I got a new key chain size remote, Firefly brand, to replace an old visor mount remote that buzzed and rattled on bumpy roads. It just happens to fit perfectly on the small dashboard ledge behind the windshield wiper control. It fits snugly and securely without any force. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Very cool, I gotta try this with my garage door remote. Handy little space indeed I didn't even though existed!
Good idea - I put mine in there today too and it seems to work really well - it is not snug, but better than leave in the train in the tunnel console...
This is cool! I did not exactly understand where the place is, will have to look in my car. I was struggling with the same problem. I bought Three Touring and the dealer promised to install a HomeLink, which I had with my Get 2. But failed due to incompatibility of the mirror because of all the sensors on the windshield. So eventually I bought a double scotch tape and glued it to the top of the cover (from inside) of the compartment, which is between two front seats. The one the opens to the side. It is convenient also. I can do it now without looking at it. Just press the button, open the lid with your right hand, and the remote is right there. Press it with your thumb. It does not touch the wallet or whatever I put on that small moving shelf.
I got mine from Amazon.com but this source page shows the different models. Match the frequency/brand to your garage/gate opener. In my case, I had to open the remote and match the DIP switch settings from my old remote. Firefly keychain garage door opener remotes
Thank you. I already ordered Firefly 300 from Amazon. It should be compatible (according to A) with my Multi...3060. That is a nice place to put your remote, but I tried mine (3060), and it did not fit. Thanks for the tip!
The batteries in these keychain remotes last so little compared to the usual garage remotes + the batteries are odd sized batteries so if they run out you will be hunting the usual rite aids and CVSs at the odd hour of the night - that is if your car is not stuck behind the garage door/gate. The usual garage remotes last literally forever, the keychain remotes batteries last couple~several months. AT LEAST carry spare batteries around .... its more hassle than its worth the small size.... BTW, I bought the firefly 300 too.... and went back to the big square gray remotes...
Great finding! Implemented today. With one addition - put double side tape underneath to hold it firmly in place. In terms of the battery, I bought two for $5 on Amazon. If anyone interested, it is right beneath the product picture under 'pros' and 'cons'. It was handy since my current remote (3060) has, as it happened, the same battery! This also means that the new remote will probably live the same time as my current (lookin at the battery and electronics inside - identical). Actually among multiple reviews I only found one complaining of the battery live. Most were complaining that it is hard to find the battery, which is probably true if you don't have a spare one and need it at this moment. And one more thing. If you program this 300 remote, and it does not work, like it happened to me, don't panic. Check if you removed a piece of paper dividing the battery contact. They probably mentioned it in a small instruction that they provide, but who reads them?!