Source: New Bill Seeks $5,000 Fine for Rolling Coal » News If passed, a new bill will see drivers who are “rolling coal” fined up to $5,000. Rolling coal, or rollin’ coal, is the act of modifying a diesel vehicle, usually a pickup truck, to spew black smoke and soot. The trend hit the mainstream in the summer of 2014 with numerous viral videos of truck drivers dumping large plumes of black soot on passers by. While the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) already has laws that apply to tampering with a vehicle’s emission controls, Rep. Will Guzzardi from the Illinois General Assembly is proposing a new bill that would directly target coal rollers. Works for me, Bob Wilson
Perhaps the coal rollers can borrow from VW's cheat . . . . or better yet, from MB's diesel cheat. Instead of limiting NOX during warm weather only, perhaps they can create a cheat to limit black smoke to night time only, so it's harder for snitches to get a good camera shot of the violaters. .
I think this would be state by state. It would really be too far for epa's jurisdiction. I've seen diesels smoking in real life, but I've only seen rolling coal on videos. The mods are illegal in texas so it may be less prevelent here. I think they can shut down a mechanic if they do this.
I think it is the state pastime in Utah. People like to chip their trucks to smoke then dial it back to stock for the yearly emissions test.
we don't need new laws. we just need to enforce the existing ones. same with removing cat converters. lots of ricers and ghetto drivers do that and get away with it.
NY Times article about the origins/culture and current state of rolling coal: ‘Rolling Coal’ in Diesel Trucks, to Rebel and Provoke -
This was an interesting comment from a spectator after seeing an emissions compliant diesel at a truck pull. “The air sucks anyway,” said Ben Poncher, who was drinking a beer next to the track. “Smoke’s pretty. I like seeing it.”
Some dumbass must have rolled coal on Will Guzzardi like someone else did to Tim Eustace in New Jersey. How long do we have wait til Rolling steam becomes a trend amongst FCV owners? I wonder if there's a way to roll thunder on BEVs.