Got an email from Chevy a little after midnight. EPA 238 miles per charge. Putting myself on a preorder list with the local dealer when available. iPhone ?
Local Chevy dealer emailed stating that they will start taking $500 deposit in the form of a check starting next Monday 10/17. 10 slots and they won't cash the check. I get to decide when the car arrives and after a test drive. It's getting real. iPhone ?
I was at the Chevy dealer yesterday and the parts guy told me the Bolt parts catalog has started to be downloaded.
I placed an official order with GM yesterday for an Orange Burst Bolt EV Premier. San Francisco Bay Area dealers have been given their "allocations" that allow them to order at least 450 Bolt EVs. New allocations from GM are published twice a month for all models so more Bolts might be allocated in future weeks. Dealers in Los Angeles also have allocations and probably a few other places around CA. Oregon is the only other state with allocations in the first wave.its not yet clear when ordering will begin in other states. Ordering in Canada is rumored to begin in February or March. Ordering in Europe for the Opel Ampera-e badged version starts in "spring 2017". It's not official, but indications point towards the factory in Michigan starting production this month sometime. Cars most likely will begin arriving in December.
Placed a deposit for a white LT with both convenience and confidence packages along with the D.C. Charging port. And so it begins... iPhone ?
So the dealer called to let me know they accidentally sold me car to someone else. They offered another color but those don't work for me, even at a discount. I offer to upgrade to a Premier, but they still don't have what I want. 2 weeks later they offer me another one but still not my color. I searched through the Chevy site and reached out to another dealer. They had my color in a configuration and interior color I can live with. Long story made short, I took delivery of a white Premier with two tone ash gray interior, DC fast charge and the Bose infotainment system. iPhone ?
Accidentally? Money talks and dealers will do anything so that potential customers don't walk. may you have many happy years with the new car.
congrats! please keep us posted, and a write up of your impressions, with pics if possible. all the best!
funny, we've got a bunch locally. probably a bad time of year. if i wasn't leaving for florida, i'd go have a look see.
You know they have car dealers in Florida. You could buy one there BUT I like you and would not recommend it. Sleep on it. Bob Wilson
that's what i figured. i'll be back in the spring for a test drive here. will be interesting to see how they are selling at the local dealerships in the meantime. i suspect the car is fabulous, but like the prime, maybe too small for me.
It's only been a few days but I can safely say that I love my Bolt. It's roomier than the Prius C and space-wise, it's similar to my Leaf. It's very spacious for my whole family. The Bolt is shorter than the Leaf (overall) about a foot with it noticeably missing from the length of the trunk/cargo space. Otherwise it's very similar to the Leaf. Turn radius is even more than the Leaf at 17.7' vs 17.1'. Of course neither hold a candle to the C's 15.7'. I'll try to put up pics soon but I've been real busy. The infotainment works and seats agree with my rear. Only issue is that somewhere between final QC and the dealership, someone tugged on the digital rear view mirror coax cable and ripped it nearly clean off the mirror. I flipped the mirror on when taking delivery and got a blue screen. I thought maybe something wasn't enabled so I made a note of it with the sales guy who asked me to pay a visit to service to get them to diagnose the issue. Two days later I was at service and they stated they had to order a new mirror. It's comforting to know that there's something physically wrong with the mirror and that it's not some kind of glitch. iPhone ?