Coming up on needing new tires soon. The local places I normally go for tires have many options, but based on what I've read here, it comes to two basic options.... Goodyear FuelMax PROS: Happy with OEM tires. Got good MPG (55-60 avg). CONS: Only lasted 45K miles. Bridgestone Ecopia EP20 PROS: Supposedly will last longer than OEM, ??? CONS: ??? I'd either deal with Sam's Club or WalMart...whichever offers the better deal. Although the Bridgestone is only available through WalMart. I would consider ordering tires online and have them shipped to a local place, but there would be the issues of how much a difference in cost I'm looking at, how I'd fare with MPG, and what kind of life I could expect from them.
I got 51,500 miles off my Goodyear OEM tires. And, better mileage than the replacement Continental Pro Contact tires.
Where your original tires Goodyear FuelMax? Your use of the term OEM (aka Original Equipment Manufacturer) has me a little confused. I've got the EP20's a couple of times for another vehicle. They're an uneventful, decent tire, very good for rolling resistance. I suspect they're a little better for rolling resistance, compared to the Fuel Max, but that's just from what I've read. As far as wear: the latest set of EP20 I put on that car have around 40,000 km's (the car has accumulated around 49,000 kms, but snow tires were used for some of that), and remaining tread depth is around 5/32". So, nothing to right home about, but not terrible. Do not expect any sort of snow traction once they're worn down to 5/32", though. Best to have snow tires.
I should have been clear. Mine came with the Goodyear FuelMax. I presumed they were OEM on all Prius.
Thanks. EP20's were another "OEM", so I'd think they were similar, at least in Toyota's eyes. EP20 are very ubiquitous; Costco always has them. Interestingly: they only come in size 195/65R15. Maybe intimates they're tailored for OEM application??
FYI, I just went with the Goodyear FuelMax. I got 45K out of the OEM set and then some. Only changed them now because we're getting more rain and the risk of snow/ice is going up (and they were due for changing). The FuelMax was just easier to obtain in my area. Sams Club had $80 off a set of 4, so I'm not complaining.