2 parts to Qi charger - the charging part which TOYOTA has built into PRIUS, plus the receiving panel you attach to (if not already built into) your phone. There have been a few threads about how effective it is with charging, and by the sounds of it, some have reverted back to charging with an adaptor plugged into one of the 12V power-points. Qi seems to be inherently slow. I bought an adaptor which included a panel to attach to my phone - it worked but only marginally, and not at all with a case on. With my adaptor came a charging plate which I could leave plugged in on a bench at home and place the phone wire-lessly on to charge. It did work - but so slowly, I didn't have the patience to keep it going. It would keep a charged phone charged, but if it was say 50% charge, it was only 70% charged after 2-3 hours. I abandoned using it. It possibly works better with an up to date phone with Qi built in.
thanks! I guess i'm returning it then. Ugh. I guess the Toyota salesperson saying "you just put your phone here and it charges" was too good to be true.
You might want to do a search in PriusChat SEARCH first (from the home page) - there were possibly some which worked - I didn't nail it, though.
You might be more successful with a charger wire from the cig lighter socket to the phone. You haven't said which type of phone you have, iOS or Android, but whichever one, the USB socket in the Prius is just for data really.
The charging pad in my Prime is rated at 5 Watts (about 430 ma) not enough to charge the phone if you're connected via Bluetooth Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
cv I have no idea if this product works, I did buy a charging cable for I phone 6 from them which works it was the type that has the magnetic connect. I am thinking of getting this, To view what they have, SUKAR.US is their url, this is their info and price. Sukar iPhone Qi Wireless Charging Receiver Case Sale price $24.95 Regular price $39.99
You just need to buy a charging pad to plug in at home if you want to keep the case on the phone all the time.
Hi Guys, Just picked up my first Prius 2016- have an iPhone SE and looking for a wireless charging case- anybody know of a compatible one?
Apple has announced recently that they have joined the Wireless Power Consortium, the industry organisation that came up with the Qi wireless charging standard: Apple joins Wireless Power Consortium/Qi, lending weight to rumor of wireless charging for iPhone 8 | 9to5Mac I hope this means that future iPhones (like the rumoured iPhone 8 / iPhone X) will have Qi wireless charging capabilities built in, so I can finally use the wireless charging pad that comes with the PRIUS and other vehicles!
There's nothing (other than Apple) stopping you now. My Nexus 6 is over 3 years old and I have wireless charging. Apple would like to be the best, but they ain't the best in my book!.
I picked up the Antye Qi case on Amazon for $19.99. It works well, but doesn't charge particularly fast. I don't like the feel of the case as much as the case I was using before, so I tend to just keep the new one in the car and swap out if I know I'm going to be on the road for awhile. For everyday use I just keep my old, non-charging one on.