I'm new to Prius, coming from a super-polluter Golf TDi. I am awaiting my VW severance check, but picked up a Touring 4 last week. I really like the car and the JBL stereo isn't bad at all, but I have a 6" Bazooka Bass Tube subwoofer I've been using in the VW and was considering putting it in the Toyota. I was wondering if anybody had worked out a stealthy installation, other than strap it down in the hatch and pull the cover or cover it with a beach towel. Any tips on a clean installation? I expect I'd have a pro actually do the wiring. Thanks. This is a very informative forum.
Police have fairly well shut them up here, thankfully. They are REALLY annoying when you suffer from Tinnitus. I have a giggle though - the drivers who drive around with ghetto blasters are the ones who will end up with Tinnitus themselves - but at a much younger age than I got it.
I'm a pianist and Pipe Organist - and had slight tinnitus about age 55. Then had some sort of virus - flu-like, and a lot of stress, which left me with much worse tinnitus, but worse than that, severe vertigo which now is largely under control, but the tinnitus never improved.
Sorry about your difficulties, Alan. Can't go into mine, but suffice to say my hearing aids reduce my tinnitus. Now I need something to reduce the occasional whistling. ROFL!
Yes but it's HEARD. And one of us old cranky guys might call up "Acme" (Wiley Coyote's version of Amazon...) and order up not a Bazooka, but a Hellfire Missile...