2016 Prius 4 camera recently seems to have shifted and is now showing part of my license plate. I've checked the camera and it seems firmly affixed and seems to be pointing correctly. Has anyone experienced this, could it be some type of firmware update that changed the view? Thx, J Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Is it possible that the plate has been bent slightly and not tight against the car at the bottom? That would bring it out into the camera view- Car washes can pull the plate away from it's mount.
I got the same problem as well. As "priusman09" said, it looks like the license plate is "slightly" bent. Will probably monitor the situation and see if it get worst.
Mine shows part of license plate since day one. Probably you just noticed it and it was that way all the time. Our perception plays those tricks. Nexus 10 ?
The plate is tight against the car as it has been for the past three months. I had my wife in the car and asked her if she saw any difference and she immediately said why is the license plate showing. She said she saw it the other day and meant to ask me about it. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Oh and no car washes. I hand wash my cars. Checked again and camera housing is tight. I wonder if the inside of the camera has moved somehow. May have to have the dealer look at it. J Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
IIRC, on the Gen 3, there was a camera adjustment setting on the service screen (hold INFO button and flash the headlights on and off 3 times) not sure how to access the service screen on the Gen 4.
Haha, this happened to me today. I still have the paper dealer plate and it's peeling off so it's very visible in the camera now, but I really don't remember seeing so much of the rear of the car in the camera view. I know I don't use it much either since I'm not at all used to looking at cameras, but it still freaked me out. Good to know this happens to others and it's probably because I never really looked at the bottom of the screen. I was also surprised by how deep the creases on the hood look, and I just washed and waxed it yesterday.