Order Status Changed An order you recently placed on our website has had its status changed. The status of order #24289 is now Shipped Order Details
Suppose to come today. Most likely tonight. I am installing tomorrow if they come tonight. Finally!!!! Originally ordered on July 26!!
Are any of you old enough to have remembered Mad Magazine in the 70's? If so, did you happen to buy the edition where they spoofed the original TV series "Kung Fu"? Their version was called "Kung Fool" and it was one of the most hilarious spoofs I have ever read.
TOMORROW THE INTERIOR TRANSFORMATION IS ON!!!!!!!!!!! Your package has been delivered. Delivery Date: Tuesday, 09/13/2016 Delivery Time: 05:25 PM Left At: RESIDENTIAL
Sweet! You're going to love it. I have 8yds of black Clazzio material I'll be posting up soon if you're looking to get your door cards reupholstered to match the darker door panels. PM me if interested.