My understanding is that it is a gross misunderstanding of the term Aloha to say it means both Hello and Goodbye. It evidently is a term meant to convey an entire lifestyle as opposed to the simple duality of simultaneous greeting in both welcoming and departure. But for my purposes? I'll just say Aloha, as both Hello and Goodbye. Let me say this first. I don't intend to stop participating within Prius Chat. This is NOT meant as a release the doves, declaration of melodramatic self imposed exile. This is not where I admit to no longer owning a Prius and thus self flagellate myself by taking a vow of continual silence. Even though I traded in my Prius today, I'm still a huge fan and supporter of the vehicle. I enjoyed the past 3 years of Prius Ownership. I'm going to miss communing with the angels of greater efficiency in the silence of an ICE turned off as I creep through the drive through. I'm going to miss the fossil fuel saving flat line of the non-firing pistons at stops. I'm going to miss the sometimes jaw dropping mpg and economic frugality created by long highway road trips. I'm going to miss being in a traffic jam, and creeping along, in a peaceful confidence knowing you are one of the few people in the entire frozen automotive river of congestion that actually ISN'T burning gasoline or creating emissions. I've long felt, even in the years I participated in Prius Chat BEFORE owning my Prius, that Prius Chat was often MORE than just Chatting about Prius. I have found this to be an great forum for gaining perspective, conversation and debate on a wide variety of issues. Discussion born out of events within the entire automotive industry. Wide ranging from Unintended Acceleration to Tesla, to Leaf, to automotive recalls and industry scandal. To threads within this very forum, that may have nothing to do with Toyota or vehicles at all. No you won't get rid of me that easily. However, some respect to the undeniable truth that I no longer own a Prius should be paid. Will my participation lessen? I think so. How could it not? A vast majority of specific Prius threads? Well nobody likes the guy who owns a Donkey, telling you how you should saddle your horse. And there are enough Prius Veterans in here, that on issues specific to Prius? Even if I ignore a greater majority of those posts and queries, I feel the forum is in great hands. I mean how many of us does it take to post "Check Your 12 Volt Battery." ? Toyota themselves has referred to Hybrids as being a "bridge" technology. The question for me is did I cross it? Or did I jump off? The truth is, I'm no longer "on it". But even with this truth. You should expect to see me occasionally.
All that and you still didn't say what car you traded your Prius in for and bought? Or did I miss it? Fair winds Sir...
You must have insider knowledge. I can't find the hints. Lol. But going along with this theme...could this be his future??...
You take the 3rd letter of every fifth word and combine with the next to last letter of the 3rd word from the end of next to last sentence in every other paragraph.
Well, I just kind of wanted to say "Aloha" without attaching any comparisons to what I am driving now. I didn't want this to be a "I've left "Prius" and now I'm driving this "wonderful" vehicle thread. But for those that are curious, I went back to Honda Fit. I still get a "standard" degree of efficiency, and it's a vehicle that I both like the way it drives and it's clever utility. To be honest, I enjoy smaller vehicles, and while The Prius is no mammoth it ( believe it or not ) always felt a little large to me. But as I said, I think I will always be a fan of Prius, even if not driving one. I think whatever happens in my life, I look forward to that time in the nursing home when I babble on endlessly about the time I owned a Prius. I'm not one that feels they need to move on, while simultaneously touting their NEXT evolution or trashing their previous vehicle. I'm happy with my new vehicle. I like The Honda Fit. But that doesn't in any way mean I did not very much enjoy my time as a Prius Owner. As I said above, I know there are a lot of HSD and Prius advantages I'm going to miss. LOL! Seriously...I have friends that own huge trucks. And I will admit that I think they would be fun to drive. But that's NOT going to happen on my watch. I still respect efficiency and having the "right tool for the job". So it really comes down to, I don't need to be 6ft in the air, and burning gas at a rapid rate, and I don't need the torque and horsepower of a truck capable of towing a grain silo and load of old growth timber over a mountain pass. I'm still happy to be in the "efficient" range of 30 mpg.....even if with a Prius....that LOW a MPG would indicate something is wrong.
Always enjoyed your posts. Have fun with your Fit! (Convert it to all-electric, maybe? I just mention that as I have a 1996 Miata I have thought about converting if the engine ever breaks.)
Hello Electric Me, Please keep us informed and stay in here. Your unbiased insight is a breath of fresh air. I truly regard your responses as "fair" and based on logic and fact, not emotion. Most of us just read posts, but all of us read "through" your post for the real deal. Enjoy your new car!!
Congratulations on the new car. The Fit/Jazz is an extraordinary thing, especially with its unbelievably versatile seats. Everyone I know who has one loves it. I'm in the same camp on the Prius. While I've moved on to another car, I will still be a big fan of the Prius, and a big supporter and proponent of it. I like my new car. But I do miss having a hybrid. And I miss people seeing me driving a Prius and making the mistaken assumption that I must be a nice person.
No hybrid Fit here. We got the Insight2 that was based on the last Fit. In hindsight, Honda may have done better to have dropped the Insight2 idea and just brought the Fit hybrid over then. When the new Jazz hybrid came out, Honda stated they planned a sedan and SUV based on it for North America, but would not bring over a Fit hybrid. With our low gas prices, and their past hybrid history, Honda seems content focusing on the Accord hybrid and Clarity trio for now.
I tried to get my daughter to get a vanity license plate for her Honda Fit. I suggested "PITCHA" and "HISSY" as obvious choices. For some reason she didn't want those.
Ah, right. We have a Jazz hybrid and a Civic hybrid here, but no Accord hybrid. The Jazz is a weird one: it's what Toyota called a "weak hybrid", I think, at the Toyota Experience in Tokyo. So you can't pull away on just electric power: the petrol engine is on whenever you're moving. I think it's low fuel prices that hold back hybrids here too: prices for petrol vary between about US$4 and US$6 per US gallon, which is much cheaper than Europe.