Hybrid Battery Expenses Are No Longer Hidden Costs - autoevolution Toyota claims there has not been a single battery replacement due to wear and tear in the US, where the Prius has been in sale since 2000. I thought that was an interesting statement.
I had read that article before and consider it just poor journalism. A more accurate Toyota source would be from this press release: Prius Battery Change is No Big Deal - Newsroom : Our Point of View Post / Toyota You might also find interesting the price reduction announcement: Toyota Vehicles : Toyota Announces Price Reduction On Prius Hybrid Batteries / Toyota I didn't think it worth my time to try and correct the original publication but feel free to use the Toyota press releases. Bob Wilson
i have a 2005 prius i bought new it now has 258000 miles i am hoping to get to 400000 to 500000 miles
There have been a number of people here who have needed to replace their Gen2 batteries from wear and tear so I'm not sure that's a particularly accurate statement.
I guess you would have to define "wear and tear" when it comes to a battery. As of 2006 a Manager in Toyota USA was quoted as saying there had been 11 warranty replacements in the GII models. These would be units that failed due to manufacturing defects however, at that young age. There have been a few replacements for members of this forum (1 or 2). At what point to you call the failure a manufacturing defect vs end of life failure?
Always keep the small vent on the right side of the rear seat totally clear. No blanket covering the seat, dog protector hanging over, etc. This vent draws air from the inside of the vehicle to cool the battery as needed. Why inside air? With A/C, this air should be cooler than outside when hot summer temps would not cool very well. Overheating here will kill battery life.
maybe the claim is true because nobody buys their replacement batteries. how would they know otherwise?
This thread is old and am I not aware of any update statements from Toyota. We have very little idea how many Gen2 batts have failed but a 2013 Cons Reports survey suggest its at least 5% or so by now.