Have you ever had a dog hurl into that place in the driver and passenger door windows, up forward, behind that swoopie thing... how do you clean the window? I haven't yet, but I can envision that could happen. I can't figure out how to get anything in there to clean the window. Cleaning the door part is easier if you roll down the window (sucking any soil matter into the door). But how to clean the window proper?
Can you take a picture of what you are talking about? I think I know what you are talking about, but a picture is worth a thousand words.
You can purchase Windex Wipes. They work really well for small places like that and dry fast so no streaking.
Yes, from the photo, drop down from the tip of the arrow. Have you tried to fit your fingers down in there?
That's why I suggested the wipes. You can literally ball up the wipe and put it at the end of your fingers and wipe.
There is about a two and a half inch drop and I'd be hard pressed to get a screwdriver to the bottom because of the curve of the glass and the narrow space between the hump and the glass. My fingers won't fit. Sure I could stuff a wipe down there and then pull it out... but no way could I adequately clean the glass.
I was thinking along the same lines. It just seems like a bad way to design something. I was hoping to find someone who has figured this out with an easy solution.
I can roll down the window and clean that stuff out from outside the door. But the window? Not so easy.
Now I see what Michelle is talking about. I bet my window tint guys were cussing up a storm. How did they get the tint down there?! And speaking of cleaning windows, I have a heck of a time trying to clean/wipe the inside of the big windshield. Just can't reach all of it. I finally draped a towel over my squeegee thingy. That gives me another 12" of reach.
Yeah I have an aerosol can of foaming automotive glass cleaner: spray a blob on the paddle, then move it around. Much easier on the arms.
That is great for windshields, but might be too big/cumbersome for the little window to which Michelle is referring. Now if they had one of those with a smaller "head."
I'm amazed at all the "intricate design details" of the interior. Who thinks up this stuff?! I just run the edge of my damp towel thru there and it gets any dirt. There's quite a few other nooks & crannies that can collect dirt too.
If it's a really serious cleaning you need, then you can remove the plastic below those small triangular windows. It's a good idea, because those plastic parts are defroster vents, so if something really messy got there, like a tossed cup of coffee, etc, it would drain or fall into those vents and you'd want to clean them out as well. It's been a while since I removed them (car speaker install), but if you reply I'll go dig up the directions.
Michelle can correct us, but I don't think she's talking about the small triangle windows. It's the area just before the triangle window, where there's a deep crevice between the main window glass and the door panel?