Well, if you're looking for something to read, have nothing better to do and don't mind some coarse language, try: http://www.johnkerryisadouchebagbutimvotin...rhimanyway.com/ That's: John Kerry Is A Douchebag, But I'm Voting for Him Anyway. Dot com. Yeah, you heard me. I couldn't believe it either.
Something else I wanted to mention, that I found interesting, funny, scary and just downright weird. I'm sure everyone's heard about the dustup between Moore and Bradbury over the "use" of his title. Well, there was this spoof about the two titles and how Bradbury was trying to convince Moore to change the title to Celsius 233, only the math actually worked out. Here's the gist of it: -The original Bradbury title was Fahrenheit 451. -Converted to Celsius, that's 233 (rounded up). -Bush was sworn in on January 20, 2001. -233 days after the inauguration would be September 10, 2001. Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor? If you want to check the math yourself (which I encourage everyone to do, since I didn't believe it myself), you can use: http://www.wbuf.noaa.gov/tempfc.htm And use Excel to figure the days. If you have 1/20/01 in one cell (like A1), you can have another cell =A1+233.
:lolup: :lolup: :lolup: :lolup: That's the best URL I've seen since www.welovetheiraqiinformationminister.com :lol:
Now that I've seen the movie, I must agree with Moore's allegation that Americans are stupid and naive. For anyone to take this fiction (not a documentary) as anything other than a money maker for Moore needs to examine how their anger and hate are coloring their perceptions and possibly damaging their psyche. I'm no psychologist, but most of the audience was cheering obvious lies debunked years ago. I agree with Moore that the TSA division of Homeland Security is a joke. It's absurd to think that profiling is so un-PC considering the makeup of the 19 hijackers on 9/11. But, the Secy. of Transportation is a 90's holdover, so it almost makes sense in that context. I also concur that the House of Saud needs a makeover for too many reasons to list here. In these days of highly charged political partisanship honed to art form during the 90's, discourse, civility, reason and debate have been jettisoned in favor of emotions, outbursts, shouting and rage. A quivering voice, a crocodile tear, a bitten lower lip all trump analytical thinking in this Age of Oprah. I realize that political strategies and tactics often depend on divide and conquer. I choose not to participate. I was a lifelong Democrat. For the first time, I'll be voting Republican this Federal cycle. We are in a war for our lives, lifestyles and freedoms. Maybe today's date has something to do with my thoughts. If so, call me sentimental, but there's a reason our Constitution is older than those of France, Germany, Italy and Spain combined. The United States should protect and defend it and us, not the scandal plagued band of dictators called the United Nations. Moore's film highlighted how freedom of speech can be a double-edged sword. I'm sure my change wasn't his intended consequence, but I'm grateful for Moore illustrating the depths he and like-minded hysterics will descend to. For reference, here's a blog detailing 56 lies in the movie. I'm sure some will question the source, it's become the modus operandi to attempt to deflect criticism. As always, my 2¢. I don't care to generate a pissing contest with anyone here. I just wanted to voice my opinion as requested. I had more of a reaction than expected. I understand why it won the Palm D'Or, the French hate us too. I'll find out first hand in my European trip next week. Some of my time will be in France, the rest in Italy. France isn't by choice, I just want to see Lance (hopefully) making history.
Hmmm. A "lifelong Democrat" calls the UN a "scandal plagued band of dictators"? Curious. I've never met a Democrat before that had that attitude about the UN. Generally it's the conservative wing of the Republican party that feels that way.
Amped, pray tell, how is the UN more of a "scandal-plagued band of dictators" than the US? I don't see them using military power or economic clout to cow the rest of the world into doing their bidding. Seriously, you Americans need to get over the American revolution. That was over 200 years ago. YOU are now the world's dominant imperial power - it doesn't make sense for you still to be going on about "freedom". There's no-one around for you to be "free" from. Instead it just gets mutated into lawlessness - the belief that you're "free" to invade other countries just on your President's say-so. Try reading your "declaration of independence". Many of the charges levelled against the British King would fit your government rather well now.
Ouch...looks like this Brit is still not over the revolution. I know national pride is something the the Brits lost 200 years ago, and have since then continued to get kicked out of most of the "colonies" they started. Difference is that we leave. Atoyot
Lets See - Scandal Plagued - That might cover the countries and UN officials who broke their trusts by sucking the money out of the Oil for Food program in return for weapons and luxury goods, all the while decrying how the program was hurting the poor. Band of Dictators - An organization that gives Sudan a seat on the Human Rights Commision, and then re-affirms that seat under the current conditions? Yeah, that seems to qualify. The thing about the UN ranting at anyone is that they have to look so hard to see past the plank in their own eye to find the speck in anyone elses.
Up to 59 now, with some other updates of facts. Neat site, and now I don't have to go and give Moore some of my money. Funny how a film about "truth" could be so far from it. Atoyot
According to the following article, ostensibly Moore doesn't care if you don't pay to see the film: Moore: pirate my film, no problem Fury as Fahrenheit 9/11 director backs illegal not-for-profit downloads By Iain S Bruce, Online Editor Controversial film-maker Michael Moore has welcomed the appearance on the internet of pirated copies of his anti-Bush documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 and claimed he is happy for anybody to download it free of charge. The activist, author and director told the Sunday Herald that, as long as pirated copies of his film were not being sold, he had no problem with it being downloaded. “I don’t agree with the copyright laws and I don’t have a problem with people downloading the movie and sharing it with people as long as they’re not trying to make a profit off my labour. I would oppose that,†he said. “I do well enough already and I made this film because I want the world, to change. The more people who see it the better, so I’m happy this is happening.†Moore’s views have not been well received by Hollywood’s establishment, which is fighting a war against the online pirates it claims cost the industry £1.6 billion a year in lost sales. Link to full article: www.sundayherald.com/43167
There's another article in the Wall Street Journal about profits from Fahrenheit 9/11. Aside from the modest compensation for Moore and the Weinstein brothers, most of the remaining profits are going to a charity of Disney's choice.
But you don't leave. Or at least, your troops don't. You currently have bases in 130 countries in the world, just to make sure they stay in line, and are busy building 14 in Iraq to replace the ones you've lost in Saudi Arabia. Here's an article on the subject. And another "difference". If someone from a former major power (like France or England) mistakenly thinks they're still important, that's sad, but basically harmless. But if a former victim (like the US or Israel) thinks they're still being persecuted despite being the biggest kid on the block, that's dangerous.
I think "bases in 130 countries" is a bit of an exageration. Care to point us to a list of them? I doubt we even have 130 bases outside the US anymore unless you count embassies and detachments at liasion missions that don't really count as bases.
You omitted my "was a" in the "lifelong Democrat" line. There are thousands with a similar story. I tired of the constant embarrassment throughout the 90's that eventually lead to disgust. It cost Democrats the House of Reps, Senate and Presidency, yet I see no lessons learned being applied. Despite the best efforts of the alphabet news agencies here and abroad, polls show that the current strategy for national security is favored by the vast majority of Americans. Does anyone think the U.N. is an institution fostering world peace anymore? Ask Rwandans and Sudanese. The U.N. seems more like a thugocracy dedicated to looting the American taxpayer. Yet Kerry pledges to turn over control of American security to them. Not on my watch. Yes, I was a Democrat in the JFK (the first one) tradition. Today, JFK would be to the right of Bush on almost every issue. What a shame, but these things go in cycles ... I hope.
So you know what JFK would think if he were alive today? Do you also run seances and tell people what their deceased parents and spouses want them to do?
Thanks for illustrating the attitudes pervasive throughout the Democrat party today, and on view in the subject movie. Bend, twist, distort, omit, accuse, obfuscate...and I'm not talking about Michael Moore. But voter's short memories are a Democrat politician's best friend. Bush's tax cuts pale in comparison to Kennedy's, for one. Other interesting contrasts are available for the googling.