Just posting this as a heads up. The top Glove Box in my Gen 3 is moderately filled. The other day, I got a important receipt and some paperwork I wanted to be sure NOT to lose. I needed it to pick up merchandise in the future. For a pair of glasses. So anyway, I get in my Prius and throw the receipt and paperwork in the glove box, and proceed on with the rest of my day. I get home to unload everything, and pop open the glove box. No receipt. No paperwork. Now...I'm getting old enough that I occasionally question myself. Did I throw the paperwork in with some stuff I bought? I unload everything and look in every bag. Nothing. I search drawers and counters thinking maybe I just subconciously or automatically filed it away. Nothing. I go back to The Prius. Open the glove box, carefully check again. No...Nothing. I actually start to wonder if someone would of possibly broke into my Prius and stolen just my paperwork? But that makes no logical sense. Why would they NOT steal more valuable items? Outside of potential identity theft, stealing a receipt and order for glasses- makes no sense. Finally I reach Occams Razor. I've ruled out every other possibility...well except one. I open and disconnect the glove box, as you would if replacing the cabin air filter. I still see nothing. But then, way in the back, down a vent like section...just the tip of piece of paper. I reach back and carefully pull out the long receipt and the paperwork, which evidently got sucked out of my glove box and behind to the venting. Well...just a warning. The Prius Glove Box can be evil and act with it's own agenda. If it's at all full, it can suck paper behind itself into an alternate and probably evil realm. Requiring retrieval by sticking your hand into darkness. I have since thrown out a few mint containers and some gum. As well as decided I didn't need a few gadgets I was carrying around with me. Thus making the glove compartment emptier and thus deeper...and so hopefully less likely to toss any papers I might file in this area behind it. Seems like a bit of a design flaw that it can happen at all.
I suspect 4 things. My glove box was too full. It angles back when you close it. I had the air conditioning blasting. It's Evil.
The lower box is open on top and indeed angles back when closed, providing an avenue of escape. But in your post you said your "top" box was moderately filled, so my assumption then was that this is the box where the receipt was placed. Maybe that was the reason you did not use the top box and instead placed it in the lower box. Wasn't clear. I was checking airflow differences and observing damper motion once with the lower box removed, car made READY, and the A/C on, and when switching between external vent and internal recirculate things can get a little "windy" right above the open lower glove box. Especially if the fan speed is up there.
No worries. I wonder why there is this assumption that when a machine intelligence approaches sentience it will almost always be evil. The Hollywood effect?
i find the upper box equally evil. just big enough to want to put stuff in there, but no real room to organize anything without it becoming a huge mess. so i installed a shelf in my upper box to at least help organize it a little. was thinking about adding dividers to the lower box, but since I don't use it much haven't gone through the trouble (yet)