Actually, my 2004 Prius has been here for quite some time at the dealership, but I only just checked it out this weekend. The interior is definitely slicker than my 2001 Prius, but I prefer the interior grey fabric of my old Prius over the ivory brown of the new one. I don't understand why there is no real interior colour option for the 2004 Prius. ie. If you get Salsa Red Pearl or Seaside Pearl you have to get Ivory. That makes no sense to me, esp. when different interior colours actually are offered... if you get a different exterior colour. The ivory is OK, but that's it. Plus the fabric design is pretty "meh". Oh well, not a huge deal I guess.
Re: It's here! Nice car, but what's with the ivory brown fab I prefer black interiors......always have. I'm partial to leather but the interior of my son's CRV looks pretty nice and it's just plain old black fabric.
This subject was pretty well beaten to death months before the first Prius hit the ground in the US. It definately doesn't seem to be the best way to approach this. That dark interior would look great on almost any exterior color...a lot of people expressed concern over staining of the ivory interior before hand, and we still see lots of questions about it...but I have not seen a single post on any of the forums where anyone complained about an actual stain or undue where of the material. Seems it's pretty good stuff...just not everyone's favorite color.
Yessir! I test drove a Salsa w/ivory interior and was very impressed with the quality of the fabric.......just don't care for light-colored interiors.
Yup. I have no complaints about the quality, but I do have complaints about the colour. And it seems like a lot of other people do too, judging by your comments. I also like the look of black, but it's very hot in the summer, so grey is a good compromise.
I wonder if it may be the reason why silver seems to be the #1 colour pick? IIRC, it's the only exterior colour that has a grey interior.
I actually like the Ivory/Brown interior. I'm waiting on my Prius and have notified the dealer that I'll take any of the Pearls, preferably Blue or Salsa. The grey looks a bit more formal, but seems drab to me. I live in Seattle, and I would like to have an interior that is a different color than the sky; the Ivory is cheerier. Those of you living in endless sunshine states might prefer the grey. I could live with either color. Since the demand is so great, I would imagine many of us have had to rethink our preferences in order to just get a car. Bob
I'm pretty sure that you can get the black or white exterior with either interior color...could be wrong, it's been months since I thought about that stuff and the brochure doesn't make it clear.
The brocures that I looked at prior to buying my leftover 03 classic, showed that the grey interior was only available with the millenium silver exterior colour.
USA: Black - grey/burgundy Silver - grey/burgundy White - grey/burgundy or ivory/brown Driftwood - ivory/brown Salsa Red - ivory/brown Tideland - ivory/brown Seaside - ivory/brown Canada: Same, except that the White only comes with ivory. Also, the colours are only listed as "Grey" and "Ivory".
My brochure indicates the black exterior comes with either ivory or grey. I believe it says the same thing on Toyota's web site. No??
USA: Black - grey/burgundy or ivory/brown Silver - grey/burgundy White - grey/burgundy or ivory/brown Driftwood - ivory/brown Salsa Red - ivory/brown Tideland - ivory/brown Seaside - ivory/brown
Actually, contrary to popular belief, a black interior isn't noticably hotter than any other color. IMO I've had black interiors in my last (and current) three cars and have noticed no difference in terms of heat than in any other car I get into. I am definitely a black interior fan (if you couldn't tell).
In my friends' cars, black interiors are noticeably hotter to me, but in truth it ain't terrible. And then black leather is a completely different story.
I required the Ivory/brown interior: all car interiors have to match my dog's fur. All future dogs have to match the car interior. This is the 3rd car with tannish interior & 3rd dog with blondish fur. I doomed to having blond/brown dogs & ivory interiors forever & ever & ever...
It's really unfortunate that the designers chose to put fabric around the hand grips on the insides of the doors. On an ivory interior, that will get grimy looking very quickly. I noticed it on our test drive. We ordered a silver paint job mostly to get the gray interior. It didn't work out, though. After four months of waiting we caved when given a shot at a Driftwood Pearl. I'm making seat covers.
I may be just about the only one, but I actually like the ivory interior, and the cloth itself, on my blue Prius. And BTW, John 1701a reported on his web site a bad spill that cleaned up leaving no stain.