Actually, the enslaves were going to be oem on the Eco So the early reports about the enslaves, (which are made with no petroleum products, not that there's anything wrong with that) were that they didn't have longevity, real life. If Toyota already replaced them on the Eco, good for Toyota. If independent dealers replaced them, the skews the info.
I am confident my Two Eco has a different windshield part number than the non Eco models. I checked myself at the dealer. Also the car is noticeably cooler when parked in the sun than any car I have owned and they were a lighter color interior than the black everything my Prius has. I hope this helps. I have the same Toyo nano energy model number as the others too. I have been averaging 69 MPG. I am very impressed with this drivetrain.
Just as a counterpoint, personally, all the extra feature packages on the three and four models have no appeal to me (If Toyota offered custom build I would have ordered the HUD and the adjustable lumbar seat). I prefer the black center console. The two fits my criteria, and while I am at it, why not the $500 to get the potentially slightly better fuel efficiency Eco model?
I like the Two, and the Two Eco, I like all the models. And I wish I had waited a few more months, because I've seen the two model down to around $18,200 at one dealer. I only got the three model, because I wanted to play with the navigation. I never had one before. And for some weird reason, I've had quite a few flat tires in my time. So I wanted to make sure the car came with a spare. But I have to respectfully question the higher gas mileage claim in the two eco model. I don't think that's proven...(I think it depends on how the person drives, more than the actual car.) But the nice thing is, there is a Prius for everybody! So let's all get out and drive, and enjoy that 70 mpg!
(Ok, I am only getting 65.8 MPG currently on this tank. Have to be honest. The PWR mode is too much fun. )
I have to ask... Are you doing any actual freeway or highway? Or are you just a cruisin up and down the PCH? You do seem to be getting very good mpg either way especially for PWR mode. PCH cruisin would def yield better mpg than doing battle on the 5!! I have been religiously commuting for the last tank and a half at 55 mph on DRCC and on Eco mode (Philly suburbs to the city and back) and trying to do good and kinda I guess hypermile a little and have had some amazing trip mpg's, but can't seem to get much over 60 mpg hand calculated per tank... I'm currently at 63.xx on this tank and not even close to half way to empty yet.. Only on my 3rd tank though..
If I was interested in fourth gen, I'd go for 2. As far as I know, the Eco get's white console trim. And of course loses a spare and rear wiper. And charges $500 extra lol. Also, there might be advantages to the older battery tech, now only on the 2, not sure. Sorry, lost: what's "PCH"?
Up here we can go downtown via the freeway or the more sedate Barnet highway, nice scenic drive along the inlet. The latter is much easier on the nerves, lower speed, yields better mpg to boot. Think we'd be right at home on PCH.
There's one member here who describes his location as (something like) "the northwest corner of South Carolina". Always leaves me a little bewitched-and-bewildered, lol.
Hi Blizzard. Pretty much just cruisin. (Only about 10% freeway.) Driving normally, in PWR mode, with AC running on low. Just took this picture this morning. This is the best 500 miles I ever got. Distance-to-empty says I have 182 left.
Keep in mind the car is usually about 10% too high when it displays mileage. But even so, that's still pretty good. Do the proper calculation keeping records of fuel put in and mileage traveled. -Then- you can see your true mileage.
I think if he just knocked 5% off that he'd be in the ball park, judging from other 4th gen owners. Somehow I don't see Coast Cruiser starting a spreadsheet, baby steps...
It's GOT to be the new Mobil Synergy gas... And of course my great Toyo tires! (...and don't drive over 34 mph.)