<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(AnOldHouse @ May 26 2006, 09:00 PM) [snapback]261587[/snapback]</div> Well, actually on the 2006 Prius, the service menu can be accessed by pressing the Display button, then tapping the upper left corner just under the green/orange line, tapping the bottom left corner just above the green/orange line, tapping the upper left corner again, tapping the lower left corner again, tapping the upper left corner again, then tapping the lower again. (Total 6 taps, three times each, alternating.) Unfortunately, the Override is nowhere to be found on the 2006 service menu. My best guess would be that the Override is probably yet another sequence of hidden taps done on top of the service menu.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Manksgloob @ May 27 2006, 04:45 PM) [snapback]261872[/snapback]</div> The 2004-2005 has that menu as well. In fact, when you're on the main screen, tap the top left corner and lower left corner (alternating) a total of six times like before, plus a seventh time in the lower right corner. That should bring up an additional menu. Unfortunately neither is the menu you're seeking.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Manksgloob @ May 27 2006, 07:45 PM) [snapback]261872[/snapback]</div> Ah, thank you! So that explains why the now well-known 2004-2005 sequence of 4 taps on the Volume screen does not work...you need 6 taps. So it is possible that the override function has been deleted altogether. I see that there are now voice commands that allow entry of destinations and also voice dialing which does appear to be something of a compromise at least allowing these functions but without having to look at the screen and type. Have you used these? If so, what is your impression? Is the override function really needed now with the voice command ability on these two functions? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(aaf709 @ May 27 2006, 08:58 PM) [snapback]261891[/snapback]</div> And thank you to you too. I should be well prepared when I actually have the 2006.
well guys... there aren't many people with ties into the actual service community around here if you haven't noticed... and it's tough to stay on top of all that goes on with a huge site like priuschat... plus we are kinda busy with other things... and giving advice to people with technical or diagnostic problems... anyway. i had him look once before, we'll see if the info is available next time he goes in to work and has a few free minutes to check.
Good luck. It isn't available at his level. Escalating it would require justification for the need for the information. Then and only then would it be provided IF they argreed with the justification. I thought I had documented all this earlier in this thread.
i know, i saw it. i was responding to the group of people going on about how there are techs on the site and they should be finding this info... like i said, he'll look one more time just in case. just to make people happy.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Manksgloob @ May 27 2006, 07:45 PM) [snapback]261872[/snapback]</div> Ah! So that's how to get into the service on a 2006! I tried it this afternoon on mine and sure enough it worked, though as expected I did not see an Override option. Though what confused me is that I couldn't figure out how to exit from the Service Mode? When I shut the car off and turned it back on, I was good to go, though there must be another way...? Granted, I did not spend much time with this... Thanks for the info! - Kevin
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sarge @ May 28 2006, 11:10 PM) [snapback]262221[/snapback]</div> I think to get out of the menu with out turning off your car you need to press and hold the info button for about 5 sec. Please correct me if i'm worng on the button its been a while since i've been in there.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sarge @ May 28 2006, 08:10 PM) [snapback]262221[/snapback]</div> I think what's confusing you is that there are several service menus. That's merely one of them and it isn't the one that had the Override button on the 2004-2005. The menu you had is handy if you want to see what satellites the GPS is receiving and to get GMT.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(theforce @ May 28 2006, 10:28 PM) [snapback]262226[/snapback]</div> I got in to this menu for the first time yesterday and to get out I held down the "display" button for about 5 seconds. There was also some bluetooth stuff in there, I think you can set the volume level's for the recevie and sending sides. Phil
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(AnOldHouse @ May 24 2006, 11:12 AM) [snapback]260362[/snapback]</div> I am trying to compile a list and sort of "map out" the waters of the service menus. If you know more than I list here, would you kindly list all ways to access service menus? Bits of info seem to be scattered throughout this site. I am trying my best to compile into one place so one of us can figure it out. And like I said before, I have spoken to someone who does have the info...and they say it is indeed possible with the touchscreen...he just would not divulge the info. Hopefully, one of these programmers will pissed off enough at someone to spill the beans! Until then, lets work together on this. So far, the menus I know how to access are: 1) Hit "Display" button. When yellow lines appear, on the left of your screen, touch just under the top yellow line, and just above lower yellow line, 3 times each starting with the top, alternating. 2)When in this service menu...touch "menu" button in upper right, and it will bring you to "DIAGNOSIS MENU." 3)Touch the upper left, and lower right of this screen one time each, and it will bring you into YET ANOTHER SECRET SERVICE MENU. In this menu, the lower right button (I forget what it says...will update later) doesn't seem to do anything when I press it. Hmmmm...when I HOLD it down, however, after about 5 secs it beeps, kinda like the old override button in the pre 06's. I tried driving right afterwards, and it still did not override the system...but something tells me there is more to it. I'm just trying to document any and all experimentations. I will copy and paste a previous post with all I know about the SERVICE MENUS. FOLLOWING IS THAT POST. Please, post and share this information for anyone looking. Together we will figure this out! This is how to hack into the Service Menu's for the 06's. I, like many of you, have been trying to defeat the motion sensors that "grey out" the main NAV functions while the car is moving. It took loads of searching, but I found on this site a way to at least hack into the "SERVICE MENU SCREEN." Basically, you hit the "display" button from any screen, and when the two yellow lines appear that seperate top from bottom, on the left side of the screen, touch just under the top yellow line...then just above the bottom yellow line. Go back and fourth for a total of 6 times starting with the top (3 top, 3 bottom). For a more detailed description with pics, go to http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=15018 ****To exit this screen, the guy says you must turn the car on and off again. You simply have to hold down the "display" button for just over 5 seconds.************ Now, from here, no one has figured it out yet. I have, however, contacted the makers of the software, and they assured me there is a way to do it by simply touching the screen, they just absolutely won't divulge it...yet. It took a lot just to get the guy to admit that...even that he said could have gotten him fired. So our thanks to him for at least saying it is possible. Now then, here is my theory. First, go into the service menu screen. It will say "SYSTEM CHECK MODE." Click "MENU" in the upper right corner. The next screen, you will see "DIAGNOSIS MENU." Click on "NAVIGATION CHECK," then click "VEHICLE SENSORS." You will see a screen that shows a digital speedometer, voltage meter, a bunch of other things, AND A VERY INTERESTING "RESET" BUTTON. My theory was this: While the car is moving and you are on this screen, you will see the digital speedometer matching of course the one in your dash. I thought, if ...let's say you are driving 25 mph, and hit the reset button...would it be like a digital "tare" button on a digital scale? Meaning, would it make the computer think the new "zero MPH" was now 25mph? Allowing you to use the NAV system for anything under 25mph? Or whatever speed you wanted to set it at? I tried it last night...not knowing if it would work or screw up my whole system. The answer was NEITHER. All it did was reset everything EXCEPT the mph, and something called "PULSES." When I held down the reset button instead of just touching it, the pulses kept increasing. I stopped after about 5 seconds...not knowing if I was screwing anything up. (I don't think I was...it all resets everytime you stop the car and turn it on and off again.) I have tried it since while the car is in park, and it seems the pulse meter simply measures any electricity being used in the car. For example, the V (which I assume means voltage) reads while the car is resting at 1.501. When I hit the reset button, it jumps to 1.504, and back when I release it. I know this isn't much to go on, but I feel if people know how to hack into that screen, the rest will come easy if we put our heads together. I am also including a link to show new folks how one was able to hack into the pre-2006 service menu screen and successfully override the NAV motion sensors without doing anything except touching invisible buttons in their screen. You can bet, (and like I said, I had someone back it up) it can be done in the 2006's. LETS DO IT EVERYBODY! HERE IS THE LINK ON HOW TO DO IT IN THE 2005'S AND BELOW: http://www.wikihow.com/Override-Toyota-Pri...gation-Gray-out ***********UPDATE************* HERE IS MORE GREAT INFO I GOT INTO NAVIGATING THE STRANGE WATERS OF THE SERVICE MENUS. I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT MEANS, BUT IF IT'S ALL IN ONE PLACE, I'M SURE ONE OF US WILL FIGURE IT OUT. ANY EXPERIMENTS SHOULD BE DOCUMENTED FOR ALL TO SEE HERE. Touch screen diags, for 2004 or newer Use of this information might result in disabling your vehicle, use it at your own risk. • Hold Info button while turning the lights on and off 3 times, you can wait for system checks. -OR- Press the display button, then press the left upper and lower corners within the display settings box 3 times. o If codes exist press LAN Mon, then CHEK to show codes or hold code clr to clear codes. • From the initial screen, hold Info button while turning the lights on and off 3 times for Model Info Set Up (type) screen. I do not know what these do, use at your own risk. o Types are : 690N 740N 836N 783N 620N 808N 480X 900N 382X 290X Types are : 901N EMV AVX(ten) AVX(nat) AVX_HV(ten) AVX_HV(nat) 749N • Use the Menu button to reach the Diagnosis Menu, press the Display Check and then Vehicle Signal Check to show the accessory battery voltage and other information. • From the Diagnosis Menu press upper-left then lower-right screen corners for PDM menu. o All buttons except for perhaps the Init. BackUp may be safe to use. • From PDM screen, hold Info button while turning the lights on and off 3 times for an untitled screen. o Here you find a number of options stating success or PGM rqd including TKM, Flicker, setting:Tape/MD, setting Address:110H/120H, setting ACff/on, and setting Autoff/on • Hold the physical Display button to exit at any time, or simply power off the car. For those of you who understand "postings," as I am a novice, please post this under any category you feel will generate all of the information into one page...I know we are close to an answer!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(aaf709 @ May 29 2006, 10:35 AM) [snapback]262349[/snapback]</div> It seems you know how to access several service menus. I am trying to compile a list and sort of "map out" the waters of the service menus. If you know more than I list here, would you kindly list all ways to access service menus? Bits of info seem to be scattered throughout this site. I am trying my best to compile into one place so one of us can figure it out. And like I said before, I have spoken to someone who does have the info...and they say it is indeed possible with the touchscreen...he just would not divulge the info. Hopefully, one of these programmers will pissed off enough at someone to spill the beans! Until then, lets work together on this. So far, the menus I know how to access are: 1) Hit "Display" button. When yellow lines appear, on the left of your screen, touch just under the top yellow line, and just above lower yellow line, 3 times each starting with the top, alternating. 2)When in this service menu...touch "menu" button in upper right, and it will bring you to "DIAGNOSIS MENU." 3)Touch the upper left, and lower right of this screen one time each, and it will bring you into YET ANOTHER SECRET SERVICE MENU. In this menu, the lower right button (I forget what it says...will update later) doesn't seem to do anything when I press it. Hmmmm...when I HOLD it down, however, after about 5 secs it beeps, kinda like the old override button in the pre 06's. I tried driving right afterwards, and it still did not override the system...but something tells me there is more to it. I'm just trying to document any and all experimentations. I will copy and paste a previous post with all I know about the SERVICE MENUS. FOLLOWING IS THAT POST. Howdy folks. This is my first post not only on this site, but anywhere ever...so please bare with me. I, like many of you, have been trying to defeat the motion sensors that "grey out" the main NAV functions while the car is moving. It took loads of searching, but I found on this site a way to at least hack into the "SERVICE MENU SCREEN." Basically, you hit the "display" button from any screen, and when the two yellow lines appear that seperate top from bottom, on the left side of the screen, touch just under the top yellow line...then just above the bottom yellow line. Go back and fourth for a total of 6 times starting with the top (3 top, 3 bottom). For a more detailed description with pics, go to http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=15018 ****To exit this screen, the guy says you must turn the car on and off again. You simply have to hold down the "display" button for just over 5 seconds.************ Now, from here, no one has figured it out yet. I have, however, contacted the makers of the software, and they assured me there is a way to do it by simply touching the screen, they just absolutely won't divulge it...yet. It took a lot just to get the guy to admit that...even that he said could have gotten him fired. So our thanks to him for at least saying it is possible. Now then, here is my theory. First, go into the service menu screen. It will say "SYSTEM CHECK MODE." Click "MENU" in the upper right corner. The next screen, you will see "DIAGNOSIS MENU." Click on "NAVIGATION CHECK," then click "VEHICLE SENSORS." You will see a screen that shows a digital speedometer, voltage meter, a bunch of other things, AND A VERY INTERESTING "RESET" BUTTON. My theory was this: While the car is moving and you are on this screen, you will see the digital speedometer matching of course the one in your dash. I thought, if ...let's say you are driving 25 mph, and hit the reset button...would it be like a digital "tare" button on a digital scale? Meaning, would it make the computer think the new "zero MPH" was now 25mph? Allowing you to use the NAV system for anything under 25mph? Or whatever speed you wanted to set it at? I tried it last night...not knowing if it would work or screw up my whole system. The answer was NEITHER. All it did was reset everything EXCEPT the mph, and something called "PULSES." When I held down the reset button instead of just touching it, the pulses kept increasing. I stopped after about 5 seconds...not knowing if I was screwing anything up. (I don't think I was...it all resets everytime you stop the car and turn it on and off again.) I have tried it since while the car is in park, and it seems the pulse meter simply measures any electricity being used in the car. For example, the V (which I assume means voltage) reads while the car is resting at 1.501. When I hit the reset button, it jumps to 1.504, and back when I release it. I know this isn't much to go on, but I feel if people know how to hack into that screen, the rest will come easy if we put our heads together. I am also including a link to show new folks how one was able to hack into the pre-2006 service menu screen and successfully override the NAV motion sensors without doing anything except touching invisible buttons in their screen. You can bet, (and like I said, I had someone back it up) it can be done in the 2006's. LETS DO IT EVERYBODY! HERE IS THE LINK ON HOW TO DO IT IN THE 2005'S AND BELOW: http://www.wikihow.com/Override-Toyota-Pri...gation-Gray-out ***********UPDATE************* HERE IS MORE GREAT INFO I GOT INTO NAVIGATING THE STRANGE WATERS OF THE SERVICE MENUS. I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT MEANS, BUT IF IT'S ALL IN ONE PLACE, I'M SURE ONE OF US WILL FIGURE IT OUT. ANY EXPERIMENTS SHOULD BE DOCUMENTED FOR ALL TO SEE HERE. Touch screen diags, for 2004 or newer Use of this information might result in disabling your vehicle, use it at your own risk. • Hold Info button while turning the lights on and off 3 times, you can wait for system checks. -OR- Press the display button, then press the left upper and lower corners within the display settings box 3 times. o If codes exist press LAN Mon, then CHEK to show codes or hold code clr to clear codes. • From the initial screen, hold Info button while turning the lights on and off 3 times for Model Info Set Up (type) screen. I do not know what these do, use at your own risk. o Types are : 690N 740N 836N 783N 620N 808N 480X 900N 382X 290X Types are : 901N EMV AVX(ten) AVX(nat) AVX_HV(ten) AVX_HV(nat) 749N • Use the Menu button to reach the Diagnosis Menu, press the Display Check and then Vehicle Signal Check to show the accessory battery voltage and other information. • From the Diagnosis Menu press upper-left then lower-right screen corners for PDM menu. o All buttons except for perhaps the Init. BackUp may be safe to use. • From PDM screen, hold Info button while turning the lights on and off 3 times for an untitled screen. o Here you find a number of options stating success or PGM rqd including TKM, Flicker, setting:Tape/MD, setting Address:110H/120H, setting ACff/on, and setting Autoff/on • Hold the physical Display button to exit at any time, or simply power off the car. For those of you who understand "postings," as I am a novice, please post this under any category you feel will generate all of the information into one page...I know we are close to an answer!
Thanks for all this info on the nav system and bluetooth shortcomings. I had just convinced myself tonight that my next car would be a Prius. It has everything I was looking for, eco-friendly miles per gallon, GPS navigation, and bluetooth phone connectivity, but seriously, it seems absurd that the nav and BT are disabled while the car is moving. How many times have I or my passenger had to dial a call while driving? How many times have we decided on an interstate trip to change our destination to a nearby point of interest? It seems to me that as a responsible adult, I should be able to utilize these features. It would be terribly inconvenient to have to pull over. This is absurd!! I'd be happy to sign some kind of disclaimer, if that would allay their legal concerns. Does Toyota understand they just lost my business? That there will be one less Prius driver if they don't resolve this situation soon, as in weeks (because I need to buy my next car, like now)? Would they care? If anyone has contact information for someone at Toyota who actually might have the authority to make decisions in this matter and release information, please post it. I will start a letter writing campaign post haste! Thanks again for the great posts. I just wish I could join the Prius gang. But not without my nav and cell phone fully functional! Cheers! Jeffrey A.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jda @ Jun 4 2006, 12:56 AM) [snapback]265481[/snapback]</div> I know how you feel. But you CAN call and receive while driving. It can all be done via the steering wheel. You can push a button and call like 10 people from your quick list (all while driving[it has to be under 15 mph though...just kidding] ...and if you need to dial ANY RANDOM NUMBER, all you have to say is "dial number" on the voice prompt, and just say the number. That's it! And of course, you can receive all the calls you want while driving. About the only thing you can't do on Blue Tooth while driving is download your address book. Hey listen, you're talkin' to the number one guy who is on the rampage to figure this override problem out. But thanks to RonM and a few other very helpful PriusChat members, I learned to use Voice Prompt, which is waaaaay eaiser than using the actual touch screen in a lot of ways! In fact, even if right now I had override...I would still use the voice dealio in a lot of situations. So, take that for what it's worth. But I would still buy your Prius. It is just SUCH a phenomenal car. You can find the voice prompts listed in a link in either a cut and paste someone did of my thread in here...or just key it in the search to find. RonM provides a link and so does Greenfoot (that's me). Hope this helps.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jda @ Jun 3 2006, 10:56 PM) [snapback]265481[/snapback]</div> Well, under the A/C vent on the right hand side of the MFD is two purple wires. The upper one is for the speed sensor in the NAV system and the lower is the for speed sensor in the BT. Cut both wires and install a switch on each wire. Some have installed magnetic switches so all you need is a magnet to make it work. When you need to operate either the NAV or the BT, you (or your passenger) simply flips the switch (or moves the magnet) and enters the information. Then the switch is flipped back for normal operation (when the BT's speed sensor is off the car thinks it's not moving and the 5-minute bars on the Consumption screen don't update). I have a 2005 so I have the NAV defeat option. I did cut the wire (and put in a switch) with the BT. This is for the .001% of the time I need to make a call that isn't in the 18 one-touch screen or as a POI in the NAV system (this can be done with the NAV defeat). Your other option, of course, is to get a Prius WITHOUT a NAV or BT system. Then get a third party NAV system, like Tom Tom, which has BT. Then you can use the NAV and BT at any time.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Greenfoot @ Jun 4 2006, 08:13 AM) [snapback]265569[/snapback]</div> I have studied lists of the voice prompts, and while they are helpful, they leave out something important: the procedural interface. By that I mean, for example: how to enter an address entirely by voice. I managed to figure out how, but it was somewhat counterintuitive at first (you start with the command "Address" and then set state, city, street and number, then say "Set Destination"). So my question is: is there a way, entirely using voice commands, to select a particular POI, say a restaurant starting from "I'm Hungry"? For example, I'm travelling in Oregon on I-5, and I want to go to the Red Robin in Wilsonville. I don't know its address, but I know it's in the database (I checked). So, how would I select that as a destination entirely by voice, while driving?
IMHO the problem isn't whether there is a simple way of overriding whether the car is moving or not to give full functionality to navigation, phone, and the audio Track List...the problem is convincing Toyota that these are not safety issues. Neither my dealer nor Toyota Customer Support has any knowledge of or interest in how to override these options. I'm not going to cut wires on my 2007 Prius. I'll bet it is meaningless in a crash analysis whether a driver was changing audio tracks using the displayed while moving or changing from CD #4 back to CD #2 while moving or itching her butt at the wrong time. How many people actually phone in and file complaints to Toyota on these issues? It's disgusting there is no real feedback possible. As someone has already pointed out you can access the phone feature locked out on the touch screen from the steering wheel and I can change audio tracks from the steering wheel even though this touch screen display option is grayed out. I do love the maintenance service screen though and would love to learn more about its functionality.
I'd like to know if there's an update on this whole deal. Seeing as most of this thread was in 2006 and almost exactly a year later it gets revived. Did things transpire well for the 2006? How about the 2007, which i'm looking into?