I have enjoyed reading the tech articles and the tips shared by many Prius owners over the past few months. I am, however, growing tired of the posts used to express not Prius related comments but, political ideologies and the rather harsh tone used in them. Everyone has an opinion and you have a right to that opinion; however, what happened to the old axiom of "if you do not have anything nice to say, do not say it?" As a Conservative Christian Prius owner, I know I am not alone in this regard. I would like to know who else out there shares my opinion. I want to know how many other Republicans/Conservatives are lurking in our midst. When did being a “Democrat†or an “Environmentalist†become synonymous with one most likely to own a hybrid? I am neither and I own one. In the words of Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along, can we?"
<_< Howdy chinook-hybrid I agree with whole heartedly. I make it a practice of quickly scrolling past Political Drivel, regardless of whether it is in the AVATAR, SIGNATURE, or TEXT of the article. If the forum managers had the time they could (SHOULD) simply move those into the infamous "House of Pancakes" where it belongs. I do not parade my political position or opinions on this forum. Note my signature and the posts I ignore. Times past you could put an individual on "IGNORE" and it also disabled their avatars... SIGH... not so now. "IGNORE" will relieve you from reading their text, but the avatars still show.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(chinook-hybrid @ Jun 2 2006, 02:46 PM) [snapback]264861[/snapback]</div> 1. The poll doesn't work for me. When I highlight the bullet next to "Liberal-Democrat" and click "Vote", I get an error message. 2. Is your complaint about opinionated posts in Fred's House of Pancakes, or opinions expressed in the Prius-related forums? We've had previous polls on where PC members fall on the political spectrum. You can look them up in FHOP.
Poll doesn't work for me either. But seems obvious that a conservative has no business driving a Prius! By definition a conserative is for the status quo, against radical new things, against change, etc. I work with lots of conservatives here in MA, and not one would even dream of owning a Prius or even a Honda Civic Hybrid. They all drive plain looking sedans trucks or SUV's. Maybe a few have sporty cars. I suspect the word conservative has some very different meanings in various parts of the country. To me it is a 4 letter word.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(chinook-hybrid @ Jun 2 2006, 04:46 PM) [snapback]264861[/snapback]</div> I'm a very liberal Democrate and I agree with you totally !!!!!!!
I am a liberal, an environmentalist, a Democrat and a hybrid owner. Point of fact, I celebrate that status. And you're correct, there are very few conservative environmentalists.
"what happened to the old axiom of if you do not have anything nice to say, do not say it?" It went out about the same time as it became politically correct in some camps to torture, and shoot babies at close range. It must be SO distressing to have your barbaric hypocrisy out in public view. How could liberals be so impolite ?!? Can there be anything more important than avoiding bruising your feelings ? After all, you are only a proxy, right ?
Poll seems broken (or did you rig it to disallow votes like mine?! The error says, "You did not choose a poll choice to vote against." which I don't even understand. -- Rodney
Well that makes 3 of us. I am also gop, church going, and do not believe that Pres. Bush is a bad person. I joined Prius chat to learn about my new vehicle not to be branded a right wing nut. Its too bad that people can't have a different point of view.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(chinook-hybrid @ Jun 2 2006, 05:46 PM) [snapback]264861[/snapback]</div> I would venture to around the same time liberal was turned into to a foul word... BTW... the nominated Treasury Sec has been a harsh critic of the current administrations eco-policies thus proving all conservatives are anything but ecologically inept, and we all can get along. When one stops to think, you might scratch your head and wonder why conventional wisdom shuns the conservative hybrid driver. Conservatives live in the "fly over states"... fly over states are rule. Conservatives tend to be pro-gun (hunting)... and in general outdoors men. I tend to think the conventional wisdom that states hybrid driver equates to hippie liberal comes from the same same minds who indoctrinated the ideology liberals are evil pagan worshiping communist, which I might add isn't true. As a result someone in the oil industry, why not they are all evil right, sold the idea to some televangelist only a liberal would drive a hybrid... okay maybe not... it could have more to do with a hybrid coming across a hip-novelty or something Hollywood elite movie stars would drive around in.... and we all know actors are the most evil liberals of all. I don't know where it came from but I'm sure it grew out a perception and the perception was shaped to suit a particular cause. As for the other question Is this Prius forum just a mouthpiece for the DNC? Only if you believe FOX news is really Fair and Balanced As for me... I am a Democrat and would be proud to be a member of the ACLU... but most say I'm a Conservative Democrat... but a Democrat first...
Is it still okay to discuss matters of plain ol' common sense, that people nonetheless feel strongly about? Like driving style and safety? . _H*
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hobbit @ Jun 2 2006, 08:17 PM) [snapback]264921[/snapback]</div> <strike>Better check with the thought police first... you don't want to find yourself in !$%&#$. What the NSA might be able to read that.... grrr...</strike> Okay now... I actually came up with another reason... hybrids as well as other alternative fuel sourced cars are thought of being weak push overs... as a result some muscle car guys might call the drivers panzy's and well outside the Log Cabin Republicans most would place non-heterosexuals into the liberal column. Its just part of the world we live it, people generally generalize.
Owning a Prius appeals to people of either liberal or conservative slant. Issues like dependence on foreign oil, saving money on gas, and even reducing emmissions are issues which cut across political boundries. But the vehement anti-conservative posts common here mark this forum as inhospitible to people with conservative views, and I think this forum will continue to attract more liberal people while discouraging (and sending away) more conservative Prius owners. If the tone gets even more strident I think this forum could lose its few conservative members.
I fail to see how this thread "A Call to Arms- is this site a mouthpiece for the DNA" not strident, not setting a tone. It so very much does. Additionally, with respect to the Christian part of the Conservative Christian, according to the Gospel of Thomas , Jesus said "Split a piece of wood; I am there. Pick up a stone; I am there." How can one follow The Way and not be an environmentalist? It's not possible. I'm afraid it's quite delusional.
There's something wrong with the poll- it doesn't work. And by the nature of your question, I would say this belongs in FHOP.
Your avatar is Homer pointing a gun at us! [attachmentid=3673] I love the Simpsons and Homer and one of my favorite episodes is when the Simpsons spoofed the NRA, but come on, your avatar has Homer pointing a gun at us! What do expect us to think?? Really? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(chinook-hybrid @ Jun 2 2006, 04:46 PM) [snapback]264861[/snapback]</div> Welcome to PriusChat! I am wondering something though...can you tell me why you bought a Prius?
I chose both conservative and liberal Democrat. On some issues I'm conservative. On some issues I'm liberal.
As a devoted lurker, I try to avoid nonsense threads such as this, but the irony of complaining about "posts used to express not Prius related comments but, political ideologies" by posting a thread about political ideologies is just too much to let pass. And isn't complaining of "the rather harsh tone used in them" in a thread titled "Call to Arms, Is this Prius forum just a mouthpiece for the DNC?" also just a tad hypocritical? <_<
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(claytonroadie @ Jun 2 2006, 10:39 PM) [snapback]265060[/snapback]</div> Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. You belong "down here", claytonroadie