Hello. I searched and found a thread on how to disable the horn.. w/ the foot off the brake. stage 1 start, stage 2 start, turn off, press valet button 3x, get 2-chirp confirmation although i got the 2-chirp confirmation, the horn still chirps when I arm/disarm the vehicle. Another thread said to.. w/ the brake pressed, start the car, remove foot from brake, press start again, press valet button 3x and get 2-chirp confirmation. I got the confirmation, but the horn still chirps when I arm/disarm the alarm. Any one have more tips besides taking it to the dealer? Would it cost money to have someone at the dealership disable the chirp but still have the alarm active? TIA
Will the free version work? The subscription is pretty expensive. Hope it works with my cheap eBay obd2 tool. Will give it a shot when we're home. Thanks Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The free version won't work... You'll need the one week pass for $9.99. I can't imagine needing the full subscription. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I dropped by the dealer today and the accessories guy tried the same sequence posted in a few threads here (and the same one I tried), and he was not able to disable the horn either. He is going to look into this further and let me know tomorrow what other things we can try.
This app only lets you disable the BEEP sound which can be done in if you have the Navigation (which i do) Update. KARR is local to us so I e-mailed them and told them what I did as well as the dealer. They said they're not sure why it did not work but they are sending a technician out next week to have a look and take care of it.
UPDATE: KARR's alarm tech came and disabled the horn. They used the same method that can be found here.. IGN-ON IGN-OFF Press Valet button 3x the difference is that the time between ign-off and pressing the valet button 3x, you have to wait 1-3 seconds before pressing it. I was pushing it right away after I turned the car off.