Your info says it's a 2004. I suspect if that's true then either there is a broken bit or the door is warped. It's a 12-year-old car. Me? I'd buy a few pieces off of eBay or Amazon....or use the duct tape.
Looks like the left side is off it's support. It's on the bottom left side of the glove can easily slip it back into the support bracket
Second what JC said. Open the glove box, remove the damper on the right hand side and reseat the box on all of the hinges, then close it and see if it looks better. Sorry I don't have a picture for you.
Sometimes I'll accidentally overload mine to find that it won't close easily, then find there's something standing slightly proud and interfering with the way the lower section closes. Re-pack the lower chamber - (works for me every time! - although YMMV)
It's definitely the latch mechanism. I took three screws out of it in an attempt to remove it to diagnose the issue but I can't seem to get it out. After looking at eBay auctions it seems there is a fourth screw behind the silver panel to the left of the glovebox. Anyone know how to remove that?
Follow this video to remove the glovebox. From there you should be able to inspect what is wrong. To me it looks like one of the back tabs somehow came out of where it should be with the way the left side of the box is. (Also good time to change cabin air filter if you need it...)
Yeah it wasn't that. I found a video to remove the stereo/screen in the prius, so here's what I had to do: - Pop out the lower kick panel in the center of the dash, with the cigarette lighter - Pull backwards on the silver trim piece next to the dash screen that has the vent, that whole assembly pops out - This allows access to the fourth screw that holds the glovebox latch assembly onto the dash - The spring on the lower latch assembly was broken in half - I repaired the functionality with a rubber band: This makes the button 'springy' again and releases the latch like it should - I then had to bend the metal u-hook on the glovebox upwards a bit, so it fit into the slot - Glovebox now works perfectly again.
I have a slightly different issue, my glovebox works good, but if I press the lock button too swiftly, the button jumps out and drops to the floor. Some little thing has broken in it, but I can't figure out what or how/where to replace it. 2006 prius. Thanks, Peter Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.