in the touch screen configuration, I had set it to display in Celcius for weather temperature, but ther termpatrue displayed at dash is still in Fahrenheit. I read through manual, but didn't ind what that setting is supposed to change which display. any one know if that is just a setting not being used or I have been looking at wrong places?
Interesting - manual says "Displays the outside temperature within the range of -40°C (-40°F) to 50°C (122°F)". With MPH, MPG etc, it doesn't mention the alternative. Though - not quite relevant - the Australian Manual refers to some non-Australian terminology, particularly calling fuel "Gasoline" - which isn't a term ever used here. Similarly, our bonnet is referred to as a Hood - ie Robin Hood? And "Reversing Lights" are called "Back-up lights" It makes it difficult to find things in the INDEX.
On 4th gen I believe you can't change mph to kph, or vice versa. This seems a major stumble. Emails to Toyota have gotten responses along the lines of "bring along a conversion chart".
I just tried today. it's a simple configuration on the dash display. there is a meter unit option to change between the two
Maybe it is a feature for North America where both could be needed, but I don't seem to have the option. Can you describe where to find it?
Maybe the vehicles that default to mph (and mpg) can be switched to kph, but not the inverse, ie: metric vehicles have no mph option?? I'd love to be proved wrong, it's just this topic came up a few months back, and the consensus was it couldn't be done. Third gen can switch between mph and kph, btw. And at least on my 2010 sans Multi Function Display, there's a physical button, expressly for the switch.
Oh eff: I'm having an Alzheimer's moment, thinking about speed units, mph vs kmh, not the temperature units, Fahrenheit vs Celsius. On 3rd gen the former can be changed, not the latter. And on 4th gen I believe the former (mph/kph) can't be changed? That seems a disaster...
Yes, we've been through this before. Apparently, the conversion button appears only if you also have the option of a heads-up display. To quote the from famous Abbott & Costello routine: "Why?" "I Don't Know."
In the US manual, the discussion of this is on page 140. The PDF version has no qualification, but the printed manual notes that it is not always available. It was a topic of discussion in early August on this thread. It appears after the HUD on/off toggle, so I thought it might possibly be present only when the HUD was present. Others have postulated that it appears on recently constructed cars, but not those from earlier in the run. We don't have a definite resolution.
I was flipping back and forth without HUD on my gen4, so HUD wasn't the deterministic factor on gen3, I have a physical button besides time adjusting buttons to directly swap between the units on gen4 press left button on the right side of your wheel until dash display shifts to select gear icon (at top). you may go through a couple different dash displays such as compass, prius energy flow ...etc before you see some texts along the line of "customize meter units" in the list. push the middle button to select that and you should see something for toggling between the units