Do the Gen 4's have a minimum MPH for regen while slowing down with light braking like I believe the Gen 3 had (9mph perhaps? I could be wrong here?) or does it regen till it comes to a full stop? Second question is in reference to the diagonal regen graph on the dash as pictured below.. do the Gen 4's stop the regen ability after the graph passes the horizontal line above the "CHG" or does it regen all the way till the bottom of the graph and anything after that is friction braking? View attachment 116037
I believe regen on the Gen-4 still shuts off at about 7 MPH. Regen begins when the green bar on the graph goes below the line at about 10 o'clock position and continues all the way to the line at the 9 o'clock position.
I may have misspoken here. I noticed that the regen bar was still below the line as low as 3 MPH over the weekend. It might be that regen operates at lower speeds on the Gen-4s than the Gen-3s.
It does seem to regen at pretty low speeds (like down to 3MPH) but really not sure how functional it is. As a side note, using my torque app, I noticed the engine revs up when hitting the brakes which my guess is for downshifting in a standard shift car and at first, thought this happened when the battery was full but in this case was only about 50% and I live in florida so no hilly sections either.
Just to confirm, is it a concensus that the car will not regen past the bottom 1/4 of the regen graph. I.e. To the left of the CHG letters and below the dotted line?? I really thought that the regen was that entire downward graph and that anything past the very bottom line are the friction brakes? Pls confirm / enlighten me if you know for sure. Thank you. See my crude photoshop for reference. The area I highlighted yellow and drew the arrow to is what I'm talking about..
I will have to pay closer attention to this and let you know. I wish I could program more on my torque app to see whether it is adding more energy than other stops when down in the lower max area.
That's what I'm trying to confirm, as you said in post #2 (I might be misinterpreting your post though) that: --When you say, the line at then 9 o'clock position that to me means the dotted CHG line, the area I was questioning.. If the car regens the whole way down, that would be awesome. Does anyone know for sure? Lol.
My intention was to say regen was all the way to the solid line at the bottom of the graph. Both the solid bottom and the dotted line are at the 9 o'clock position. Sorry for the confusion.
Understood. Thank you for clarifying. I have to setup and actually start using my scan guage, but would that show for sure if regen does go to the bottom? And yeah why wouldn't it?? Not sure why I had this stuck in my head that it won't regen in that last little area, I thought someone else on here mentioned that in the past and maybe that's why I keep questioning it and have been careful to not max out that bottom line. Lol.
According to the owners manual, the whole lower curved graph area is regen. Not sure what the dashed line means though.
I think the dashed line refers to the battery icon to the right. When the battery is below the dashed line, the engine comes on to charge it.
Wait. So if I hit hard on the brakes coming down a mountain and the bar goes to the farthest bottom, did it completely switch to friction brake? Or does the friction brake aid the Regen? Hip